Scopist/Proofreader Recommendations


Scopist/Proofreader Recommendations

Need a life? Perhaps you just need some sleep. Forget it, there's no time for sleep--you have five all-day expedites and eight roughs to get out, all within a week. What you need is a triple espresso and a Red Bull--at 3 a.m. Oh, wait . . . that's just me.  Don't be like me. 

Reporters, please help your fellow reporters get a life and some sleep! Leave recommendations for scopists and proofreaders here by starting a discussion titled with the scopist/proofer name only. Other reporters who wish to chime in and sing the praises of said scopist/proofer may do so in the comments section of the respective discussion. This will make the search function much easier to see just at a glance. Remember to leave contact info for whom you recommend (if s/he does not mind).

Please title the discussions like so:

PROOFREADER: Evelyn Eaglize

ECLIPSE SCOPIST: Corey Cleantran

CASE SCOPIST: Sherry Shorthand

I realize there was a discussion on this, but it is now closed to comments, so some of the information is outdated and new recommendations/information cannot be posted.

Scopists/proofreaders:  Please DO NOT advertise yourself here.


Members: 20
Latest Activity: Jun 12

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