Diane D'Angelo


Monrovia, CA

United States

Profile Information:

What is your occupation?
Scopist of 21 years on CATalyst, up to CC16. Trained under Mrs. W-W and Nancy Patterson of Bryan College
What state do you live in?
How did you find out about CSRnation?
Friends-Angela Metz, Melissa Villagran, Renee Pacheco, Denyce Sanders
What is your CSR number if you're a court reporter?
I'm not a court reporter.
If reporter/scopist, what software do you use?
Case CATalyst 16

Comment Wall:

  • April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR

    birth day glitter

  • Christine (Steno Nerd)

  • Sheila Pham

    Not yet. What are your rates and turnaround time for proofing with full audio?
  • Karen Cooper

    Thanks Diane. I will keep your name on hand for future referrals.
  • Lori L. Monroe

    Hey Diane!!! What a coincidink! Mari was in town for a week and just left this morning. She'll get in touch with your via your page when she gets back home. But check out her page too. I have her number somewhere. E-mail me at eagleyesservices@aol.com and I'll send it to you. Hope everything is going well for you. Take care.
  • Jeanne M. Todd

    Diane, Hi!! I've just learned about this website this week, and I'm very much learning my way around it. I can't believe you're here, and it looks like Mari and Lori too. I'd love to connect up with you again.
  • Mari Jusino

    Hey Diane! It's great to hear from you. Can't believe you had a baby!! Hope everything's great with you and your family. Especially hope that all's well with your sister. And, look, Jeanne's doin' a shoutout too! I am most def interested in some extra work. Keep me posted. We'll have to talk ;)
  • Mari Jusino

    Totally fine! I'm still going through emails. Sad, isn't it? You take a week off work and they bombard you with all kinds of stuff. Email me your number at mjusino@ysu.edu. I'll call you.
  • Diane D'Angelo

    Hey, Gal!!! I still remember "gang-related." That was so funny...
    Yep, me and Joe had a boy. He's almost 5 now. Jennie and Sarah are 24 and 20. I bet your kids are all grown too. What's your e-mail address? Mine is diane_dangelo@msn.com. Write me!!!
  • Sandra Mitchell

    HI Diane, I vaguely remember -- but it's probably my bad memory. I just heard from Tami Carlson and I see Kim Thronton and Kathleen Myler once a year. Do you remember them? Well, I've been reporting since 2001. I've been on Eclipse all this time and still like it. Next week I'm taking a LiveNote class -- cross your fingers. I've kind of scared to show my stuff but I feel you have to advance in whatever endeavor you take in life, so here it goes... How long have you been scoping? Do you only scope on Catlyst? I used to use Catalyst in school, but when I passed the CSR, I decided to change.
  • Mari Jusino

    Doin' okay, Diane?  Ha!