Carisa C. Grossman

Port Orchard, WA

United States

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  • Holly Hanks

    Hi, Carisa! I'm a Case CATalyst scopist with over 10 years' experience and lots of court work, including coordinating the Supreme Court oral arguments. If you're interested in working together, please e-mail me at Thanks!
  • Nancy Laporte

    Hi Carisa,,

    I have been a freelance court reporter for 35 years.  The last five years of that 35, I served as an official reporter in the 24th JDC for the Parish of Jefferson in Louisiana.  New Orleans has just about every subject a court reporter could come across including maritime, oil and gas, construction.  We have two teaching hospitals here, Tulane University and LSU University, so many of those doctors are used by attorneys from every part of America.  I have been on three class action cases: one was for the breast implants, one was an anti-trust against a drug company and another anti-trust against six of our largest airlines. Obviously I did hundreds of depositions due to Hurricane Katrina, and you name a subject, it was probably litigated.

    We are on the Mississippi River, one of the largest ports, so I have a lot of maritime experience, oil and gas, construction and many depositions have been against large oil companies who are alleged to have known that xylene and toluene were very likely a cause of leukemia. 

    One of our largest industries on the Mississippi River was a plant that made different products that would be used in construction, and they made these using asbestos.  I have taken many asbestos depositions.  Included in that subject, because of our two teaching medical school hospitals, a lot of research on asbestosis and mesolelioma were conducted in those teaching universities.  Many of those men and women involved in all types of medical research related to asbestos who were involved in that research serve as experts in their field by attorneys from across the country.

    I could go on and on, but suffice it to say, I have heard it all and then some, so I don't have a bog down in my turnaround to you because I don't have to spend a lot of time researching words and state-of-the-art terminology.  My personal dictionary is way over 100,000 words.

    If I can ever help you, just let me know.  My name is Nancy Laporte, and I can be reached at my email address  Look forward to hearing from you.

  • Nancy Laporte

    Sorry, *mesothelioma* Carisa