Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

Boulder Creek, CA

United States

Profile Information:

What is your occupation?
Freelance Realtime Deposition Reporter
What state do you live in?
How did you find out about CSRnation?
Court Reporter Friends
What is your CSR number if you're a court reporter?
If reporter/scopist, what software do you use?

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  • Julie Samford

    Congrats on being the newest Eclipse trainer! Woohoo!
  • Janet

    Congratulations! Don't you just love Eclipse? I surely do. Great picture of your desk -- somehow I felt right at home. :)

  • Julie Samford

    You scope using Dragon??? That is very interesting! I hope you enjoy training. Let me know if you need anything at all!
  • Janet

    I still have the LS. The Diamante does a bit of word flipping, I do and do I, were you, you were. Similar to the Mira, but it doesn't happen as often. I did try the Grand in D.C., but I fell for the Diamante. I don't think there's a perfect machine -- yet, anyway. I hope some day Advantage will improve their writer to the point I love it as much as I love their software.

    Have a great day! It's beautiful here today, may reach 70. Last weekend it snowed.

  • Tina Givens

    Woohoo, authorized Eclipse trainer lady!!! Now that you're official does that mean my days of free expert advice are over?? I guess you'll have to start a tab for me, because you know I always need help!!

    I am multitasking to the highest degree today. Playing nursemaid to the kids while cranking out the trpts. Not exactly the ideal working conditions, lol!
  • Tami

    Good for you!! About time you get paid for all that great knowledge you possess!!!
  • Betty

    Hi Jenny,
    Thanks so much for the birthday wishes.

    Congratulations on your Eclipse trainer status now.

    Have a wonderful weekend.
  • Carolyn

    WOW!! very cool!! I'm slammed. back at you later. PROUD OF YOU.

    doing great with my accuracy now on my grand. much happier with it.

  • Carolyn

    PS I'm pretty much well now. we have football "away" today. getting ready to leave. georgrous weather. enjoying your slide show. one of these days maybe I'll get some pics up.

  • Tina Givens

    Love the crayola rainbow on my page. You know, I still LOVE to color. Very relaxing!
  • Elise Nock

    okay, I give up. i was trying to be slick and put in a clever "thank you" little clip art. . . you know you're so clever, you always send me somehting, but i can't get anything to download! what's your secret of putting in images w/ messages?
  • Rebecca Callow

    Hi, again, got too busy to respond right away, but I'm back now. I've got a minute before I start my Verizon patent infringement case again. Yaaaay. It's a big onsite and streaming RT streaming job going for four days next week. Now, THIS type of job is the reason I'm back to freelancing!

    I know what you mean about clearing your calendar for RT. Just keep plugging away little by little 'cuz I don't think you're gonna get that desired block of time. I plugged away for over 10 years and finally got there. Even though it took forever, it was worth the trip! Once you're ready to hit the trenches and you let the powers that be know that, I think the RT work will come flying out of the woodwork.

    Those public hearings had me a little leery too, but I attended my first Administrative Law Hearing before the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality this past week and was pleasantly surprised. It's conducted just like regular court. The firm that I am contracting with for this type of work is top notch. They have been doing these hearings for 30+ years and they have it down to a science. Before the hearing, they armed me with a huge word list, a seating chart, ALL the exhibits were accessible, direct audio feed to the built-in sound system was available. One of the other reporters even went over to the hearing room with me to show me around and help get me set up. There was absolutely NO guesswork on my part. I was very pleased.

    I was one of four reporters on a hearing that lasted about seven days. We will create basically one continuous transcript of many volumes that includes one table of contents and one exhibit index. VERY organized. It's great because they are all on Eclipse and everything is reciprocal.

    When the daily copy starts in December, if I can "cut the mustard" so to speak, I will be able to get in on a really great gig.

    On another note, yoga is going well. I go for teacher training every other weekend, Sat and Sun, from 12-6. I am learning a lot. I was doing a lot of walking there for a while, and then it got so gosh-darn hot around here, it was unbearable to be outside for more than a few minutes so I had to stop. It's back to the 80s again, which is just puuuuurfect for me. I'm gonna get back out there. Nothing makes me feel better than a good walk in the fresh air! Especially after yoga!

    Glad to hear you guys have been busy too! It's always nice, especially in this feast-or-famine business. I'm sure there will be plenty to do in November. Everyone likes to crunch it all in right before Christmas.
  • Tina Givens

    Hope you've been having some fun today. See that Diamante for sale here and on DMan???

    This is why I love you -- never letting me lose my focus.

    Actually, I was just on DMan trying to compose a classified ad. Since I agonize over wording, it will take me forever. Maybe I should just throw something out there and see what happens!

    Practicing today with my Stentura and getting myself ready for the RMR/CRR. Two weeks and counting!!!!
  • Tina Givens

    Thanks for the Buttercup, Buttercup!
  • Brenda Rogers

  • Betty

    Happy birthday to you, Jenny!!!!
    Have a great one.
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Happy Birthday? did I miss it?
    Whats going on? was it yesterday?

    Happy birthday!
  • Brenda Rogers

    It's today, Monti. I just posted the sparkly before I went to bed so she'd get it early.
  • Tina Givens

    Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Tami

  • Susan Swanson

    Hi Jenny,

    Yes, I'm still happy with my LS. There are actually a couple of students who are contemplating getting LS. I will let them both know about this one that's for sale.

    Well, it's good that you're busy! Still plugging along on that 160. I have made progress at least, just not passing any tests right now.

    And a belated "Happy Birthday" to you!
  • Tami

  • Brenda Rogers

  • Tami

    I did see it. I expect one from Lisa when I become a macro maven -- in a few years. :)
  • April Floyd

    I loved your pumpkins and all of the nice birthday wishes you got!
  • Stacy Tegner

    You're so welcome! Thank you for the great Halloween wishes ~ it was a fun night ~ my girls, as always, had a blast. they love Halloween:) I'm so glad to hear you're slammed right now! I am too, and ironically was just thinking that I should maybe try using a scopist ~ I never have, but do feel buried right now. So I need to ask you instead for recommendations:) Did you get a new email?? I don't think that's the one I have for you ~ I'll check. So I'm sharing an arbitration with another reporter ~ we started last week and it is continuing this week. I'm still not sure whether they'll want it transcribed, so I may not be as slammed as I think I am (I'm actually hoping they don't transcribe ~ at least not yet!!) Enjoy your Sunday ~ I'm off to the softball fields for my daughter's tournament!
  • April Floyd

    Great Happy Halloween glitter! Also, thanks for your Happy Tuesday! I just saw it! Very cheerful1!

    I'm going to drive all the way down the hill to this women's gym where, for $10, I'll ride the stationary bike for all of 10 minutes and then come back home!

    I called Carol yesterday and she called me back last night. I'll call her again at 10:00 and set something up for tomorrow, hopefully.
  • April Floyd

    I do get an e-mail when someone leaves a comment. I must have deleted it, thinking it was a job posting or something.

    I love your little girl peddling on a bike! I had the setting on the absolute lowest it could be, and it was still hard for me! No muscles! But 10 minutes is longer than the five minutes I started with!
  • April Floyd

    Read what I wrote on Stacy Tegner's site!
  • Stacey Dee Sandoval

    I wish I could help you! I am so slammed right now. I'm sorry. :(
  • Tim Floury

    Yeah, I finally got around to adding some pictures. I have been totally swamped since our vacation. We are unusually chilly for this time of year. I'm not even sure the high hit 50 today. Spent the day with my wife taking down all the Halloween decorations outside and raking all the leaves. We have a maple in the front yard that drops its leaves all at the same time.

    Finally got around to transcripts after dinner and then stopped to watch The Amazing Race.

    Hope you're doing well. Talk to you soon.

  • Tim Floury

    Hey, Jenny, I didn't know you were an authorized trainer. Congrats!

    Now I know who to ask all my questions to. Just kidding.

  • Susan Swanson

    Hi Jenny,

    For some reason I cannot get that link for Tina's LS to come up for me. Can you tell me how much is she selling it for? And also what color is this one?

  • Tina Givens

    Thanks for the thoughts, Jenny. However, I am not dancing. The CRR was tough. Flubbed it in the beginning and didn't recover well. I'm boderline on the RMR. I transcribed, but probably too many little drops. It will be close.

    Today I wallow and then I regroup. I am NOT going to be a repeat test-taker. I refuse to keep putting myself through this. Gotta figure out a way to pass once and for all.

    More later.... I'm spent!
  • Stephanie P Borthwick

    Hi, Jenny. Just wanted to let you know I found a Toshiba netbook on Amazon that uses Bluetooth. This means we should be able to hook up wirelessly from our Geminis to it. I'm thinking I'm going to order a couple and load Bridge on them and take them to depos for attys to play with. Free teaser and then get them hooked on realtime crack! Here's a link if you want to take a look. I'll let you know how it works out.
  • Stephanie P Borthwick

    Forgot to say, love your cat!
  • Elise Nock

    omg!! well, I don't have to tell you that you need to rest your hands. i'm glad it's over, thank God. Listen, had a no show today, that hasn't happened in a while. It's no biggie, it was a WC, so I guess if I was going to have one, that would be the depo to give up. I have one tom at 11 and it is suppose to go at least 3 hrs, so we'll see. it's been bad though, I will say. But I am trying to take the good with the bad! The last two months were unbelievably busy, and I know it can't be that way all the time, so I am glad that I can take a breather! Okay, well, I'll be in touch. email me with your schedule for the wk, okay! talk later girlie!
  • Stacy Tegner

    Hmm, Jenny ~ I unchecked mine and haven't noticed anything different. What's it supposed to do? I did the whole arbitration with it unchecked. I just unchecked it because you unchecked it and I want to be like you :)) I don't really understand it!! I'm glad you're getting a break ~ I need to finish about 150 pages of this arb. (I send 400+out to be scoped!) and then I can just rest and proofread!! Rest your hands and eat some yummy sweets ~ you deserve it!!
  • Brenda Rogers

    Great picture! I did. Fast depo, 4 attys splitting costs of the app and transcripts all around. AND the Eugene attorney asked if I'd travel to Coos Bay (3-4 hrs away) for all-day jobs. This was before we even started. My client says this guy is really good and gets involved in bigger cases.

    He said he'd make sure they were long enough jobs to make it worth my while. You betcha I'll go down to Coos Bay!
  • Keith Rowan II

    Thanks a bunch, Jenny. :)

    Hope all is well with you out in the crazy depo world!
  • Jason Pardikes

    Just saying hello.

  • Janice McMoran

    Thanks, Jenny!!!
  • Joe Armstrong

    Jenny, will do. Hang in there! I'm relatively new to CSRnation, so if I miss a message, I promise I'm not ignoring you or anyone. I'm still trying to figure it all out. I, too, need to stay away from forums for a bit to get some work done, but...but... they're just so addicting!!! Take care.
  • Rhoda Collins

    How are things going? I am slow this week, but have been VERY busy since August so kinda enjoying my week 'off', lol. How is the Gemini working? I did a two-day jury trial, the first day was 8am to 5pm and LOVED having my machine!! a 1/2hr lunch too, lol.
  • Tanya Klein

    Hi Jennie, I don' know if i have written to you yet so forgive me if i did. I just rented the revloution and have been using it all week. i like it very much and definitely don't have all the pain i had before but my untranslate rate is up. How long did it take you to get back up to your regular speed? (i am a student who was close to 100 words a minute and now i am doing about 70). Also, did you have your machine adjusted to a heavier touch or did you keep it at the lightest touch? thanks. t. klein
  • Elise Nock

    here there, I put up a blog and I need an opinion from you on it. I think you have an Acer mini notebook. any opinions, my good friend, Jenny?
  • Betty Holder

    You are such a delight. Thank you for sharing all your great information!
    P.S. I accidentally posted on my page my comment to you. Duh.
  • Betty Holder

    Your tip worked like a charm! Thanks!
  • Tim Floury


    Thank you so much for the holiday wishes! Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you to wish you the same. We've had friends and relatives in for the last week and cooked lots of family dinners and such. It was really great.

    Hope yours was as wonderful and that you got everything that you wished for.

  • Dale

    Happy New Year, Jenny !