

Sugar Land, TX

United States

Profile Information:

What is your occupation?
I am a scopist and videographer.
What state do you live in?
How did you find out about CSRnation?
What is your CSR number if you're a court reporter?
If reporter/scopist, what software do you use?
ProCAT, Eclipse

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  • Jill Moyle

    Hey, Ciara.  There was a scopist on Triple Threat Scoping Job Board on Facebook whose reporter has so much work that she needs a second scopist on ProCAT. The scopist's name was Nancy Munson Roy, and her email is

  • Lisa Berryhill

    You too! I really appreciate all your help with the computer stuff. I'll definitely call you as soon as things pick up.

  • Jill Moyle

    Sure.  If you're on Facebook, there's a few groups where people post for scopists.  Triple Threat is one.  Court Reporter/Scopist Connection (or something like that) is another. If ProCAT has a FB page, you can probably post on there too or see if someone is looking for a scopist.  Good luck!