Hi, Everyone.

Just want some thoughts on Videographers. Just recently, I've worked with several that do not provide headphones or at least an extension to plug in my own headphones. This is just the biggest pet peeve of mine!! Is it too much to ask for this?? And what make it worse is some look at me like I'm crazy for asking for an extension and that no other court reporter has ever done this!!

Please give me some feedback and tell me if I'm just nuts or shouldn't this be the least we can expect from them???


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Maybe you have the incorrect size. When I bought my Bose, they came with various sizes, for the comfort of MY ear, not their ear. Before this set, I refused to use them because they'd make my ear ache within an hour. These are great!
So true.
Hi Renee and All,
We at Digital Depositions always provide high quality headphones with a direct feed of the mixed sound for the court reporter . The court reporter's ability to hear comfortably is a priority to us. Please feel free to contact us for references from court reporters in Southern California that we have worked with.

Digital Depositions
The NCRA CLVS Council recently promulgated a new standard that would address the above situation and applies to those holding the CLVS designation:

Standard #62: The videographer shall work with the reporter to promote, protect and ensure the production of a quality record.

At ProMotion Litigation Services all of our videographers are instructed to offer either headphones or a laptop hookup. Let us know if you have depositions in the Northwest and we'll take care of you.

Steve Crandall, CLVS
thanks for all your responses. very interesting!!! i guess it comes down to i have to just bring my own things.... something else to add to our bag of tricks!!


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