Lorrie L. Marchant



United States

Profile Information:

What is your occupation?
Freelance stenographic real-time deposition/arbitration reporter
What state do you live in?
How did you find out about CSRnation?
What is your CSR number if you're a court reporter?
If reporter/scopist, what software do you use?

Comment Wall:

  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Awwww, What a cute picture by the way, welcome :)
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    A warm welcome from CSRnation, thanks for joining.
    please join the Court Reporters group to your right.
    just click "Court Reporters" and "Join Court Reporters"

    We are into our 2nd week, give it some time, it should get very exciting around here.

    Just a heads up. if you look at the top of your page to the left, you will see a person icon and a mail icon, click on the little guy and add me to your friends list (assuming you would want to, lol).
    also, you can send private messages if ever need be.
    you can add pictures, music and videos to your page.
    if you have any questions please let me know.
  • Lorrie L. Marchant

    At the San Francisco Zoo in September 2007.
  • Dennis Peyton


    Hi! Nice surprise seeing you here :)

    I don't have a picture that makes me look young,
    so I'll hae to be a shadow for a bit.

    Hope you have a nice holiday season. I've been busy doing a few things at the office -- trying to get my web site updated, got direct deposit set up -- yesterday -- and have done some substantial moving in the office to make it a more efficient place to work. Megan took the CSR test and missed it by one, so we're actually sad and glad -- she's so good in the office and does the billing -- but Mary has been having a very hard time of it this year -- we're hoping she gets through this tough time. It's sad to see someone go through all she's endured, and it's hard for all of us as well. Anyhow, we're all hoping for the best.

  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    I dont think there is a way to remove our header.. let me look into it.

    You can remove the "grass" header however, i know thats not what you want :P but it wont look chopped off like it does now.
    Let me see if there is a way.
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    I looked into it, Our header could be removed but its a major HTML recode on your "advanced" tab
    A suggestion i would give is try changing your header to white or simply removing it, it wont looked chopped like it does now because you have 2 header going at the same time.

    I really like your page, really nice colors. just for fun, try removing your grass header, hehe.
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Music is very easy, Do you see the Music tab under your picture? click "add Music" and it will guide you step by step.
    If you want it to play automatically I will let you know how after you had added the songs you want.
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    oh ok, if you use limewire then your music files are under a folder called "share" or something simalar, you need to locate this folder, probably under "my computer--> Local Disk---> and it should be there"
    if not, it somewhere else, if you can locate your songs then come back here and click add then browse and make your way to the folder where your songs are and choose the song you want to upload.
    I hope i made sense.
  • Sandy Carranza

  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    It did? I dont see any songs here.
    I am here for you if you need more help.
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    HI Lorrie, If you want the song to play automatically Click on "Edit" next to the "music" on top of your media player and then select "autoplay" and click save.
  • tphaeulz

    I see you're very experienced. If I ever have a question, I know who to ask. Smile. Just saying hi.
  • Sue @ The Brief Zone

    Welcome !
  • Angela Alvarado

    Hello Lorrie,

    Just wanted to say hi

  • Elizabeth A. Willis-Lewis

    Hi Lorrie,
    Thanks so much for inviting me to be part of this site. It is sort of like the Myspace for court reporters :) I see you are taking the RMR in May as well. Does this mean we have to get out our audio speed tapes again? lol
  • Angela Alvarado

    Ahhh, everyone is sick! I've been battling a cold for close to a month now :-(

    Anywho, thanks for reposonding. I'll be emailing you about calendar for next week; we're slammed!
  • Angela Alvarado

    I agree. Hope everyone feels better soon ;-)
  • Susan Magee

    Hi Lorrie - Happy New Year! Not sure if we've met before either, but your name is very familiar to me :) Thanks for reminding me about the DRA convention. I need to register today!
  • Susan Magee

    Sounds good. I'm interested in attempting the CRR. Have you taken it?
  • Susan Magee

    Oops - just noticed in your "About Me" that you passed the CRR. Kudos to you! Any tips? I want to sign up for it.
  • Susan Magee

    That's right. I had them backwards. How was the CRP? I'm figuring it's a little easier than the CRR because it's Q&A. What was your experience like?
  • Susan Magee

    Thanks for the tips. Hope to see you at the convention. Wish me luck on the test :)
  • Rebecca Romano

    Hi Lorrie
    I'm very good friends with Maria Lertora. I also met you at Holly Moose's party in December, too.
    Happy New Year to you, too!!
    Are you going to the DRA convention?
  • Rebecca Romano

    Great!! I'll see you there and I'm looking forward to getting to know you at the DRA convention. Bummed I missed last year, I heard you guys had lots of fun:)
  • Maria Aliventi

    I'm all better. I was down for about a week!! It was brutal. See you at DRA... we should stay at your house!!
  • Maria Aliventi

    there's a photo for ya...
  • Cari L. Waters-Drewry

    Hi Lorrie,

    How sweet of you to offer your assistance, and I'm sure I will take you up on that. I work for several firms in the Bay Area. My regulars are: Hannak Kaufman, Certified and a few others. What about you??

    Happy b-day to your daughter in approximately 35 minutes. Chat later...C
  • Debra E. Doherty

    My photo...well, um...I'm working on it! I'm still trying to figure out how to use the site. Anyway, yes, I took the Daily Copy job. It was a dentist, not too terrible. Thanks, again!
    I'd be happy to help you on the 31st; however, that's the day I've been subpoeaned to appear in Marin Superior with the depo I took last year. Did you see the blog I started? (Is that the right term?) I'm still working on trying to avoid having to appear, so I'll let you know asap. I just love your site...or page...or whatever you call it! Great music & family pic!! What cutie pies!!! (your kids, I mean!) ;-D
  • Kyung

    Yes. I am interested in the transcriber. How come you're selling it?
  • Kyung

    I sent you an e-mail regarding the transcriber. Let me know if you didn't get it.
  • Kyung

    I just got the transcriber. Thanks!! Everything looks great!!

    Thank you.