Teresa F
  • Jacksonville, FL
  • United States
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At 23:15 on January 3, 2010, Christine (Steno Nerd) said…
Hi, Teresa.

I'm a court reporting student, too. Please check out my blog -- stenonerd.blogspot.com. Thanks!


At 23:14 on January 3, 2010, Christine (Steno Nerd) said…

At 21:58 on February 19, 2009, Sharon Squire said…
Hi Teresa. I'm in my second year and, up until this semester, I've been very happy with the instructors and the curriculum at CRID. This most recent instructor in my Speedbuilding course, however, is a bit too slow on test-grading and feedback skills. I took a 120 test on Feb. 10 and I'm still waiting for a grade. I consulted with my classmates and they told me they are having the same problem. Since the prerequisite for moving on to the next speed level in each category is having officially passed two speed tests in the previous level, this kind of delay in grading could hold me back. Now, hopefully, this instructor's tendency towards procrastination is just an anomaly and once I move on to the next level, I won't have this problem. Anyway, good luck to you in your endeavours!
At 18:55 on February 18, 2009, Dusty Usher said…
That would be great! Can you email me and I will send you my # that way? I'd rather not put my #? ddusher@gmail.com

I know what you mean about the school. I was there for 5 years and ran out of time and $$. I went through a lot personally and am in no way blaming the school for that but there is a TON that I do blame them for. We won't get into all of that...5 years of complaints : ) LOL!

Thank you for being so kind with taking the time to contact me and passing on info! I appreciate it more than you know as I am coming up with nothing!
At 14:25 on February 18, 2009, Dusty Usher said…
I am not. I got in a year long rut. I am currently trying to find a good on-line school to finish up my 200's and 225's. Are you still there?