Have you gone through the 4th Tutor yet? I really recommend it. Don't worry about any of those editing macros I've done. They're extras. I always tell people new to Eclipse to learn hyperkeys, print out the hyperkey chart, and go through the 4th Tutor.
Oh, I agree. Skip anything that doesn't relate to scoping! You know, sometime in the past I had trouble with the visualizers too. Call support. It should work!
Debra, before you know it, without any warning, you will be swamped. That's the way it is in this industry: feast or famine. November of last year, I was dead in the water, praying that my phone would ring. This year, my platter is full. It would be cool if there was a way to regulate jobs. I hope as many pages as you so desire do come your way soon. :-)
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Have fun!
Sep 27, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Sep 27, 2009
Jennie Ann
Oct 19, 2009