Michelle DeSanti


Royal Palm Beach, Florida

United States

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  • Brenda Rogers

    There are several people using both a netbook and the LS at depositions. My Asus is . . . a PITA and is back at ASUS for service again. I haven't heard anyone having so many issues, so I'm sure I got a lemon.

    I think upgrading the RAM to 2GB on the netbook if you're using Eclipse or CC is a very good idea. DigitalCAT seems to handle 1GB just fine.
  • Brenda Rogers

    Thanks! :)
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Hello Michelle,
    Definitely join the Ft. Lauderdale group, 50 miles is not that much.
    We are trying not to saturate this feature by adding too many groups (cites).
    For example, the Bay Area group covers cites in 100 mile distance.

    Make sure you join, it will take some time.. but it will get busy with time, like california.

    Please let me know if you have any other concerns.
    Thanks so much!