HELP! I'm preparing for a daily arbitration the next three days, and my scopist's computer died (while we were trying to figure out how work BoxCloud for file-sharing if you have any such experience.)
I'm hoping to find several scopists to help so as not to overwhelm one person at the last minute with what is supposed to be a WICKED hard arb ---
thanks for getting back to ASAP with your offer of help!
Gail Inghram Verbano
I'm hoping to find several scopists to help so as not to overwhelm one person at the last minute with what is supposed to be a WICKED hard arb ---
thanks for getting back to ASAP with your offer of help!
Gail Verbano, RMR, CLR, CSR
Aug 26, 2008
Gail Inghram Verbano
Aug 26, 2008
Kelli Combs (admin)
Apr 4, 2009