NCRA member Bob Hopkins passed away at 88 on April 13th.
Bob started submitting cartoons to the National Shorthand Reporter Magazine 35 years ago in 1977.
Since that time more than 200 of Bob's black and white cartoon drawings had been published as well as several articles Bob had written covering subjects of interest to court reporters.
Bob was not only a great cartoonist with his own wit but also has drawn many cartoons for captions submitted to him by Mrs. Mary Louise Gilman, former editor of the National Shorthand Reporter Magazine. 
NCRA members would submit captions, and Mary Louise Gilman would ask Bob to draw the cartoons to match the captions.

The link to Bob’s official obituary notice was in the May 4th, 2012 local paper, the “Mountain Democrat”

If someone can explain to me how to paste an attachment into a post, I will post an attachment of over 60 court reporter cartoons of Bob Hopkins and Mike Bumpus, another former court reporter cartoonist.


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Nice of you to post this, Bill.    Bob looks like the type of person all of us would have loved.  Would love to see his work.  If  you can email it, please do.  marge201 at yahoo.    Thanks, Bill!

Hi Marge,

I will happily e-mail you the attachment.

Consider it done.

Best Regards, Bill


Thanks so much, Bill.  Real cute stuff.  I'll look through it another time.  Nice to see it.  And nice website you have!    www.CourtReportersMuseum,Info


Hi Marge again,


Your above link to the website doesn't work.  The correct link is as follows:


For real new court reporters that haven't heard of  the website,

the website has several sections including a section on court reporter

patron saints and a section of court reporter creeds based on a speech

of Attorney C.W. (Casey) Jones extolling cout reporters and their history.


Also the cartoons of Bob Hopkins and Mike Bumpus are at the website.


For many years Bob Hopkins was my penpal and good friend. 


 I have contact with Bob's daughter Suzanne McKee.


Bob was a real World War II hero having received the bronze star.


Again Best Regards, Bill




You're a real historian, Bill, and I really appreciate you.  Thank you!!


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