Ellen Reeves

Jacksonville, FL

United States

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  • Christine (Steno Nerd)

    Hi, Ellen!

    Thanks for the friend add and for checking out my blog -- stenonerd.blogspot.com -- when you get a chance.

    Hope you're having a good Monday! :)

    Talk to you later,
  • Christine (Steno Nerd)

    Hi, Ellen!

    Thanks for checking out stenonerd.blogspot.com and all the nice words you said about it. :) I like maintaining the blog and knowing that it's somewhat useful for others out there! :)

    Honestly, I don't even know what theory I learned anymore! HAHAHA! Is that bad?! :P I went to Bryan College in Los Angeles... and I believe they have their own theory? I don't know... :P But I have some briefs from the StenEd Theory, and I'm also trying to learn some great brief phrases from the MagnumSteno Theory.

    I recommend going to magnumsteno.com and checking it out for yourself. I've heard nothing but GREAT THINGS about Mark K's theory. Also, check out the Magnum Steno Group here on CSR Nation and also the Brief Club Group here on CSR Nation -- all great resources at your fingertips thanks to the Internet and this awesome website! Thank you, Monti & Kelli! :)

    Hope all that info helps! Have a great weekend!

  • Christine (Steno Nerd)

    Oh, and about my hands... thank GOD they haven't been bothering me since that CT scare in June 2009! I've been extra cautious with the way I sit, type, etc. I even use wrist guards at work and won't work without them! PREVENTATIVE MEASURES! Seems to be working, thankfully!

    I'm glad that you're doing A-OK with your hands, too! We gotta take really good care of these puppies! Hehehe.

    Have a great weekend! :)
