Tami's Comments

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At 9:22 on December 25, 2009, Candice said…
I am loving my manicure/pedicure..Thank You So Much!! I hope you're having a wonderful Christmas!
At 18:19 on November 25, 2009, CARLEY JOANNE BAGATELOS said…
You are definitely not the average reporter!!!
At 7:58 on November 23, 2009, Christine Kirley said…
Sent you an e-mail. Should have let you know here sooner.

Golf?!! Wow.
At 1:07 on November 21, 2009, Trevor McCutchen said…
Thanks, Tami! You're so nice keeping me up to date on the numbers! haha Well, I transferred and I just commented back to you! I'm a C.S.R.!! YAHHHH!
At 14:18 on November 20, 2009, Alexis McCutchen said…
Covering all my bases again! And Cutting and Pasting, 'cuz my hands are sore from texting!

CSR IN THE HOUSE!!! My son PASSED! Trevor, I'm so proud of you! I LOVE YOU!!!! Mama loves you, Mama loves you!!! And, if they get his # online today, he already has a job on Monday!!! YOU ROCK...AND YEAH -- I'M A DORK. ;-) BUT A PROUD ONE I AM

Tami -- So do I officially get the award for 2009? And, Christine for 20010?!?
At 17:02 on November 18, 2009, Michelle Carrillo said…
I see you are missing Monti. This is where he is: http://www.courtreporterconnect.com/home.php
At 8:41 on November 16, 2009, Trevor McCutchen said…
LOL!!! Thanks for the number, Tami. It's funny how you mentioned that. I keep going to that site every day and searching for my name hoping a "MCCUTCHEN, TREVOR" will appear! haha.
At 11:14 on November 12, 2009, Trevor McCutchen said…
Thanks! Just two more weeks until I find out if I passed the machine portion AND become a licensed reporter!!!! Woohoo!! :-)
At 9:07 on November 9, 2009, Tina Givens said…
*sigh* *sniff* *sniff*

How do you know just the right thing to make a girl feel better?? Thank you so much for the kind words. I refuse to let this get me down. The reality is I have waayyy too much on my plate, but it's not going to change for several more years. I just gotta keep plugging away and hope for the best. All I can do I what I can do, you know, and try not to let it overwhelm me. I rarely succeed with that, the not being overwhelmed, that is!

I've put it behind me. Only looking ahead. 2010 is my year, lol!!
At 22:06 on November 6, 2009, CARLEY JOANNE BAGATELOS said…
Hi Tami! Thank you so much for the colon help with times. And your comment too. I think I saw somewhere that you qualify for the 280 speed range now??? WOW. You're my Court Reporting "Idol" !! LOL
At 16:19 on November 3, 2009, Candice said…
No kidding! Clay hinted to me something about you maybe joining again. I need to take some time off and come visit you guys! Who would have thought court reporting would be so time-consuming;)

I'll talk to Clay & find a day when we're all not too busy so I can come hang out:) I'm sure we'll have TONS to catch up on.

Miss You, too, YoMomma!!
At 21:16 on November 2, 2009, Alexis McCutchen said…
Trevor's girlfriend, Persephone, IS a sweetie! The house is empty when she's not here. When they first started dating, I kept my distance because when my other son broke up with his girlfriend after 5+ years, it felt like my heart was ripped out. How crazy is that?!? We do so much as a family and I love to include their girlfriends. Both my boys have also been hurt because they have BIG HEARTS and are often taken advantage of. Can't tell you how many times I've had to bite my tongue!!! OUCH! And for me to keep silent is a feat in itself. :-D
At 11:16 on October 31, 2009, Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC said…
Did you see the cute blinkie Lisa O posted for me on my page??? Soon you will be a Macro Maven - on Eclipse!!!

The paste below really made me think of you. A fun and cheery household!
At 20:29 on October 30, 2009, Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC said…

Have a great spooky weekend!
At 15:29 on October 30, 2009, Alexis McCutchen said…
Yeah! It's my page is back to normal...kinda like when I have car problems, take it to the mechanic and the darn 5,000 lb (or whatever a car weighs) decides to act normal. Spend several hundred dollars to find out it's okay, drive it off the lot and the next day acts up again! ;-)
At 21:32 on October 29, 2009, Alexis McCutchen said…
BTW ~ I saw your post to Trevor...and all I have to say is, "I RESEMBLE THAT REMARK!"

DM out...
At 21:31 on October 29, 2009, Alexis McCutchen said…
Hi Tami ~ My CSR page is all whacky. I can't figure out how to get to the MSC. Everything is coming up on my page except for the groups I'm a member of. The little club "icons" are missing. Do you have any suggestions?
At 14:22 on October 28, 2009, Trevor McCutchen said…
Thanks, Tami! Well, I just took the English portion this morning, and I feel very good about it. I'm excited that I'm getting so close to becoming a working reporter!! My mom told me how to check early online if I passed, so I'll be sure to check that out. Thanks for the tip! :-)

btw, my mom and I are planning on going to the February test for my mom's CSR Exam in LA and thought it would be cool if you happened to make an appearance! :-P
At 22:03 on October 26, 2009, Alexis McCutchen said…
Check your email, but do so with some time on your hands. Oh, and ignore the typos, it's late. Also, I think I said "dictation" room when I meant "transcription" room, while describing his setting up the night before.
At 20:28 on October 26, 2009, Alexis McCutchen said…
Erase? Post? What post do you speak of?!? ;-) I know nu-ting...

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