
Murrieta, CA

United States

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  • Debbie Gentile

    Hey Tami,

    So glad to hear from you! I would love to join! Such a great idea. Wow, you are a RMR and CRR! You are my hero...lol. No seriously though, I would love to get my RMR, hence me wanting to write shorter because these fingers need all the help they can get...lol.
    Tanzania is neat! The work here is really interesting. I just watch a movie about the genocide: Sometimes in April. And it showed a remake of the tribunal, minus the court reporter! But it is that kind of set up anyway and great movie! I love how laid back it is in Africa. I just came back from my first safari even...I saw Lions and Cheetahs and a Leopard! I was super excited.
    Anyway, I would love any advice you may have on how to get my own initials! ;0)
  • Glen Warner

    Hi, Tami.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes! Hopefully, the day will be Good!

    By the way ... did Clay get that ProCAT Flash working okay?

    "For a Good (steno) Time ....."
  • Tori Pittman

    Hi, Tami!

    I'm baaaaaacccck. Hopefully I'll be able to participate more! See you around.
  • Tori Pittman

    We're in a struggle here in NC - with the budget, yes; but also with reporter apathy. we have no Board here. No way to police our own. So no way to advocate either.

    Our folks don't realize what's going on around them. They don't even care to get minimally certified, let alone CRR certified. Something I mentioned to our executive board of our association - if the state were to come to the officials and say: only those of you with advanced certifications can stay (RMR, CRR), how many people would test?

    We have an average of about 10 people per NCRA test cycle test - FOR OUR ENTIRE STATE!

    Boggles the mind how people can stick their heads in the sand and say, "It's not going to affect me." HA!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Your boy deserves sushi and more! Yes, I'm deleting!!! I don't want any upset applecarts in my life! Some things can be just between us ...

    I'm packing up to go to Mom's. Got a family graduation party to go to tomorrow in Walnut Creek. I used to be so close to everyone - I've turned into such a stranger. I hope to rectify.

    So happy for you all!
  • Clay Frazier

    yup. i passed.
    and why do you always write delete quick?
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    why do you always write delete quick? - Ha!

    I'm at Mom's now, eating a delicious pork buritto. Cake and coffee for dessert and later, cookies!!!

    Parents and their children - it can be fun!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Check it out:

    I love to see names I know in print!
  • Candice

    hahaha we passed! we passed! 3rd times a charm?gah
  • Susan Swanson

    Hi Tami,

    I forgot about the MS club and a fellow student just sent me the invite.

    Ooh, I need some "help" - I've hit a plateau at 160. It's been very up and down. I'm trying to keep focused as I know it's part of the process.

    Aha, I had heard that Mark K. uses LS, but I was not sure if that was just a rumor. Love that little machine.
  • Susan Swanson


    Thanks so much for the input. I had avoided it because I'd heard it's lightening fast, but given what you said I'm going to give it a whirl. So, I'm all signed up for a month. I'll keep you posted. Thanks again for the tip!
  • Glen Warner

    Hi, Tami.

    Glad Clay is enjoying his Flash!

    Interesting that you find the touch better than your Mira. I found some instructions somewhere on how to shim your own writer with (ready?) an old credit card or gift card!

    Too scared to try that one.

    As for the backups, can't Eclipse save a backup file on a flash drive or something? I read somewhere that someone had their CAT software set up that way; just don't remember which CAT it was.

    "For a Good (steno) Time ....."
  • Debbie Gentile

    Ah Thanks Tami and congratulations on Clay's RPR...that's great! I just got my results back today and I passed my last skills leg, phew. Now just the written and I'm on my way to CRR or RMR land! :0) Very excited!
    I have wanted to join the magnum steno, but my internet here is so slow that I don't think it will work. :0( But that is something I'll look forward to once I go home. Thanks again!
  • Candice

    The wisdom teeth weren't too bad after the first day, but the swollen cheeks were a bummer..you're right , there should be a picture of that!hahaha. I do have one but it is too scary looking to put on here.
    Thank you guys for taking me to brunch and celebrating my bday with me:) I Love that place! I<3 The Fraziers. It had been way too long since I'd seen you guys.
    I think that is a great idea for the HURPs. I'll try it out as well. Let me know how you like it. I didn't get to use any of them today:( The deponent was a doctor and apparently he knows not to speak over the attorneys:( Less work for me!
    This weekend was fun. Thanks again!! You have a great week too:)
  • Susan Swanson

    Here's hoping this is my only plateau too! Frustrating, yes.

    Can't wait to be on that other side!

    P.S. Really liked the first day of the MS Club - I can tell it's going to be that something different I really could use.
  • Tori Pittman

    I did, I did hear that Clay passed - Very exciting! I'm sure you're just full to bursting on that one. I'll be doing the CRR in DC, so tell him the more, the merrier! Woo-hoo!

    Sorry to give you the caffeine craving. I can tell when I haven't had it - I get a headache. So two, three cups per day is a minimum for me.
  • Debbie Gentile

    Wow....three years!! That is crazy! But thanks for the heads-up! I shouldn't complain too much, I am real glad I could take the skills right away because that is more than half the battle for me! :0)

    Thanks for your encouragement!
  • KJM

    Just wanted to come by and congratulate the proud mama! :-)
  • Amy

    Thanks Tami for the welcome. Yes, it is truly a rough road having a special-needs child, but I'm hopeful. You are right. It could definitely be worse. The one thing I'm truly grateful for is that my job allows me to be flexible and attend his IEP meetings at school along with taking him to his dr. appts and therapy. He's a handful, but I've learned so much from him. It was really nice to meet you. BTW...congrats to your son. My daughter just graduated from high school. I asked her if she wanted to go to court reporting school and she was very fast to tell me no way. Well, I tried...LOL. She started off that she was going to go into psychology, but has changed her mind back once again and now wants to go into the police academy. Her two uncles are cops. There's nothing better than the joy of your children's accomplishments. Have a great day. And thanks again for the warm welcome. :)
  • Janiece Young

    I should be able to do that this weekend. Thanks for the invite.
  • Janet

    The car was nice! I hope they're not going to start a David Haselhoff fan club here. He had a show with a car, too, didn't he?

  • Christine (Steno Nerd)

    Hi, Tami!

    First of all, THANK YOU for responding to my blog post about CTS. I'm overwhelmed by the outpouring of the CR community to answer my one troublesome question. IT'S SUCH A RELIEF to know that I CAN beat this CTS (even if it is CTS), and it is NOT the end to my soon-to-be CR career. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO GLAD for that!!! :)

    Q: What's "Report-It?" You mentioned that in your blog post.

    To answer your question -- Yes, I am seeing some progress! :) Thanks for asking! I'm trying to learn Magnum Steno briefs right now. Haven't listened to much of the audio since my laptop is currently not working at the moment. But good news is -- I just passed my last 140 Q&A test last week, and I'm officially in 160! It took me a while to get that last 140 test out of the way. Today the summer session at our school just started. That means I have six weeks to pass three tests at 160 to get to my next goal: 180 WPM! I think I can do it with MagnumSteno's help, right?! ;)


  • KJM

    Heehee...Thanks, Tami. I used this one of Payton for CSRNation, and I used another one of Paris on Depoman. I am on a break from school so I just leave my writer out and get my little tidbits of practice when I can throughout the day. It's just too much of a temptation for them to resist.

    I hope I DO get a steno baby! I have tried to feel my nieces out, but so far none are interested.

    Hope you are having a great week! I am enjoying being home with the kids--soaking up the sun, taking the kids to the park for picnics, T-ball, going to swim lessons with Bailey, and Paul just so happened to have a dark week and is working days. It's like having a normal family life! LOL
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Taking it easy this week??? Great!!!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Heck, some people do it every time!! Yes, those poor people! They're not listening to you, to their fingers' detriment!
  • Candice

    haha it is fine now, almost fine. Thanks for asking. I am taking a job tomorrow haha. I will just take some Ibuprofen and it will be all good:) I can't stand not working.
    I will surely be the 100th member. I need to get more involved on here.
    How was the Father's Day camp out??
    I've barely talked to Clay lately. He seems to be quite the busy COURT reporter. All that realtime would wear me out too!
  • Jackie

    Hey Tami! Thanks for your comment. I did the club for a month before I went on vacation and am getting back into the swing of things. I really liked the club and learned a lot from the briefs and instructional videos. Unfortunately, the speed dictations were way over my head and I just couldn't get my fingers moving like that. I'm very much a perfectionist, like a lot of CRs, and have a really hard time writing sloppy.
    I passed my first 200 Q&A before I left the country a month ago and am really close to getting the other two I need and the jury charges (I am getting 92/93% and I need 95%). I am getting better at writing slop at 225/240, though, to get my fingers moving when I practice. Any advice on how to just force myself to get something down for every stroke?
  • Candice

    p.s. Clay said Alton would give me some lessons on knife safety:)
  • Jackie

    I can write perfect notes at 160, yes. 180 is getting closer to perfect, but not quite there yet. I'm not really worried about shattering my notes, which is the most frustrating thing because I finally got over the perfectionist thing - I just can't get everything to work that fast! We real-time at school (though I don't look at the screen during tests), but I don't have my computer up while I'm practicing at home.
    That is incredible that you can write perfectly at such high speeds! I can't even imagine that right now! I know that I can go faster. Sometimes when I'm writing I feel like my hands are going slow, and when I'm really in the zone and am right on top of the speaker, I can definitely feel 225 within my reach. Right now I'm trying really hard to increase my hand speed, and I'm slowly but surely getting there.
    I learned StenEd, which is definitely stroke intensive, but there are also a lot of briefs. I have shortened my writing a bit, but need to do a lot more work on that. I get most of my -s endings in - that feels the most natural to me - but haven't done much work yet on the other endings. I will get to work on that immediately, though, as I'm sure it would help immensely. I also bought the book with Q&A extensions, which I need to practice a lot before I can get it so automatic that I can incorporate it into my writing.

    I would really like to graduate in by the end of the summer, or at least within the next three months. I am in a part-time program (we have class twice a week) and work full-time, so my schedule is pretty packed, but I get in at least 2 hours of practice a night. Do you have any tips as to how I can reach that goal? I am pretty much set on my 200s - I just need to get rid of any nerves I have while testing - I am mostly worried about the 225s now.

    Thanks again for your comment!
  • Clay Frazier

    My phone is crippled.
    are you guys coming?
    L on Vista Chino
    R on Sunrise
    L on Tahquitz
    R at last driveway before dead end at airport/El Cielo

    email me or something.
    and my phone charger is in my bathroom if you wanted to grab it before you left :)
  • Alexis McCutchen

    I just about jumped the gun -- AGAIN. But it IS official he passed!!! And now, tell me. How do you put those cute little dancing bananas (or whatever) on your page. I want to SCREAM for joy right now. I'm out of control.
  • Candice

    Maybe my mom will be 100!

    Awh that's too bad. Cole is always getting hurt it seems like :/

    Clay told me you guys went to visit him :) I wonder if that made him nervous. Probably not!

    Have a Grreat weekend Tami!
  • Janet

    I don't even care about hitting 50 anymore. All I can tell you is be sure you have air conditioning at night. If I don't have it on, I'm on fire!

    So did you watch the Brady Bunch? I sure did.

  • Alexis McCutchen

    Thanks Tami.

    No rush...we're leaving at 3:30 a.m. for a 12 hour drive to the coast of Oregon. No electricity, tv, internet. Camping at lake flores by the ocean. My hubby and boys windsurf. Me? I sit in my chair with a drink in both hands!!! J/K only one hand.

    I'll be back in two weeks. And, yes, great opportunity to bring my machine (which I am) and no distractions!
  • Bece Kidder

    Thank you, Tami.

    I just started the club and already I can tell it is going to help. I also need a new writer and I am looking at the Light Speed. I am a little nervous about it, but I think it will greatly improve my writing in the long run.
  • Shelley Ottwell

    Thank you so much for the welcome, Tami!
    I, too, just recently started the club. I think I've practiced with it 5-6 times and I can honestly say I can already see improvement. I was in court this morning from 9:30 to 1:00 (yes, through lunch!) and I noticed improvement.
  • Jackie

    Thanks for your help, Tami. It is much appreciated and, as a student, I need all the encouragement I can get! I feel like I am right on the brink of passing my 200 speeds -- wish me luck! I will keep pushing, and I'll update you on my progress.
  • Shelley Ottwell

    Ohhhh, I did not know abou the HURP family. I did discover the the AU-{A} and HU-{A} outlines a few days ago. I think I like yours a lot better! I bought a LightSpeed early spring and I cannot believe how many different ways I've had to add Q, A and THE COURT into my dictionary. I'm still working on getting it all synced up and, boy, it's been a struggle. I say my thanks daily that I only do RT for myself! But no more neck/shoulder pain after an all day and now JTs are a breeze! The struggle has been so worth it.
    I have noticed your posts about Clay . . . what else but to say CONGRATULATIONS! BTW - I found "the defendant" briefs - LOVE 'EM
  • Jackie

    Tami, I passed a 200 Q and A! I found out today - this is the second I have passed, so I just need one more before I can start tackling those 225s! I am close on my 200 Jury Charges as well, so I'm on my way! Today was a good day! I hope it was for you, too!
  • Shelley Ottwell

    I did. However, I only work for one judge and it's rare if he says, "Sustained." It's usually, "That'll be sustained" or just simply "Move on." I do like the "overruled" brief though. I will say that working for one individual allows you to tailor your briefs. I"m not sure if this would ever be of use to you or Clay but as far as exhibits being admitted I did end up with a gem - BOUMTD. My boss says it the same way each time - Be admitted w/out objection.
    Hope you and your family has a safe and happy 4th!
  • Keith Rowan II

    Hi, Tami. Thanks for the welcome to Magnum, it is great! I have a question for you actually. Is the CR program at Chaffey still up and running? I have heard that it closed. I go to West Valley in Saratoga.
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    That isn't a vegetable garden - that is a farm! I am beyond impressed! And you make me feel worse about my vegetable intake because I just ate two Klondike bars. One after the other. I promised myself I would exercise later, though. Now I absolutely have to!
  • Keith Rowan II

    Hi, Tami. So sorry to hear about Chaffey. It sounds like it was a great school. Interesting to hear about Carolee Freer. I have one of her books and its great stuff. West Valley is a public community college. I don't know how great the school is in general, but the CR program is wonderful! And yea, I didn't know what Monti did that either. Nice, though. Oh, and congratulations to your son! That's amazing!
  • La Toya Youngblood

    Thank you so much, Tami! And congrats to you and your son on all of your achievements. I hope to do the same myself in the future.
  • April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR

    Hey Girl,
    I haven't read your post yet, but I will. I have not had any problems to speak of w/my Mira after my overhaul! I did my settings in the order Stenograph suggested, and I dialed up the keys that used to dribble. So far so good. I'm going to take the 260 RMR (again) in November and I've been practicing with 280 speed contest CDs. I haven't finished the RMR certification, which I started 9 years ago, because of that machine!

    Have a great 4th of July!

    Glitterfy.com - Glitter Graphics
  • April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR

    O.k., read it. I'm going to make a note about the OTEC/Seattle info. I posted info a while back in the Mira group re Issues Update. I'm going to place another post in the group with the PDF version of the Mira manual. I downloaded it last week and it has about 30 more pgs of info than the one that came w/ my machine. And it addresses the stacking issue! Whoo-Hoo!!
    Glad to hear your machine is doing better :)
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Tami, I ate THREE Klondike bars yesterday and didn't exercise. I worked until 10:30 pm - got up at 7:30 and have been non-stop working except eating my bacon and eggs. I now hop in the shower and race to my massage at 12:30. No rest for the wicked, as they say!!!

    I'll complain in more detail later. I still am in total awe of your garden/farm!
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Thanks Tami,
    Your ladies (reporters) are very strong people, i needz to learn from yall :)
    Videographers are wusses, haha.
  • Trevor McCutchen

    Lol.. thanks for the congrats and happy b-day! I'm very excited to be taking the October CSR test. It still feels weird that I've finally passed my qualifier, and will be taking the final test to become certified.

    My mom is also very close to passing her qualifier, and I'm sure we'll be going to Sac together taking the same test! I'm super stoked!! Well, thanks again, and hope you and your son are having fun writing as well!
  • Brenda Rogers

    Thanks, Tami. It hurts to type???? Take care of yourself!