

Saint Cloud, FL

United States

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  • Bonnie J. Rogers

    Hi, Amy. I just wrote you a long note but don't think it went through so I'll try again. As far as the way we could do corrections, if you aren't on the newer Eclipse you could just send me the file and I could do corrections and send back with an asterisk delineating the corrections I made. To be honest with you I have recently only been doing scoping and transcription work but have done a lot of proofing in the past. I have checked with several friends and it seems the going rate is 40 per page for regular delivery. Hope to hear from you soon (although I leave Saturday for vacation). If you have any questions, you can contact me at my email address of That way I will get your message right away. Thanks. Bonnie
  • Tami


    Welcome to the Magnum Steno Fan Club!!

    Thanks for joining!

    I, too, have a special-needs child, my baby (seven), so I understand a little bit about the hilly road, even though I know it could be much worse.

    Anyway, happy to have you with us at the Fan Club!!
  • Tami

    Clay told me no way even after he was out of high school, but he came around the next spring because he just didn't think delivering pizzas and screen printing was going to pay the rent. :)

    Yes, our children are our blessings, and we should be proud!

    We've been doing IEPs for probably over a decade now -- maybe two. Clay actually was in the school district speech program when he was three. (He's now 22) While he talked a mile a minute, we could understand about every third word.

    Then he had a head injury when he was six -- blowout fracture with a permanent shunt below his eye to cover up the dime-sized hole. That put him in special classes. He dropped a year academically due to the brain injury, but picked most of it back up within three months.

    Had another one in speech.

    Anyway, out of five kids, we've done IEPs with four of them.

    I qualify for FMLA, (Family Leave Act) here in CA, so I get 12 weeks off a year to care for my little one. While it's with no pay and I have to kick in my benefit package, at least I get the extra time to take care of my little guy and consequently the rest of the gang.

    There's always a silver lining . . . :)