Matthew B. Miller


Fresno, CA

United States

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  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    You can also join the Videographer group and you will get email blasts about work.  That is free.
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Hello, Matt

    Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner but I've been out of the country on vacation.  Anyway, hit on the "Cover Depos" tab at the top of the main page.  A map will appear with red dots all over it.  At the bottom of the map is a red dot for videographers for all over the country.  Hit on that red dot, hit the tab to join the group.  When you do that a tab will appear to send a message to the group.  You can send a message to all vids in that group letting them know where you need a videographer and don't forget your contact info so they can get ahold of you.

  • Kristina Delatorre

    Hi Matt,

    Thanks for your information, and I'll be sure to call on you for any of my videography needs.  thanks for responding and have a nice day.

    Kristina Delatorre