If you have questions about or are going to a future seminar on Eclipse, share it here.

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Hi all!  I'm trying to setup an Eclipse VERSION 5 seminar with Julie Samford of Realtime Ready.  If any of you know Julie you  know what a blast we'll all have while we learn Version 5.  FYI, we are trying to schedule it soon and the location is TBD, but we know we want to do it in or very close to New York.

If anyone is interested please e-mail me:

info@premiereporting.com, and make V-5 the subject so I know what it is.


Hi Everyone!

If anyone is interested in taking a beginning online course in Total Eclipse at Downey Adult School, here are the details!

Beginning Total Eclipse Online

Starts:  August 31st for 10 weeks

Cost:  $199

Click on the link:



Linda Hagen





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