Mary Chmura's Comments

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At 10:38 on April 3, 2020, Celeste Ramsey said…

Hey Mary,

Haven't been on this site for awhile and saw your request.  I have stepped off the merry-go-round for about a year or so.  Got so fed up with everything and everybody.  ha.  probably some mid-life thing.....anyway, chasing my happy....hope all is well with you....Been off work for over a month with another month to --gee, idk.  Strange Days indeed.....take care

At 13:09 on July 15, 2013, Jane Borrowman said…


At 8:02 on January 5, 2013, Janiece Young said…

Hi, Mary, 

My holidays were good.  I was getting out transcripts still until the day after Christmas, LOL.  Things have really slowed down so I'm working on my taxes and doing some cleaning and organizing and a little bit of work.  It's been nice to have a break.

It was so nice to put a face with a name when I saw your picture on here.  I hope your holidays were nice too.

Talk to you later,


At 20:00 on January 3, 2013, Cheri Palanchian said…

Hi Mary,

How are you?  It's been years.  I was in FL, but now back up here in NH full-time.  If you ever need anything covered up there, let me know!   I'm freelancing on my own, and am free to cover work Boston and north also.    If you need my credentials, let me know.   I know it's been years.  :)

At 16:06 on May 24, 2012, Sandra Deschaine said…

Hi Mary, hey, it's been slow.  Keep me in mind, boston, Connecticut, Rhode Island.  Have a nice holiday weekend.

At 16:54 on March 19, 2012, Sandra Deschaine said…

Hi Mary:  Wonderful to hear from you.  I have been very slow so more work would be wonderfu.  Just a reminder, I cover Mass, Boston, Connecticut and Rhode Island.  Hope you're doing well.

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