

Honolulu, HI

United States

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  • Amy Seabolt

    you may want to contact that person directly because i don't know if they're notified everytime someone makes a comment on that thread just because they may have posted a reply to it. i think i'm notified everytime someone posts something on it because i started the thread. anyway i asked someone a question by adding to the thread but then i got to thinking what if they're not being notified... they may never look again. i'm not sure how that goes really. amy
  • Sabrina


    I'm sorry that I'm just now responding to you, but Amy Seabolt is right, I wasn't notified of your comment on that thread. Anyway, I can try to tell you a little of what I know. I would suggest, since you have no prior training in using computer-aided transcription software, that you either go to an online school (which I know nothing about any of them and couldn't recommend one over another) or you find someone that can train you on the software, like a trainer for that particular company. It sounds like you have a great background to become a scopist, you just need to master the technical aspects, such as software.

    I will say that the hardest thing for me has been building a client base. Even with my prior background as a reporter and my friends who are reporters, it's been tough. This site will be very beneficial in marketing yourself. There are several other Web sites that I've placed ads on too.

    I'm sorry, but I can't remember the other things you were inquiring about. If you'll send me a message on My Page or to sabrina0909@comcast.net, I'll be happy to answer anything I can for you.

    Good luck to you!
  • Phil Stillerman

    Sorry, I didn't see your post until now. Also, sorry, I can't help, I know next to nothing about scoping. I never used one, and don't use a proofer either. The only help I ever relied upon was when I dictated hearings for a typist (that was in the dark ages of pre-CAT).

    By the way, my son and now-daughter-in-law met at the U of Hawaii, both finishing up their Ph.D.s They loved it there, but have settled in the Los Angeles area. They went back to Hawaii for him to propose on the site of their first "date" which was a walk in the "wilds" or Hawaii.