Kyung's Blog – October 2008 Archive (7)

Halloween Fears - not related to court reporting

Well, it's Halloween. I usually try not to take jobs around holidays. Why? If you've visited my page, you know I have a little girl. And Halloween is one of those days you kind of have to knock off early, pick your kid up from school, caregiver, whoever and take them trick-or-treating. If I take a job, it's usually the attorney who doesn't have a kid (bec. the one's with kids have the same problems I do & they need to go home & take their kid out) and they go on forever. There's no… Continue

Added by Kyung on October 31, 2008 at 6:00 — 8 Comments


Well, working in the Federal court is definitely a government job. Lots of paperwork.

Have you guys ever watched Office Space? Well, I feel like I spent my day doing TPS reports. Whoo-hooo.

I had to fill out the G-46 and G-11 because I screwed up filling out the G-46. In order to get paid for the criminal appeal transcript, I have to fill out the CJA-24.

And, yeah, by the way, all the forms are online. Nope. They're not. And if they are, there's no directions on… Continue

Added by Kyung on October 27, 2008 at 14:30 — 6 Comments

Show me the money!!!!

Okay. If you're trying to hide your head in the sand and say the economy is great and you're doing just as much business this year as last year. That's awesome for you. Maybe you're doing more. Good for you!! Stop being so selfish and share the wealth. Send me a job already.

However, my gut feeling is that reporters are seeing more cancellations, more settlements just before you get the transcript in. Insurance agencies are telling the attorney, hold off on that depo, settle that… Continue

Added by Kyung on October 25, 2008 at 9:40 — 14 Comments

Where's Jack? Daniel, that is.

A few months ago I wrote about a new court reporting school that is opening up in the West Los Angeles area.

Here is a brochure with some pricing.

I think many of you know Jack and were wondering where she was after she got bought out by Gallo.

An official Jack Daniel sighting here.

PCRC Catalog[1].pdf

Added by Kyung on October 17, 2008 at 6:04 — 7 Comments

Attorneys are psychic

I swear attorneys can smell when you're going on vacation. They immediately expedite any and all transcripts. It's gotten to the point that the week before I go on vacation, I always ask the agency to see if they can find out if the attorney is going to want an expedite.

You'd think you could take a couple of days the week before and send the transcript off to the scopist and work on it when you get back. Especially if you're only taking a week. I mean, you've technically got two… Continue

Added by Kyung on October 15, 2008 at 19:21 — 1 Comment

Hey, it's slow out there and I don't have transcripts.

Got you!!! You thought this was going to be another, oh, no, the economy is in the dumps story or I need work story. Nope. I want to be more positive than that.

It is slow out there. I don't know why. I don't know when it's going to pick up. Probably right around the holidays when you are buried under festive events that you have to go to or make huge meals for.

But in the meantime, you're wondering, what do I do? Enjoy your time off. Go catch a movie. Get your Christmas… Continue

Added by Kyung on October 14, 2008 at 7:00 — 3 Comments

Scary day on the job

So I'm in court. You may not know this, but unlike Superior Court, Federal Court does not have bailiffs or deputies in the courtroom.

So I'm writing away. We're doing calendar stuff. We're on the record. The clerk is reading off the case number and the attorneys are about to come up to introduce themselves. And I'm concentrating for all I'm worth bec. usually this is probably the only time that the attorneys will introduce themselves and you will have no way of knowing who is who… Continue

Added by Kyung on October 7, 2008 at 6:30 — 1 Comment

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