Marla Sharp


Los Angeles, CA

United States

Profile Information:

What is your occupation?
Freelance court reporter (RPR, CLR, CCRR, CSR 11924)
What state do you live in?
How did you find out about CSRnation?
Someone emailed me about it several years ago.

Comment Wall:

  • Marla Sharp

    California reporters, check out the SoCal CSR Forum: And check out the SoCal CSR Outings link if you'd like to join us at the next outing.
  • Matthew

    Hi Marla! Were you already a member? You designed your page super fast!! Hope to see you in February!! It's going to be fun! Happy New Year!
  • Diane Hickman

    thank you very much for inviting me to join. I'll try to get a pic of me for the site.
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Hello and welcome to the site Marla, we are very happy to have you here, we are also very happy that you have invited your friends,
    Please let me know if I can be of any help.
  • Carlos R. Hicho

    "Super jazzed" I like that. LOL
    I agree with you, it's like MySpace for reporters.

    It was nice to have met you too at the last SoCal CSR Outing.
    Hopefully we can meet again at the next CSR Outing.

    Thanks, Marla
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    hello Marla, you are more than welcome to post about your group in our forums if you want to.
    this site is made to purely connect all of us with each other.
    you can also start a "south cal reporters" here as well.. just an example.
    please let me know if i can be of any help.
    thank you
  • Angela Mapp

    BH Courthouse is great. Most of the judges were on vacation the last two weeks of December and the first week of January. So I've had quite a bit of down time to get things done.

    Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!
  • Audrey Ricks

    Hi, Marla!
    I'll post photos later -- I'm enjoying time AWAY from the computer, remember? ;-)
    I'll check back in later!
  • April D. Gedney, CSR, RPR, CLR

    Hi Marla,
    Thanks for inviting me to this site. It's very cool and I'm excited to be able to network with other CSRs. I appreciate all the work you do in getting together CSRs for fun outings, and I will definitely try to make it to one in the near future. I'm looking forward to meeting you soon! Happy New Year!
  • Whitney Kumar

    Hi Marla,
    Thanks for inviting me to this site. This is so neat. It's a great way to meet other reporters. Happy New Year!

  • kathy - iamwrdsmth

    Good luck on switching to Eclipise.
    An associate of mine switched from
    StenoCAT to Eclipse and it took her
    over a year to get everything set up
    correctly. I hope you don't have as
    much trouble. I am on StenoCAT and plan
    to stay on StenoCAT. I have learned
    the software through and through and
    changing just seems to be more trouble
    than it is worth at this point. But when the day comes that I decide to go
    into captioning, I may have to change
    softwares if StenoCAT hasn't updated
    their software to accommodate captioning.
    Good Luck!!
    Kathy H.
  • Kathleen Wilkins, CSR, RPR, CRR. CRP

    HI Marla! It was not hard at all. There was one word that came up over and over, crotchet, or something like that. If you didn't have that in your dictionary, then you had trouble... But the speed is very doable. I love your SoCal CSR group! That is great. I"ll try to find you at the DRA convention in February... and good luck!!

    Kat :)
  • Julie

    Hi Marla,
    Thanks for writing.
    Most of the freelancers I know have their
    own clients (but I'm old.) The rest are
    independent contractors. Actually I've never heard of anyone being an employee
    in MN, but I live under a rock, so it could happen I guess.
  • Tracy Perry


    Thanks so much for your response on the briefs. Really a great concept. I'm going to give it my best shot at tomorrow's depo. Was wondering, why the switch from StenoCat? That's what I use now. And how great to have those get-togethers! How many people attend? I'd love to attend something like that in Northern California. I'd like to add you as a friend if you don't mind. Thanks again!

  • Tracy Perry


    Wow, that is really scary about the latest download. I will definitely not be doing that. I've been on StenoCat for 15 years now, and the thing that bugs me the most is going to Windows, I lost so much of my number conversion.

    Can you continue to use StenoCat on the job and then just import your non-expedited jobs into Eclipse until you've got the bugs worked out?

    Quite the daunting task, but I'm sure converting will be worth it. Good luck to you, and thanks again for responding!

  • shelly storey

    you are an engery ball - I've never been to this site and think I will enjoy it - not feeling well right now, so ill check back latter