Deidre Bonnette


St. Matthews

United States

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  • Sue @ The Brief Zone

    Hi Deidre, check out The Brief Zone !
    Great Drilling Material For Any Steno Theory...
  • Christine (Steno Nerd)

  • Christine (Steno Nerd)

    Hi, Deidre!

    I see you're a student... so am I! I've been in school for a while, and I'm working to get out of my 140s. I went part-time at nights for a few years just to do the academic portion. I'm finally done with all those classes -- Medical, Legal, and English. Now, I only have the Transcript Prep class to pass in terms of an academic or non-machine class.

    How is your school in terms of machine and academic class? That's great that you're already in 180s after 3 years of school! Because I've heard some students can get stuck on a certain speed group for YEARS! So CONGRATULATIONS to you! You're almost out of there! :)

    Hope you have a wonderful birthday, Deidre, and hope to talk to you soon!

    Take care,