Carol DeBee Martin


Jacksonville, Florida

United States

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  • Sharon Squire

    Hi Carol. My name is Sharon Squire and I'm an online student at the Court Reporting Institute of Dallas. As part of my training, I am required to do a phone interview with an RPR to collect data on the field. I saw your excellent credentials and wanted to ask if you would consent to an interview. The interview takes about a half an hour to complete. My personal email address is if you would like futher information or if you would like to schedule the interview. Thank you!
  • Darlene

    Carol, are you interested in using a scopist? I was a court reporter in Hillsborough County for 22 years. Now I am interested in scoping. Please let me know if you are in need of a scopist.
    Thank you, Darlene
  • Darlene

    Thank you for your reply. I wish there was a way to send an
    email mailing to all StenoCAT reporters on this site.
    Do you know of anyway to do that? Thank you, Darlene