Gulf Coast Reporters/Scopists/Proofreaders

Are you a court reporter, proofreader, or scopist living on the Gulf Coast? Let's join together here to keep in touch and network.

  • Introduce Yourself!

    Hello there, thanks for joining us! Why don't you introduce yourself here?My name is Chelsea Adams, and I am a proofreader living in Mobile, Alabama.

    By Chelsea Adams

  • Stay safe!!

    Hurricane season is starting and if you'll be affected by the impending tropical storm, hunker down and stay safe!!

    By Chelsea Adams

  • Where do you travel for work?

    I'd love to keep this group active in discussions and news in the area. I'm still a bit new, so I'm still searching for good news outlets that would be relevant to us here. So I'll start with this: where all do you travel to report? How far away from home? Some of the reporters I've worked with…

    By Chelsea Adams
