It is very much within the realm of possibility to have NCRA reap an additional $400,000 in magazine ad profit if the following things were done:
(1) List the JCR Court Reporter Listings ads geographically by city,
(2) Charge the going market rate for those ads,
(3) Solicit the Source Book advertisers to advertise in the JCR Court Reporter Listing ad section,
(4) Allow bold-faced ads in the JCR Court Reporter Listing ad section,
(5) Encourage 1/6 page and 1/3 page columnar ads.
$400,000 in additional profit from magazine ads would allow lowering NCRA member dues by $20 per year.
You get the $20.00 lower dues of each NCRA member by dividing the additional $400,000 profit by 20,000 members.
To me it's a no-brainer that the NCRA board of directors would want to look into ways to improve the JCR Court Reporter Listing ad policies when there is so much benefit to be reaped by having a properly run JCR Court Reporter Listing ad section.
Bill Parsons