Irene Nakamura


Torrance, CA

United States

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What is your occupation?
Court Reporter
What state do you live in?
How did you find out about CSRnation?
a friend

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  • Edris Lambert

    Hi Irene, guess I should have read further down....if you still have the tripod available, I would be interested...thanks, Edris
  • Edris Lambert

    Yes. Perfect. I just need to figure out when I can get to Torrance....My husband drives a truck, maybe that would be okay for him to pick up from you? I am coming from Whittier....Or, now sure how much it would cost to send. I will call this afternoon after school, about 3:00. Thanks, Edris
  • Edris Lambert

    I am very sorry about not getting back with you until schedule finally permitted me to get my email. Anyway, one of my student friends turned court reporter offered to give me her tripod, so I will not need to buy yours...sorry for the inconvenience and time spent on this matter. Again, thanks for your help. Edris