Leslie Rockwood


Sausalito, CA

United States

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  • Tina Givens


    Yes, I am a convert. I simply cannot write on my Stentura anymore without feeling as if I am writing in concrete. I've had no issues with hand/arm pain, but right now I am a part-timer so not writing that many pages anyway. Have you spoken with Jenny Griffin? She was using the LS for a while and felt it was having a negative impact on her thumbs.

    Greta Duckett has different config files uploaded to a website for experimenting. I can send you mine if you'd like. It's taken me a while, been on the LS 18 months now, but my translation is very good now. Don't mean to scare you that it took 18 months to get there, but each update of the software brings more improvement.

    Here's the link to Greta's blog http://myredlightspeed.blogspot.com/

    You can find the config files there. My current one is not uploaded, so email me at tmgscoping@charter.net and I'll send it along. Did you read the LS section on depoman? It's a goldmine of information.
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Hi leslie,

    here are some links in case you like to read a bit about your new writer and what other reporters think.

    and here is Greta Duckett from Stenovations page, there are some interesting comments there.


    Good luck!
  • Jill Moyle

    Hey, Leslie. I'm a reporter in Houston and am looking for a scopist. I saw you posted on a scopist's page about doing some work for you and was wondering if you could tell me if she did a good job. I don't want to put her name here, so if you have a chance, please e-mail and I'll give it to you. My e-mail address is jill.moyle@gmail.com. Thanks!