Andrea M. Ignacio


Hercules, CA

United States

Profile Information:

What is your occupation?
Freelance Stenographer
What state do you live in?
How did you find out about CSRnation?
Kelly Combs
What is your CSR number if you're a court reporter?
If reporter/scopist, what software do you use?
Case Catalyst

Comment Wall:

  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    A warm welcome from CSRnation, thanks for joining.
    please join the Court reporters group to your left.
    just click "Court Reporters" and "Request an invite"

    this is our 1st week, give it some time, it should get very exciting around here.
    thanks for joining
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Just a heads up. if you look at the top of your page to the left, you will see a person icon and a mail icon, click on the little guy and add me to your friends list (assuming you would want to, lol).
    also, you can send private messages if ever need be.
    you can add pictures, music and videos to your page.
    if you have any questions please let me know.
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    hello, Its a good idea to have a picture of yourself on your page, please check this post, thank you. Click here!
  • Sandy Carranza

    Hi Andrea,
    I also am from the SF Bay Area. Always glad to meet reporters in the area.
  • Andrea M. Ignacio

    Well, Mondays are my days off, unless a realtime job calls me, but that's my schedule. I work Tues - Fridays. My 5 yr old, Keana, starts kindergartten this year, and the baby, Leilah is in daycare Tues - Friday, so kids are home with me on Mondays. I also have a 13 yr old stepdaughter who stays with us off and on. Is your oldest in kindergarten already? I would love to get the kids together for a play date, and some good mommy daughter outings would be cool. What's your schedule like?
  • Angela Alvarado

    Hi Andrea,

    Glad to see you on here :-)
  • Andrea M. Ignacio

    Judy, Thanks for thinking of me, but I'm actually already booked that day, but I knw a reporter in Sacramento that could probably help you out. Her name is Maryann Valenoti and her email is: Hope that helps. Maybe next time. BTW - your wedding photo is stunning.

  • margy boyle

    Andrea how the heck are ya girl? It's Margy...Since I hardly work anymore I decided I'm semi=retired which is fun for me but not my bank account....
  • Keri

    Hi Drea, I'm on :) I'll update my boring page later but lets see if the file transfer works. I'll check back with you tomorrow - Miss U - Keri
  • Aarika Cottingham

    Hi Andrea,
    Thought I would just pop over here and "meet" some new people!! I went to CR school for 3 years, but then changed my major to scoping. Please let me know if there is anything you need!
  • Stacy Wages

    Hi Andrea, I just got your message. I'll e-mail you!
  • Melody

    Hi Andrea,

    I'll email you right now.

  • Quyen

    Good to see you, Andrea! How did that job in Taiwan(?) go?
  • Andrea M. Ignacio

    Hey, Quyen,

    Well, it went. Sunday through Fridays, 9:30 - 6:30. So long days and quick turnarounds, and being that the time zone is the exact opposite. I was exhausted. Put it this way, you feel like you're working hard for your money because you're so wiped, but the experience was great. How are things for you? Hope all is well.
  • Susan Magee

    OMG - Your kids are adorable!
  • Quyen

    Hi, Andrea! Wow, those really are long days! I bet you made a boat-load of dough on that job, though! Good for you! Things have been really slow, supposedly. LOTS of cancellations, but I'm not starving ... YET. Haha! Hopefully, things pick up again -- soon!
  • Quyen

    Your kids are beautiful!
  • Sue @ The Brief Zone

    Hi Andrea, check out The Brief Zone !
    Great Drilling Material For Any Steno Theory...
  • Melody

    Hi Andrea - I'm the scopist Janis referred you to. Great to hear from you! I tried sending an email, but it got returned saying your mailbox is unavailable. I'd be happy to send it again (my rate sheet was attached). Do you have an alternate email address?

    Mine is

    I look forward to hearing from you and working out the details. I'm available next week.

    Melody Allen
  • Michael D. Chaney

    Well, Andrea, thank you for your kind comments. I notice your CSR # indicates you're a vet like me with over 15 years experience. I grew up in the Bay Area, but I guess you already know that from visiting my site. I've requested you as a friend. I would be honored, thank you. Now, just one question: How did you find me and what led you to my site? Just browsing or did someone refer you to me? I'm interested & curious. Until I hear from you, I remain, Me.
  • Kyung

    Your little girl is very cute.
  • Kyung

    I found Federal Court incredibly hard. But I know if I keep going back, it will get better. Some judges are easier than others. Just like the depo world. Some attorneys are easier and some are harder. But there seems to be more paperwork for the Federal Court.
  • Patricia Y. Schuler

    Hi Andrea, are you able to cover a job for me in SF on 12/19, all day? Stephen recommended you. Please say you can! It's a regular depo, nothing difficult!!! thanks!
  • Kyung

    Hope your kids had a great Christmas.
  • Rhonda R. Harris, CSR

    Hi Andrea

    Thanks for the information. I joined the site today.

  • Kyung

    Thanks. It seems to have picked up a little. But then again, my job for tomorrow canceled.
  • Kyung

    It sounds iike you've some depos in foreign countries. I'd love to hear about them. I'd love to do some work overseas myself.
  • Julie Geraty

    My name is Julie Geraty, I'm a full-time freelance professional scopist on Case CATalyst 9. I currently have an opening for another reporter. I'm looking to establish a long-lasting reporter/scopist relationship. I am also willing to help out with overflow and expedites, as needed. My schedule is quite flexible. If you'd like more information, please email me at or call me at 715-966-1568.

    Take care and have a great weekend.
  • Kyung

    Happy Easter
  • A&L Legal Video

    Is this Andrea Howard in the Northern California area? Contact me if you are she. Thanks Kim Heaton
  • A&L Legal Video

    Hi Sugar, sorry to hear about your divorce. It's nice to put a face to the voice. You're adorable. So is your baby! Are you still doing work for DFW? Roberta and Becky left. Have they called you to go to work for the company they're with now? I would love to catch up with you via phone.