Melissa Hill



United States

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Freelance Court Reporter
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Case CATalyst

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  • Mari

    I know im about a month late in returning a message, i did try it and it seems to be helping some. I just need to keep doing it. Im the type of person who HAS to practice everyday. thanks for the tip.
  • Tami

    Keep up the great advice, Melissa. I read your post over on Marina's page. I, too, made it out in two years by pushing. I don't think there's any such thing as "shattering one's notes."

    When you get down to a slow speed, who can't write clean??

    Mark Kislingbury has been getting the word out. A lot of us already knew this worked. Just nice to have the Guinness World Book Record Holder for speed preaching the same sermon.

    Happy writing short!

  • Jennifer Benci

    Hi Melissa,
    That was great advice you left on my blog. Thank you so much. I can be a very pessimistic person, and I try really hard to be optimistic, but I lose sight of that sometimes. It's true though that the way you think about things has a real effect on your life. Thanks again! Jen