Teresa F

Jacksonville, FL

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Dusty Usher

    I am not. I got in a year long rut. I am currently trying to find a good on-line school to finish up my 200's and 225's. Are you still there?
  • Dusty Usher

    That would be great! Can you email me and I will send you my # that way? I'd rather not put my #? ddusher@gmail.com

    I know what you mean about the school. I was there for 5 years and ran out of time and $$. I went through a lot personally and am in no way blaming the school for that but there is a TON that I do blame them for. We won't get into all of that...5 years of complaints : ) LOL!

    Thank you for being so kind with taking the time to contact me and passing on info! I appreciate it more than you know as I am coming up with nothing!