hi Michael,
To respond to people you must click on the "comment back" link under their comment, that will take you to their page where you leave the comment.
I have just noticed you are leaving the comments to yourself so they never get to read it.
Sorry, I know it is confusing.. just simply copy and paste the comments from your page to the people you wanted to talk to.
Did i make any sense? sorry, its hard for me to convey features.
please let me know if you still have any questions.
thank you so much for being a member
Hey, Michael...
I got your message(s). LOL... Everything you've said is right on point, I know. I guess I just wanted an easier answer. I find myself, when I practice at a faster speed, wanting to get every word, so I find a way to brief all of the phrases and hard words. I must play the same dictation 50 times until I'm comfortable with it, then I feel that I can move on. I do know now that practicing at lower speeds for accuracy is hindering and irritating, so I'm just gonna push it and do what you said: Practice at faster speeds to get used to hearing it. Although that's irritating, too, especially when it's hard material. I can see why people want to through their machine and computer out of the window. How many words are actually in the English, French/English, etc. language that I don't know how to write on my machine? Don't answer that! I just feel like I know soooooooo much, yet I don't even know the half of it. omg. I need a drink. Help! Bye for now, Nikki
Kelli and I really wanted to get a booth, sadly neither of us have the time.
I just launched my new project and am sadly so overwhelmed.
I wanted to video tape the whole event and post it on CSRnation.
Maybe we can still do it, not sure.
Hey how is it going, I know I have been of of here for a little bit, hopefully not too long. I have been busy, busy, busy trying to get these last test passes of the quarter. I am so anxious to see what it is like working as a reporter.LOL
Thank you for posting on my page. I'm looking forward to learning all I can about this new career. At times it seems daunting. With this new network, I'm sure I will recieve the encouragement I need.
Thanks for all of your help. I've started incorporating some of the techniques that you mentioned, and I'm feeling a lot better about my writing, now. I'm actually learning to let it come naturally, trusting in what I DO know and not so much what I don't know how to write more efficiently. I've decided to only take two days to learn and write new briefs and phrases with accuracy, and the rest of the week I want to just go for speed. Wish me well; I have about four to five more weeks to get my Q&A and Lit. tests passed.
Hey whats up Me! LOL, I got your message and thanks for responding.
My name is Dawn but I sometimes use Diamond or Di as a sreen name. The reason I ask is because my aunt used to be an executive assistant and she typed 100 WPM, so I was just wondering if there were people who typed higher than that. I myself only type 65 WPM, but I think thats good enough. Talk to you lata.
Hi Michael,
Almost everyone has made the same mistake, its 100% my (our) fault.
Most people think they are responding to the comment by leaving a comment on their page, we copied (facebooks) way of responding to people, instead we should have went with (myspaces) way.
The problem now is to change this it will be very time consuming, time we sadly dont have.
But things to take comfort in:-
1- 90% of our users including one of the founders (kelli combs) did the exact same thing. Only facebook users knew what was going on.
2- This is an an going issue the people complain about.
3- I am the douche that implemented this style.
Well hello...
Busy, are we? I've gotten used to talkin' to you everyday. Hit me up when you get a chance and let me know what the working world is like. I'm writing more to print, and I'm practicing at faster speeds. It's actually not bad.
WOW!! That was some check! LOL. And, yes you have answered my question thank you. Do you think that if your firm didn't have the scopists to do that, would you have been able to do 5 a week?
No, thank you! One, for answering back so quickly. Second, because your answers are so thorough. I'm really learning a lot from you and I really do appreciate it. I love this site, it is very comforting to know there are workig reporters out here who really care and take the time to help us student reporters out. Thanks again. :)
Michael... Click on Get your Webfetti right below my smiley game.
When you get to the site, click on Gidgets, then click on Games, then click on Characters and you'll see the game there. Then click on Copy Code, then Ctrl. V to past it to your page, and it will be there. Thats how you do all of the graphics. If you see something that you like, whether it be a picture, game, or glitter text, just click on it and it will take you to the site.
You can also save the glitter pictures and stuff to your computer and hit the picture window, second from your right in the comment box, find them by hitting browse, and then add them to your messages.
Thank you very much for your encouraging words. I will look through the sites and see what I can find. Things are looking up these days. I will definately keep at it.
Thank you so much fro the warm welcome, me and nicolete attend the same school and have some of the same classes together, which is how I found out about CSRnation.
who would have thought that there were so many others out there going through what we have.
Hello, Michael. God does work in mysterious ways....
My name's Denise and I just happened to visit CSR Nation this morning after not logging in for some time. I'd received a "friend request" from Nicolete. I of course accepted. She's got a beautiful web page. While reading through her page I came across your comments to her. I clicked on the link to your page. I have to be honest, reading what you've written, your poem and your list of 3 things, etc., I was very touched. Just wanted to let you know that your words have meant something to me and I intend to share them w/ others. Also...am sending YOU a friend request. If you feel inclined, please accept. I'd be honored if you do.
:~ Denise ~:
Michael, hi! Just wanted to squeeze in a quick note. Thank you so much for your thoughts and words concerning my sister and her family...I don't remember mentioning it, but obviously I must have. It's so great to be among caring professionals such as yourself...even in cyberspace...friends are friends!!!!
Regarding the Anaheim convention, I'm not able to be attend as I won't be in town -- I'll be up in Santa Barbara Sunday (my birthday)....imagine, me choosing THAT over spending the weekend at a convention??!! Sounds like a lot of reporters (as well as scopists) w/ whom I've come across are attending...and I'm jealous!!! Will have to look into the Vegas one....I don't have any info. on that. It would be great to meet up w/ our online friends, and yes, I will get a pic on here soon...I suppose...I just love this little baby girl pic that I have... : )
And I apologize for not getting back to you sooner....I am going to try to make it a habit to visit here more often...just realize that if you write me, I may not respond that same day but I WILL respond. K?
I hope you and all the others have a fantastic informative time in Anaheim... I'm sure you all will.
Talk w/ you soon, my friend ~
:~ Denise ~:
(and thanks for accepting my "friend" invite. It means a lot...)
Thanks for the info., Michael. I'm thinking about attending the GSRA's convention in September. It will be held in Augusta, GA. As you know, I'm in Atlanta, so that's very close to me.
As you can see, I have not taken the time to learn this system, as I probably should. Not sure why your pic is not in my friends, but from the way I'm e-mailing myself, it's very possible that I did something to mess up the process of adding the pic.
I rarely ever come on here. I am in search for a scopist again, so I happen to come on. It's nice to chat with you again. Thanks
(I hope this is not coming back to me instead of you, the message that is...)LOL
Thanks for the nice comments. I notice you have mostly women as friends. Hmmm. . . interesting. Lol. Maybe one day I'll have a dep in CA and I'll for sure put you on it. Until then, to work for me, you've got to be local!
I notice Lipka.com is one of your friends. They contacted me recently. Have you ever worked for them? Anything you can tell me about them?
At 10:00pm on August 29th, 2008, DannyO said…
lol. Hey Mike! Thanks for the invite, man. Yes, I admit, the running gag for the last 15 years is that Danny is the "best male reporter in Riverside County"... but only because I have always been the only one... in the courts anyway. It's my bad that I didn't take the depo reporters into the equation. The fact is, I am good... but probably pretty average. It's just nice to see more men in the profession! (no offense women)
Email me or chat anytime, man. And thanks again. ;)
I actually have four boys and one girl. Our girl came first. She is 23, and our youngest is six. Yes, six. He's a first grader.
I was at the convention in July with my family, and my son and I are going to Vegas. At least I think I am. He'll be there for sure. He takes the CA CSR that following weekend.
I didn't really push my son to get into court reporting. I just left the door open, and, sure enough, one day he came to me and said he wanted to give it a go. He's made CR school look easy, but, in reality, he's worked extremely hard.
I really don't care for any theory being taught in CA, so my son actually came out to the courthouse during my lunch hour and a half for three months straight, and I taught him theory, Mark Kislingbury's theory. He then moved away to CR school in Orange County. He started there two years ago this month. He's been qualified (machine) since last March and has had to wait for his academics to catch up. It's a good problem. :)
I love students, too, and I admire you for taking time out of your busy schedule to help them on their CR journey. Without students, we have no future. We give our consumer no choice but to look to electronics.
Take care.
P.S. - I've always thought Danny was the best male reporter in Riverside County. :)
That is something to be proud of, 16 errors on the CSR.
One of the students I've been working with a little just sent me the news that she passed the machine last month (CA CSR) with 19 errors, 99%. I'm so happy for her!!
I don't think they even told us our percentage when I took the test -- November '80.
I was an Official when I was 20 years old, so that might explain the numbers somewhat. I was lucky enough to get an Officialship about three months after going to court, only after about a month of depos, which I learned early on wasn't my thang. :)
I've been very lucky.
AND . . . as far as posting ourselves, I think we've all done that. I know I have.
Wow! I'm so very happy for your student. Extend to her my congratulations from a working reporter out there, and welcome her for me. Yeah, during the time I was taking it, what they do is tell you how many errors you had. Then, we'd have to figure out the percentage ourselves. Shortly after, I heard they stop telling you your score. I seem to recollect that you have to ask them for it and had to pay a fee/price to get a copy of your corrected exam, or maybe that's for the ones who didn't pass. I don't remember. But now that your student knows how many errors she had, they must have started that up again. I'm glad. Every examinee should know just how he/she did and how WELL he/she did or did not do. Thanks for responding back to me...take care.
my original number was in the 8000's, but took time off to raise kids and in the meantime ex-hubbie (just after we separated) didn't give me my renewal that came in the mail, and the board doesn't send out reminders. To my surprise, when I went back to work, my license was canceled and they wouldn't let me pay back fees. So yep, I had to take it again!! Passed the first time again too, thank goodness! Yes, I always pay $4.50 per page. I really needed to get that one covered so I said two weeks, but usually it won't be quite that quick, but always within four weeks from the time you email it in. I don't have too too much work out that way, but you are on the top of my list for when I do.
Take care,
Well, I sure hope to make it to the convention next year. I mentioned it to my husband (not a CR) and my sister (a CR). If one of them comes with me, I will certainly be there!
Hi, Michael. Glad you're interested in the SoCal Outings. They're not sponsored or related in any way to the DRA, though. I'm just a big fan (and a member) of theirs.
The 7th was on Sunday, June 22nd. And the 8th was on Friday, July 25th.
I'll add your email to my invitation list so that you'll get future invitations. Feel free to invite any reporters you know. Just be sure to give me their email address so I can add them to my list and so I can keep track of who's coming.
Hi Michael, I finally got my internet back up and running again! Yippee! I have enjoyed reading about you, and also I am a strong believer in the Lord. I too, have thought about whether or not I should continue over the years, but every time I do, it seems the Lord causes me to realize I need to continue. I LOVE writing, and want so badly to be a court reporter. Hopefully very soon, hopefully before March, I can get myself qualified. I can always use as much prayer as possible!!!! I look forward to hearing back from you! Candice
I guess I should have explained that better with the Riverside number. I moved up here to Sacaramento in February to live with my sister and her husband to try to finish school at Argonaut. As soon as I qualify I will be moving back down to Southern California. My mom and dad have asked me to move in with them in Hesperia. They are getting a little older and I can't wait to get back to southern California. I do love being with my sister so much, but once I am a working court reporter, I can come and visit. Thank you so very much again for being interested in being my mentor, this came at the perfect time. I see you mentioned a practice cd, is it still possible I can get that beings that I live up here? Again thank you for wanting to help me!!!!!!!
Is this considered an "unsolicited message?" I mean, Mr. Chaney didn't ask for my two bits, but I just wanted to thank him for posting the prayer on his space.
Thanks for the note. The long space between posts was due to family tragedy. My relatively young, vibrant parents had an automobile accident. My dad passed a week later and Mom lived on for 330 days. She was aware of every greiving minute. Her mind was sharp as ever, her body even got back to walking, but after 54 years of marriage, she was glad to go home.
It was one of those situations where you just know you'd have never gotten through (or beyond) it without the Lord. I was deeply blessed to be her caregiver for the time she was out of intensive care and through her frustrating therapies and helplessness. When I had to go home to my family, eleven hours away, she faded fast. My siblings and I were there when she finally convinced the doctors to let her go, as her living will clearly stated was her wish all along. We were able to spend that night and she cracked jokes until the end.
Talk about a diatribe. I'm about to erase that, but suffice to say, God is good always and I'm ready to go on with starting this scoping business. I look forward to reading your posts.
Hey Michael! Remember me? Probably not but that is ok. I was just wondering if you had any pointers for me. I just passed my 100wpm mark and I am trying to get into the field but I have NO idea where to start looking. Any help would be appreciated.
So sorry. I am in Wisconsin, Milwaukee, to be exact. And as far as that project you helped me with, I got an A!! So, it was good. I haven't had much time to come on here I have been working so hard on my speeds. lol I am finally moving on up. I wasn't sure it was going to happen for a while. But, I am back on track now so I will be sure to keep in touch more. Thanks!
Hi Michael! It was so nice to hear your messages. I have been either at school, or working until 11:00 p.m. That is why I did not get to get back to you, I'm sorry. I have to work as many hours as I can get because my bank account is almost $0, and my paychecks are not enough to pay my bills. It is getting pretty stressful! As far as school, I have not been able to get my hands on 240 practice material yet, but I am working on as fast of material as I can get. I thought we had 240 and 260 video at school but we don't. Then, I had to get new fingerpads for my keys, and yesterday was the first day I used the machine with them on there. I felt like I was a brand new writer! Today was the first qualifier of the week, and I am still getting used to the fingerpads. It was not a great one for me, but it could have been worse. At this point I am just proud of myself for getting to school after working so many hours. The qualifiers on Tuesdays are not usually as good for me as the ones on Thursday, because the ones on Thursday are at !0:00 as opposed to 8:30 this morning. haha. At least I forced myself to type up the whole test today! I do think that I am getting more clear areas, and that as soon as I get used to those pads, I will be making more progress. If you think about it, please send a prayer my way for my accuracy and enough money to pay my bills. I don't have many bills, but they still want to be paid. Thank you so very, very much for calling me and keeping track of me. I am finding it is going to keep me moving in the right direction, and keep me motiviated.
I got your message, and while I appreciate your bountiful confidence in my writing, I don't dare aim so high. I'd be happy just to get to the test and actually pass. But I see your point. It's certainly a nice idea to wonder how well you'll do on the CSR rather than whether or not you'll pass. I'll try to get to that point.
Sorry I haven't been in touch lately. Moving and unpacking has taken longer than usual, and I'm just trying to get back to work now.
Anyway, I hope you're doing well. I look forward to hearing from you again.
Kelli Combs (admin)
To respond to people you must click on the "comment back" link under their comment, that will take you to their page where you leave the comment.
I have just noticed you are leaving the comments to yourself so they never get to read it.
Sorry, I know it is confusing.. just simply copy and paste the comments from your page to the people you wanted to talk to.
Did i make any sense? sorry, its hard for me to convey features.
please let me know if you still have any questions.
thank you so much for being a member
May 12, 2008
I got your message(s). LOL... Everything you've said is right on point, I know. I guess I just wanted an easier answer. I find myself, when I practice at a faster speed, wanting to get every word, so I find a way to brief all of the phrases and hard words. I must play the same dictation 50 times until I'm comfortable with it, then I feel that I can move on. I do know now that practicing at lower speeds for accuracy is hindering and irritating, so I'm just gonna push it and do what you said: Practice at faster speeds to get used to hearing it. Although that's irritating, too, especially when it's hard material. I can see why people want to through their machine and computer out of the window. How many words are actually in the English, French/English, etc. language that I don't know how to write on my machine? Don't answer that! I just feel like I know soooooooo much, yet I don't even know the half of it. omg. I need a drink. Help! Bye for now, Nikki
May 12, 2008
I'm just sleepy...
May 12, 2008
Kelli Combs (admin)
Kelli and I really wanted to get a booth, sadly neither of us have the time.
I just launched my new project and am sadly so overwhelmed.
I wanted to video tape the whole event and post it on CSRnation.
Maybe we can still do it, not sure.
May 12, 2008
Javari Judon
May 14, 2008
May 14, 2008
Thanks for all of your help. I've started incorporating some of the techniques that you mentioned, and I'm feeling a lot better about my writing, now. I'm actually learning to let it come naturally, trusting in what I DO know and not so much what I don't know how to write more efficiently. I've decided to only take two days to learn and write new briefs and phrases with accuracy, and the rest of the week I want to just go for speed. Wish me well; I have about four to five more weeks to get my Q&A and Lit. tests passed.
May 14, 2008
Elise Nock
May 15, 2008
Dawn M.
My name is Dawn but I sometimes use Diamond or Di as a sreen name. The reason I ask is because my aunt used to be an executive assistant and she typed 100 WPM, so I was just wondering if there were people who typed higher than that. I myself only type 65 WPM, but I think thats good enough. Talk to you lata.
May 15, 2008
Kelli Combs (admin)
Almost everyone has made the same mistake, its 100% my (our) fault.
Most people think they are responding to the comment by leaving a comment on their page, we copied (facebooks) way of responding to people, instead we should have went with (myspaces) way.
The problem now is to change this it will be very time consuming, time we sadly dont have.
But things to take comfort in:-
1- 90% of our users including one of the founders (kelli combs) did the exact same thing. Only facebook users knew what was going on.
2- This is an an going issue the people complain about.
3- I am the douche that implemented this style.
May 15, 2008
Busy, are we? I've gotten used to talkin' to you everyday. Hit me up when you get a chance and let me know what the working world is like. I'm writing more to print, and I'm practicing at faster speeds. It's actually not bad.
May 19, 2008
Dawn M.
May 26, 2008
Dawn M.
May 27, 2008
Dawn M.
May 27, 2008
Dawn M.
May 27, 2008
When you get to the site, click on Gidgets, then click on Games, then click on Characters and you'll see the game there. Then click on Copy Code, then Ctrl. V to past it to your page, and it will be there. Thats how you do all of the graphics. If you see something that you like, whether it be a picture, game, or glitter text, just click on it and it will take you to the site.
You can also save the glitter pictures and stuff to your computer and hit the picture window, second from your right in the comment box, find them by hitting browse, and then add them to your messages.
Have fun,
May 29, 2008
I meant paste, that's, and it's Ctrl-V to paste. You know we, court reporters just have to be perfectionists.
May 29, 2008
Kelli Combs (admin)
I have left her a welcome message.
Thanks for inviting your friends!
Jun 10, 2008
Thank you once again.
Jun 26, 2008
who would have thought that there were so many others out there going through what we have.
Jul 8, 2008
Jul 10, 2008
My name's Denise and I just happened to visit CSR Nation this morning after not logging in for some time. I'd received a "friend request" from Nicolete. I of course accepted. She's got a beautiful web page. While reading through her page I came across your comments to her. I clicked on the link to your page. I have to be honest, reading what you've written, your poem and your list of 3 things, etc., I was very touched. Just wanted to let you know that your words have meant something to me and I intend to share them w/ others. Also...am sending YOU a friend request. If you feel inclined, please accept. I'd be honored if you do.
:~ Denise ~:
Jul 19, 2008
Regarding the Anaheim convention, I'm not able to be attend as I won't be in town -- I'll be up in Santa Barbara Sunday (my birthday)....imagine, me choosing THAT over spending the weekend at a convention??!! Sounds like a lot of reporters (as well as scopists) w/ whom I've come across are attending...and I'm jealous!!! Will have to look into the Vegas one....I don't have any info. on that. It would be great to meet up w/ our online friends, and yes, I will get a pic on here soon...I suppose...I just love this little baby girl pic that I have... : )
And I apologize for not getting back to you sooner....I am going to try to make it a habit to visit here more often...just realize that if you write me, I may not respond that same day but I WILL respond. K?
I hope you and all the others have a fantastic informative time in Anaheim... I'm sure you all will.
Talk w/ you soon, my friend ~
:~ Denise ~:
(and thanks for accepting my "friend" invite. It means a lot...)
Jul 24, 2008
Talk to you soon,
Aug 2, 2008
Tonie Thompson
As you can see, I have not taken the time to learn this system, as I probably should. Not sure why your pic is not in my friends, but from the way I'm e-mailing myself, it's very possible that I did something to mess up the process of adding the pic.
I rarely ever come on here. I am in search for a scopist again, so I happen to come on. It's nice to chat with you again. Thanks
(I hope this is not coming back to me instead of you, the message that is...)LOL
Aug 12, 2008
Joanne Bryan
I notice Lipka.com is one of your friends. They contacted me recently. Have you ever worked for them? Anything you can tell me about them?
Aug 28, 2008
Angela McPherson
I am pretty new to CSR nation so I don't really know how to navigate or even find people. I am working on it though!
You are an ispiration for being a single father and still going through all of this.
Aug 30, 2008
Michael D. Chaney
lol. Hey Mike! Thanks for the invite, man. Yes, I admit, the running gag for the last 15 years is that Danny is the "best male reporter in Riverside County"... but only because I have always been the only one... in the courts anyway. It's my bad that I didn't take the depo reporters into the equation. The fact is, I am good... but probably pretty average. It's just nice to see more men in the profession! (no offense women)
Email me or chat anytime, man. And thanks again. ;)
Aug 30, 2008
Of course I'll accept the friend request. :)
I actually have four boys and one girl. Our girl came first. She is 23, and our youngest is six. Yes, six. He's a first grader.
I was at the convention in July with my family, and my son and I are going to Vegas. At least I think I am. He'll be there for sure. He takes the CA CSR that following weekend.
I didn't really push my son to get into court reporting. I just left the door open, and, sure enough, one day he came to me and said he wanted to give it a go. He's made CR school look easy, but, in reality, he's worked extremely hard.
I really don't care for any theory being taught in CA, so my son actually came out to the courthouse during my lunch hour and a half for three months straight, and I taught him theory, Mark Kislingbury's theory. He then moved away to CR school in Orange County. He started there two years ago this month. He's been qualified (machine) since last March and has had to wait for his academics to catch up. It's a good problem. :)
I love students, too, and I admire you for taking time out of your busy schedule to help them on their CR journey. Without students, we have no future. We give our consumer no choice but to look to electronics.
Take care.
P.S. - I've always thought Danny was the best male reporter in Riverside County. :)
Aug 30, 2008
One of the students I've been working with a little just sent me the news that she passed the machine last month (CA CSR) with 19 errors, 99%. I'm so happy for her!!
I don't think they even told us our percentage when I took the test -- November '80.
I was an Official when I was 20 years old, so that might explain the numbers somewhat. I was lucky enough to get an Officialship about three months after going to court, only after about a month of depos, which I learned early on wasn't my thang. :)
I've been very lucky.
AND . . . as far as posting ourselves, I think we've all done that. I know I have.
Aug 30, 2008
Michael D. Chaney
Aug 30, 2008
Angela McPherson
Aug 31, 2008
Angela McPherson
I did receive your response. Thank you again so so much. I enjoyed all that you wrote.
Aug 31, 2008
Wendy Moore
Take care,
Sep 1, 2008
Joanne Bryan
Sep 2, 2008
Andrea M. Ignacio
Sep 24, 2008
Marcie L. Conn
Sep 25, 2008
Marla Sharp
The 7th was on Sunday, June 22nd. And the 8th was on Friday, July 25th.
I'll add your email to my invitation list so that you'll get future invitations. Feel free to invite any reporters you know. Just be sure to give me their email address so I can add them to my list and so I can keep track of who's coming.
Oct 8, 2008
Stephanie Fernandez, RMR
Oct 24, 2008
Candice Curtis
Oct 29, 2008
Candice Curtis
Nov 5, 2008
Tracy Revalee
Thanks and God bless you, too.
Nov 7, 2008
Tracy Revalee
It was one of those situations where you just know you'd have never gotten through (or beyond) it without the Lord. I was deeply blessed to be her caregiver for the time she was out of intensive care and through her frustrating therapies and helplessness. When I had to go home to my family, eleven hours away, she faded fast. My siblings and I were there when she finally convinced the doctors to let her go, as her living will clearly stated was her wish all along. We were able to spend that night and she cracked jokes until the end.
Talk about a diatribe. I'm about to erase that, but suffice to say, God is good always and I'm ready to go on with starting this scoping business. I look forward to reading your posts.
Sincerely, Tracy
Nov 10, 2008
Angela McPherson
Nov 13, 2008
Angela McPherson
Nov 13, 2008
Angela McPherson
Nov 13, 2008
Candice Curtis
Nov 18, 2008
Stephanie Fernandez, RMR
Sorry I haven't been in touch lately. Moving and unpacking has taken longer than usual, and I'm just trying to get back to work now.
Anyway, I hope you're doing well. I look forward to hearing from you again.
Nov 20, 2008
Corinne Dupuis
Yes, it's me. You found me. I'm the one from the Case class in AZ. Your message had me laughing.
I just wanted to check in and let you know I am who you think I am. I better get back to work.
Nov 20, 2008
Corinne Dupuis
Have a nice time at the theater.
Back to work.
Nov 20, 2008