I do not think you will have any trouble at all finding work. I do already have a scopist, and he was a court reporter, too. I met him at college. He was one of my court reporting teachers. So far we've worked together 20+ years. I told him he can't retire, but, if he ever does, I'm coming here to find another one. Good luck to you, Carol
Darene, I'll keep your e-mail on file in case I come across a reporter looking for StenoCAT scopist. I work strictlly on Eclipse, so I don't get many inquiries for other CAT systems. Good luck. Joyce
Carol DeBee Martin
I do not think you will have any trouble at all finding work. I do already have a scopist, and he was a court reporter, too. I met him at college. He was one of my court reporting teachers. So far we've worked together 20+ years. I told him he can't retire, but, if he ever does, I'm coming here to find another one. Good luck to you, Carol
Sep 22, 2008
Joyce Howell
Sep 22, 2008
Barbara Maxwell
I got you comment. Please contact me at bmaxwell12@cfl.rr.com with your rates and turn around time, etc.
Sep 23, 2008