Imagine Reporting


San Diego

United States

Profile Information:

What is your occupation?
Court Reporter / Agency Owner
What state do you live in?
How did you find out about CSRnation?
What is your CSR number if you're a court reporter?
If reporter/scopist, what software do you use?

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  • Barbara Sherburne

    Hi, Nic. I see you have gotten lots of responses. I have been scoping and proofreading for 23 years. I am not on Eclipse, but I am sent transcripts through email via ASCIIs and then I create an errata sheet with page and line numbers and part of the text and what the changes are that I suggest. My turnaround time is often the same day if I am not too tied up, but I am pretty speedy. I am currently charging 30 cents a page for proofreading. I have an extremely varied background in many fields, which at times is quite invaluable in this line of work. I can be reached at I am living in Wallingford, Connecticut. Barbara Sherburne
  • Randy Renier Espinoza

    I offer high-quality proofreading services at very cost-effective rates. Hardworking and dependable, I can deliver jobs within 1-3 days depending on the turnaround requested. Since I value my clients, I usually work weekends to meet their deadlines. Working via e-mail, I receive jobs in ASCII, Text, or MS Word format and submit an errata sheet containing the errors noted and the corresponding corrections. I check my e-mails regularly and can be contacted anytime to respond to any questions and concerns you may have.

    A seasoned proofreader, scopist, transcriptionist, and scoping/proofreading trainer, I was enrolled in the Internet Scoping School in the summer of 2005 and successfully finished its scopist training. I have strong English and research skills and have done jobs on almost all subjects: depositions, trials, arbitrations, jury selection, voir dire, expert testimony, technical, medical, chemical, construction defect, workers’ compensation, fender bender, slip and fall, FMLA, among others. References that I use and rely on, in addition to online research sites, include Morson’s English Guide for Court Reporters and The Gregg Reference Manual.

    Should you decide to try my services, kindly send in a transcript via e-mail and I will proofread the first 25 pages without charge so you can assess the quality of my work. For the first 1 week of engagement, I offer 50% discount on my services.

    If you want to know more about my credentials and my rates, kindly e-mail me at Thank you.
  • Derek Hoagland

    Hey Nic!

    I hope your new business is doing well. I am starting to finally make a living out in SLO. I saw pictures of your daughter in her new hakama at the dojo also. Hopefully I'll be down again around Christmas time.

    See you then!
