What's up, girl?? I love this web site (if that's even the right word for it)! Hope you're doing well. Well, since you're freelancing for a couple different agencies, would you be available if we ever needed you? (my agency Regal)? We've had a few I.E. ones lately, and it would be nice to have you on our list. I could send you a packet if you want. E-mail your info to info@regalcourtreporting.com if you want us to send you a packet. Hope to talk to you soon!
Stephanie Leslie
What's up, girl?? I love this web site (if that's even the right word for it)! Hope you're doing well. Well, since you're freelancing for a couple different agencies, would you be available if we ever needed you? (my agency Regal)? We've had a few I.E. ones lately, and it would be nice to have you on our list. I could send you a packet if you want. E-mail your info to info@regalcourtreporting.com if you want us to send you a packet. Hope to talk to you soon!
Jan 13, 2008
Carlos R. Hicho
Jan 28, 2008
Patricia Y. Schuler
Dec 16, 2008