Rhonda R. Harris, CSR


Antioch, CA

United States

Profile Information:

What is your occupation?
Court Reporter
What state do you live in?
CA - California
How did you find out about CSRnation?
Fellow Court Reporters
What is your CSR number if you're a court reporter?
If reporter/scopist, what software do you use?

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  • Rhonda R. Harris, CSR

    Thanks. Got that.
  • Rachel

    Rhonda, it's great to hear from you! I'm glad that we were able to get back in touch here. Boy, we had some great times...

    First Arizona and now VA. How is VA? Work busy for you there? I've got another friend there in Alexandria.

    Enjoy the holidays!!
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Rhonda, you didn't leave any email contact for your email blast to scopists.  One left me a message for you, so I'm forwarding it to you.


    Hi, I'm not sure how to send a request, but if Rhonda harris still needs a scopist to do her 300 pages by this weekend, that will be no problem.  I have been a reporter since 1993.  I have 13 years court room experience and the rest depo experience.  300 pages, depending on her writing, is not a problem.


    Please have her contact me via cell phone, 559-514-4905, if she needs me.