Sheena Stobaugh


Jennings, OK

United States

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  • Priscilla Gwaltney

    I am looking for a scopist. Are you taking on new clients?? Please email me at if you are interested. Thanks.
  • Donna C Brandt

    Yes, I'm still interested. Can I call you? Or you can call me at 337-896-0012 or 337-258-0552.
  • Pam D. Buckner

    I am currently looking for a scopist because the one I've used for a short time is always too busy to help me. I've received a lot of interest through another Web site, but I like what I've seen you write. I have been amazed at what "scopists" have written to me in letters of interest. I'm on Eclipse and work part time as a freelancer. If you're interested in more work, please write me at