December 2008 Blog Posts (25)

Ordering the Video without the transcript

I'd be interested in some feedback as I have a new 'first'....which was ordering a copy of the videotape and not the transcript. Is there a custom and practice regarding just selling someone a copy of the video? I suppose I could make it the cost of the actual transcript but.....

Added by Debbie Landi on December 10, 2008 at 11:39 — 1 Comment

Today I was tortured

By an attorney who kept mouthing "mark that" at me. I mean, seriously just mouthed it at me. Then he wanted to go back over the record w/the witness where he said mark that.

So he would have me find the place where he said mark that. Then he would tell me to read the question and answer. Then he would give a dissertation on the question and answer and then make me re-read it several times. This was his method of "coaching" or "preparing" the witness for their… Continue

Added by Kyung on December 9, 2008 at 21:49 — 3 Comments

Don't you wish . . .

So I'm taking this deposition. And I've been on it for several days now. Enough to get familiar w/most of the names. And we've had about three or four different witnesses.

So when they're asking this witness questions about the various people who they work with, and they say a first name but they can't remember the last name, don't you wish you could tell them when they're obviously struggling to find the last name?

Or you know when you know the answer to a question bec.… Continue

Added by Kyung on December 8, 2008 at 5:42 — 5 Comments

Court reporters who want to be mommies

Well, here are some fun facts for the court reporters out there who want to be mommies and still be court reporters. YOU CAN DO IT.

This is a great job for those of you who want to have kids and want to be court reporters. This job is very flexible. You'll be able to take time off for field trips. But there are a lot of adjustments to make and it won't be easy. Oh, no.

Pregnancy - The fluid volume of your body will double or triple. I forget which. Doesn't matter.… Continue

Added by Kyung on December 2, 2008 at 20:17 — 7 Comments

Music, music everywhere. and not just in my head.

Have you heard of It's a way to listen to music on your laptop that you don't have to upload. Whoo-hoo.

I would love to be able to get a Pandora widget onto my page, but have been unable to figure it out. (Hint!! Hint!! Monti)

I love it bec. you type in songs and artists that you like. And then it will take your preferences for a base, and it will play music from artists who have similar styles.

I listen to it when I'm proofing. Check it… Continue

Added by Kyung on December 1, 2008 at 10:30 — 3 Comments

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