Lorrie L. Marchant



United States

Profile Information:

What is your occupation?
Freelance stenographic real-time deposition/arbitration reporter
What state do you live in?
How did you find out about CSRnation?
What is your CSR number if you're a court reporter?
If reporter/scopist, what software do you use?

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  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    The writer is officially called the Revolution Grand, which is very confusing! I upgraded from the Gemini Piper. It's the split keyboard writer. Here are a few threads:



    I believe Trina just tried one out, but I haven't heard the latest from her. If I learn anything, I'll report back. I really like mine. Had another CPA depo yesterday, and aside from a bit of stacking, it was great. I'm using Eclipse ediitng macros now throughout the whole job from the writer. Are you into that???

    Hope you really did get a rest and/or some extra fun yesterday!
  • Christine (Steno Nerd)

    Hi, Lorrie.

    I'm sure you'll ace the RMR exam! When is it BTW?

    Also, thanks for being so nice to give an open invite to ask you any questions via email! I really appreciate it... and just might take you up on your offer! ;)

    Have a great weekend! TGIF!

  • Monyeen Black

    now that CSRnation is back, I'm ready to post more.  yippee