Hi Jessica,
I'm curious about CRID. How and where can I get more info on it? I currently attend court reporting school in Los Angeles, but I'm very interested in moving to Oahu area. I visited in June and completely fell in love with the island. However, I researched schools there and found none. I'm working on passing my 160wpm at the present time. I'm finishing up my last academic which is Medical. Please let me know how CRID is working for you. :) Thank you.
Thank you so much for your response. I greatly appreciate it. I know what you mean about the slacking part. This is a very difficult career because it's completely based on self-motivation and discipline. And of course, life is too much fun to turn to our machines instead. Don't be so hard on yourself. We all have that same problem. As long as you still enjoy it when you get on the machine, you'll be just fine. Thanks again for responding and all the good info. :)
Hi Jessica,
Thanks for the info on CRID. I appreciate that. You just never know what schools are going to survive in this economy!
I am in Minnesota, STILL! (ick). My husband got laid off from his engineering job and there seems to be no jobs anywhere in that field since alot of building has stopped due to the recession.
How are your classes going? I hope well. Someday I will be out in Hawaii. We are always looking at jobs and houses, but the timing isen't right just yet.
Edith Navas
I'm curious about CRID. How and where can I get more info on it? I currently attend court reporting school in Los Angeles, but I'm very interested in moving to Oahu area. I visited in June and completely fell in love with the island. However, I researched schools there and found none. I'm working on passing my 160wpm at the present time. I'm finishing up my last academic which is Medical. Please let me know how CRID is working for you. :) Thank you.
Dec 9, 2008
Edith Navas
Dec 9, 2008
Thanks for the info on CRID. I appreciate that. You just never know what schools are going to survive in this economy!
I am in Minnesota, STILL! (ick). My husband got laid off from his engineering job and there seems to be no jobs anywhere in that field since alot of building has stopped due to the recession.
How are your classes going? I hope well. Someday I will be out in Hawaii. We are always looking at jobs and houses, but the timing isen't right just yet.
Feb 27, 2009