Sandi's number is 714-357-8225. She is a great trainer. My numbers are coming up good now. Should have gone and gotten her help years ago. Most things translate well, but sometimes I run into issues. She will refine your dictionary and pull out all unnecessary numbers. Sandi is located in Anaheim, so if you are not close by, I believe you can send her your dictionary and she'll tune it up and send it back, if need be. Let me know how it goes and if you have any further questions.
Jun 16, 2009
Christine Kirley
Sandi's number is 714-357-8225. She is a great trainer. My numbers are coming up good now. Should have gone and gotten her help years ago. Most things translate well, but sometimes I run into issues. She will refine your dictionary and pull out all unnecessary numbers. Sandi is located in Anaheim, so if you are not close by, I believe you can send her your dictionary and she'll tune it up and send it back, if need be. Let me know how it goes and if you have any further questions.
Sep 16, 2009
Christine Kirley
Sep 16, 2009