Bill Parsons's Blog – June 2009 Archive (4)

How do you explain to a lawyer accusing you of double-dipping for charging for additional copies of transcript already prepared?

A friend of mine sold transcripts of a case to all the parties involved in the case.

Then one lawyer came back and said I need another 2 copies, one of which has to be sealed for presentation to the court.

The friend set a very fair price for the additional transcripts, and the lawyer has accused my friend of double-dipping and charging twice for the transcript.

Has anyone got any good standard responses to the lawyer to explain that my friend is not… Continue

Added by Bill Parsons on June 9, 2009 at 9:01 — 6 Comments

Useful information for those assessing NCRA's business acumen, if any

Conservatively NCRA has cumulatively lost over $2,000,000 during the last 16 years.

During those 16 years JCR Court Reporter Listing advertisers have cancelled their ads by the dozens because of their great dissatisfaction with with the policy of the NCRA board of directors and NCRA staff in listing the Court Reporter Listings in NO order.

NOTE: The ads are listed by seniority which is equivalent of listing the ads in NO order.

As of the May issue of JCR 94 ads… Continue

Added by Bill Parsons on June 4, 2009 at 4:33 — No Comments

NCRA Board and staff give $3,200 yearly JCR ad discounts to two big firms

NCRA members should be aware that the NCRA board of directors and staff give a yearly JCR ad price discount of $1,600 each to McCorkle Court Reporters, Inc. and Gore Brothers.

McCorkle Court Reporters, Inc. and Gore Brothers each buy double JCR Court Reporter Listing ads so they have a 1/6 page ad in the JCR Court Reporter Listing ad section.

I have the May 2009 display advertising rates in front of me, and a 10-time 1/6 page JCR display ad sells for $360 per… Continue

Added by Bill Parsons on June 1, 2009 at 7:00 — 1 Comment

Merrill Corporation buys a dozen ads at far below the going market rate in JCR Court Reporting Listings

Just thought it might be of interest to forum readers that Merrill Corporation bought a dozen new JCR Court Reporting Listing ads in the May issue of JCR.

Those dozen new ads were as follows:

1. Alabama

2. California

3. District of Columbia

4. Georgia

5. Illinois

6. Massachusetts

7. Mississippi

8. New York

9. Pennsylvania

10. Texas

11. Washington

12. Asia

The NCRA board of directors has said those JCR Court… Continue

Added by Bill Parsons on June 1, 2009 at 4:15 — 7 Comments

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