Leslie L. White


Sherman Oaks, CA

United States

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  • Dale

    Hellow Leslie:
    I am just starting out, most of the way t hrough the schooling, etc, at 140+ after 15 months on the program.
    I have the student's version of Stenovations, but not sure how to proceed with it, as our steno school here doesn't delve into the software part of it until you are almost at the finish of the program,, which I think is a big mistake. How did you adapt from BC (before computer age) to the 1992 or so introduction of software? My readback from notes is good; I'm just hoping that all the software entries I learn to input to my laptop or desktop work out like I want them to, cutting editing time, etc.
    Anyway, its a pleasure being able to contact veteran court reporters like yourself, you are a wealth of information. Nice photograph, too!
    thanks again
    Utica/rochester, Michigan
  • Marla Sharp

    Hey, Leslie. Good to hear from you. You've got a great idea about available reporters posting somewhere when they're available for work. I'll mention it to Monti. He's the creator/administrator of this site. I know how you feel. I had five jobs cancel last week. Luckily I picked up a couple of others. It's like we're slow AND we've got cancellitis. Ugh.
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Leslie, hit on "Settings" in the upper right box and then hit on Email and then uncheck the box "email from one of my groups."  Either that or go to the specific group and exit from the group.