Kelly Farrell

Phelan, CA

United States

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  • April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR

    Hi Kelly! Yes, migraine gone. Now I'm just dealing w/exhaustion. Got home last night. It was great meeting you. Here's the name of the nasal spray migraine med I was talking about: Migranal 4 mg.
    Off to catch up/go thru w/ 4 days of mail . . .
    Take care,
  • Laura Tirronen, RPR/RMR

    I sent you an e-mail.

    ~ Laura Tirronen

  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Kelly, There is a group here now called "Have You Ever Heard Of....." that all inquiries of agencies go out of. Please ask your question there or send out an email blast to the group with your email to get a faster response. Posting here will not get you any answers.