Hey, Steph...My niece just got me hooked on social networking so I went back to CSR Nation for a view at their updated FB-like format. It's nice! Have some down-time (seems to be the norm these days) and I'm surfing the Net for some entertainment...now I'm hungry and going to lunch. Take care!!
I am an Eclipse Scopist looking to establish a good working relationship with an experienced reporter. I would appreciate it if you gave me the opportunity. Thanks!
Janet Mansfield
Where the H' have you been chil'? Wataway to commune wicha fella employeez, huh? Hope yo' be livin sucka free, yo! Catcha on the rebound. JayEm
Jan 17, 2009
Debra Flamer
Oct 21, 2009
Wade Burghoffer
I am an Eclipse Scopist looking to establish a good working relationship with an experienced reporter. I would appreciate it if you gave me the opportunity. Thanks!
Jan 7, 2010