I'm having real weird issues with realtime/Mira/Stenocast/Bridge. I've been getting that same message, but the weirdest thing is after a break and I see the words coming up really slowly for about the first minute like it's refreshing one letter at a time and then all of a sudden it catches up and it's okay. In the meantime if I have a Conditional Break, I can see the numbers jumping from 2 to 25 or 33 or whatever it decides. And if I don't catch it, I have a big blank in my transcript. I think I need to tweak everything and update. Haven't done it since we saw each other. Going to Minneapolis next Wed for 11 days (Lions stuff). Ordered my RED today and the Edge, too. I'm excited about the refresh. It worked (sometimes) with my X7 and was very cool.
Hi Jenny,
wow that was quite a compliment. Yes do look forward someday to writing much faster than I do now. 225 was an eye opener though. Some friends took notice, too. (What's standard now before too? comma or no coma?) I've never heard of steno red or aspire, but the case catalyst people came by school and spoke of a new version of livenote, but it's not livenote....That was sooo four years ago. I forget the name now...Sheesh. And it might be stenograph that came out w/ it...! Either way, it's a wireless hookup that allows attorneys to see your realtime (but strictly a tool for them) and allows them to see early on the in transcript should they happen to come in late. I will get you the information once I track it down. And thanks for your help! P.S. has to HAFD supposed to spoeft supposed to be spoefbt supposed to go spoefgt... how's that?
Hey there. Thank you for the note. It's funny because I was just thinking about you yesterday as I was replying to the brief thread and was going to send you a note when we got home. We're actually in Modesto for a softball tournament. My older daughter is playing travel ball. So these are our vacations and it's HOT here!!! Supposed to be 107 today - yikes!!
So wow, an out-of-state depo huh?? Where?? You might be crazy ;) but it sounds like an adventure. I've never done one!! Good, good luck!!
The LS is going well. The one thing I notice is when I'm off my machine for a bit, it takes longer to get back into the swing of it than with my old machine. So how's the Grand(right?) going??
Keep cool:)
My shiny red devil doesn't have anything to do with my elbows, thank goodness. I definitely need some sort of recreation sometimes!!
My elbow problem, bilateral epicondylitis, left greater than right, has to do with years of hunching over a steno machine. All that hunching has caused weak upper back muscles, shortened pectoral muscles, and a neck that hinges off of T7. YIKES!! I have been told by experts that if the shoulders and neck are out of whack in the fashion that mine are, that same nerve group in the spine causes the elbows to become painful which can cause instability in the wrists. Well, there you have it. Sooooo Jan. '09 I started doing yoga to try to correct 15+ years of bad posture and strengthen all those weak muscles. I hope it doesn't take 15 years to fix though! I have been pretty much pain free since I started doing yoga, though, so yaaay!
That is interesting the you edit with Dragon. I know some other reporters that do that. I'm guessing that it works pretty well.
I have not tried the LS except for once many years ago at a convention. I think I am a little old fashioned still and need to actually feel something moving when I write. Not sure I could get used to that. I tried Piper and really liked it, but at the time I tried her, she was making a funny clicking noise that I could not stand, so Piper got taken off my list. Currently I am demoing a Passport, and absolutely LOOOVE it. This writer has revolutionized steno machines IMHO.
Marble Falls is on my list to go see. Since moving to Texas, I have realized it is about five times the size of most other states, and there is LOT to see. I'm gonna jump on my little red devil and take a road trip out there one of these days. Who knows, perhaps I'll get a massage when I'm out there!
Hi, again, thanks for getting back to me. I would love to discuss "body realignment" with you or anyone else. I need all the help I can get. For starters, I don't think I've ever had "good" posture, even as a child, and then putting a steno machine in front of me did not help matters. BTW, my neck does NOT hinge off of T7, it hinges off of "C7". It would be pretty hideous if my neck hinged off of T7, hee hee.
I started doing just regular Hatha yoga, and I go to mostly flow classes. I started doing yoga for my mind, which is really the opposite of most folks. Most people go for exercise. I knew I needed a level of concentration to pass the CRR and other tests that I was not able to achieve, so yoga was my answer. It has had a profound affect on my life, both physical and mental.
One thing I forgot to mention in my earlier post about my elbows. Fall of 2008, I was having a lot of pain. I found it difficult to do just about everything. Picking up a cup of coffee with my left hand shot pain all up and down my arm. Just about the only thing I could do without pain was write on my machine, but there were days where my forearms were burning after a long and intense class. I was desperate for "ANYTHING" to help, so I started looking on the internet for a cure or relief. I knew from talking with other folks that the only "cure" for tennis elbow is rest, total rest for 6-12 months, which was not an option for me, and not an option for most other court reporters I know.
Anyway, I searched and searched until finally I came across a hit that talked about a using the wall and rubbing tennis ball up and down my forearm on the outer edge from elbow to wrist. Intrigued, I tried it and it worked. My pain was temporarily relieved. Rejoice!! Anyway, I was so impressed by this, that I wanted to find out more. The hit that I had stumbled upon was a page out of a book entitled "The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook" by Claire Davies. I was so thrilled with how I was able to help my elbow pain that I ordered the book. The man who wrote the book is a former piano tuner whose body was just wrecked and he was trying to find a way to ease his pain. So he changed careers and became a massage therapist. It's really a great story.
Anyway, with The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook and a "Backnobber II" I have successfully been able to self-treat and relieve headache pain, leg numbness, TMJ pain/stabbing pain down my ear, shoulder pain, upper back pain, neck pain, just to name a few. Any time I have soft tissue pain or numbness or stabbing, I go to the book, look up the section of the body where I hurt, and then follow the diagrams for the "referred pain" pattern. I massage those trigger points (usually nowhere near the pain), and in 12-48 hours, my pain is diminished or completely gone!! What I have learned is that "most" soft-tissue pain is pain that is referred from some other place in the body. If I work on the trigger point that is "referring" the pain, I have great success in getting rid of those aches and pains. Many of them come back because I am still doing what caused them in the first place, but I guess it makes sense if you can't stop aggravating it, it will keep coming back. I am SOOO grateful that I found the book though, because I have been able to help myself become mostly pain free without having to take medication or go to an M.D.
You know, lately I have been thinking that when you get to that "over-a-certain-age-club" more frequent aches and pains are just a part of life. Dang It!! I am trying so hard to take care of myself, but the aches and pains still keep coming.
I think Joe Armstrong from Michigan may be using voice editing. He presented at one of our convention seminars one year and he talked about VR software for editing and typing.
Anyway, I hope your jobs this week go well. BTW, are you still captioning?
I forgot five varieties of peppers, cilantro, and parsely. :)
It's so nice having my husband staying home and acting retired. Hopefully it will last a while. Sure makes my life a whole lot easier.
Have you had watermelon yet today??
We went to a pancake breakfast at a neighbor's this morning and later today we're going to a BBQ of a friend/coworker/reporter's house. Very nice weekend here.
Hey, Jenny...
Thanks for the kind word. I'm up almost as far as I was when I got done with chemo. NO, NOT GOING THERE! And, a friend of mine was just told to lose 50lbs - she just had a baby, had gestational, AND was told her liver is in a BAD PLACE.
There you have it. Plus, I need to be able to walk that 13.1 miles in December in the 4 hours. What was I thinking??!!
I had my last dessert, full fat, today. shopping tomorrow on the way back from court. *sigh* So I understand about the Klondike bar. :)
30 minutes at a time has been my goal. You have to start slowly so that you don't get frustrated and quit. (this is my MO, or has been in the past - work out too hard and be too tired.) Now I tell myself - you don't get your coffee until you've done at least 30 minutes. (which means I must do this in the morning - another of my problems - I can procrastinate with the best of them!!!)
Hey, Jenny, nice to hear from you. You know, she was too busy to take on another reporter but she referred me to a friend of hers. To be honest with you, I didn't get to contact the friend because I have been busy. I took a dep about a week and a half ago that lasted 12 1/2 hours, 450 pgs, and the last 250 was really, really fast and I was really, really tired -- in other words, I sucked! LOL. I'm working on that part now and it's killing me.
Anyway, the reason I contacted the scopist is I built a wrap-around porch on my house last summer and this summer I want to do the wrap-around roof over it. I vowed that I would give ALL my work in July to a scopist so I could start working on it. I have a reporter friend who's been pretty slow and has been scoping for me. I've given her everything so far -- it's so nice -- and I've just got to finish this biggie and I can start the porch.
Yeah, I'm pretty excited about the cruise! It's only a 4-day cruise, but we sail out of New York City, Manhattan, and that's someplace I've never been so we're going out either 2 or 3 days early. I'm really looking forward to that. There's so much to do.
This cruise was really to get my in-laws on a cruise ship. My father-in-law is an old Navy man and loved the sea but hasn't been on a ship since the '40s. We're also going with my sister-in-law and brother-in-law and their son and his girlfriend, along with my 2 boys who are each taking a friend. So it's really going to be a nice, relaxing vacation. We've only got one stop and that's Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada, but, as in life, it's not about the destination, it's about the journey, right?
Okay. it's almost midnight here in the Eastern Time Zone and I've got to get back to this job.
Hey, Jenny -- not that I'm a stalker or anything, but I just Googled Boulder Creek, CA and it's B-E-autiful!!! I have never been out West before -- unless you count flying into Vegas for a week and flying out. I am a total outdoors kind of guy and your weather would suit me, I'm sure.
I live in Southeast Michigan, the Detroit suburbs, and our state is pretty, especially up north in the Upper Peninsula, but it's also really cold and snowy in the winter -- something I can hardly handle anymore.
My youngest son will graduate high school in 2 years and I'm seriously thinking about moving someplace warm. Not sure if it's south or west, but I think we should see the west before we make that decision.
Hey, Jenny...
How's the working out going?! Loved your note (which I did delete, btw) the other day.
I did 3.25 miles today at 3.0 grade. But I'm not a runner, I'm a walker. Can't believe you're doing 15-minute miles. I'm SO out of shape. Don't know if I'll make that.
Jenny -
Any steroidal use will cause weight gain, as far as I understand it. I know when I was doing the treatment that one of my drugs was a steroid and I ballooned up 25 pounds (of course other things were going on). Of course, I was just worried about what tasted good at that point, as chemo makes everything taste funny.
I know about the workout clothes! I have about four sets of "shorts" that I only wear at home; all else is sweat pants. I have LOTS of T-shirts and wicking stuff, though.
What's your goal? My short-term goal is to get around 200 by the DC convention. (I was there only a few short months ago and have jumped all the way up to 210 again. ARGH!!) Long-term goal, Chicago convention, is 175. And then Vegas convention, 155-160.
Performance goals are: LV Half in December inside the 4-hour cutoff.
Sprint Tri in October of 2010. Help keep me honest!
Do you take anything for your joints? Like that glucosamine/chondroitin stuff? I'm just wondering if that might help alleviate in the long term.
I think, too, that water aerobics might be something you might want to look into. It's low impact, but a nice workout (plus, when you sweat, it goes right in the water - and believe me, you do sweat!). It's harder to find places that do the program, but I really enjoyed it.
Also, I get energy and lymphatic massage (as opposed to deep tissue) and that might also help - if you've got a lot of junk not clearing your lymphatic system, that might be something causing your joint stress.
Pain free is a wonderful goal. Remember not to overdo - all that does is make you not want to do it tomorrow. and the next day. ;)
Hi Jenny!
I'm not exactly a pro, so I would recommend Rebecca Blasco! She is my friend on here, so you can find her on my profile. She would be glad to help!
Hi Jenny! I was just thinking about you earlier this afternoon. I've been meaning to send you a note. Hope all is going well with you.
Enjoying the summer, not too much because it's just too danged hot here! I am tryiing to stay in as much as possible, which isn't hard considering I am still trying to get my head out from under all these jobs. It's getting better though.
The computer issue really turned out to be the BT adapter for the MIRA, so that got solved. But I am going to just use my USB cable and be safe.
Glad to hear you are doing so well with your exercise program. I wish I could say the same. I joined the club and have only been for my assessment and training. Can't see to find the time or have the motivation to go. I'm struggling with this pain, still going back and forth to doctors, and am now trying to get an appointment with an endocrinologist because of my thyroid issues. I bought a book about the thyroid and it's amazing how much it affects. I could be on to something here! Problem is we have so few endos here, I couldn't get an appt until November!
I have been busy. This month has been a little bit slower, but not much. That psychiatrist is blowing me out o fthe water right now! And of course, it's a long job, which I normally do not do.
Anyway, I've got to get busy. So glad you're doing well, and I do want you to keep in touch with me. Take care and have a terrific day!
Yes, i looked at the Weight Watchers site before. The thing is, I really wanted to be able to go to the club for the exercise and the swimming, and it would get me out of the house and away from this computer. I just can't push myself away when I have work to get out. And as bad as I feel, I'm so stupid sometimes.....I have a doctor's depo this afternoon, deals with vitreous and retinal injuries, which I rarely do these doctors so I don't have any real experience with the vocabulary, and I have a 10 am job in the morning, AND, I just got called to do a 4 pm tomorrow afternoon too. Am I nuts??? LOL Why can't I say NO?
I have the doctor's nurse attempting to get me in sooner. I had to bring my blood results over to them, and I wrote a letter to the doctor explaining some of my problems with the hopes he would feel sorry for me and see me quickly. That was Friday and so far nothing. If I don't hear anything tomorrow, I'm going to call. Somewhere in between depos!!! LOL
If you've got any experience with ophthalmologists and have some good briefs, please pass them along. My job's not till 3 so I have time to make a job dictionary with something in it. I posted in the brief club but I should have done it at least yesterday. Duh!! LOL
I just now realized I never responded to your question about how Brenda did on the Eclipse training! Sorry! She did a WONDERFUL job!!! I hope she will have more opportunities to do that in the future. :)
I just sent you a friend request & meant to add a message there, but hit send too fast.
I want to say THANK YOU for sharing your Lightspeed settings. I bought the LS over a year ago and put it aside, because I couldn't get the touch right. I got the link to your settings & others' settings on here, and I copied yours. I took the LS to my job today, and my translation rate was 99.3. That would NEVER have been possible without your help, and I want you to know I really appreciate it. I would help other people like that, but there are a lot of people out there that wouldn't.
I can imagine it took you a billion hours. The last time I brought it to a job (probably six months or more ago), the translation was so whacky I felt like flinging little LS right out into the sea (was working waterfront that day). Either that, or flinging myself out the window, into the sea!
Why did you sell it? I was just getting some real hope that it would work.
Have you tried contacting the Eclipse rep in your area and seeing if she needs help? Maybe that would work?
I have a different stroke that I do for each alphabet, but someday I will sit down and check out all of the fun macros. I'm just barely learning how to set up my multi-page transcript! (Which has been a nightmare!) Luckily, Brenda sent me some settings to start out with. :)
Well if it's in Mountain View I hope they put me on it. It'd be great to work with you again. Funny story about the redacted exhibit...wish I could've seen that.
Had a GREAT time in LV with dad...thank you for asking.
Hey, Jenny
No, I've never had that happen to my Grand. Sounds freaky, though! Only prob I have is I'm too lazy to adjust my final P, so I get random Ps in my jobs. I stack a lot at high speeds too, but I've always had that problem. It actually seems to be better on the Grand, since I don't see a lot of my common conflicts as often as I used to. It seems to be uncommon stuff I stack on nowadays, just throwing words together. It used to be mostly inflected endings.. which I still do more than I'd like. Still LOVING the Grand. I think I'm finally ready to give up my 8000 as a backup since I doubt I'd be able to use it anyway!
Jenny, that's so crazy about the book! You've got to let me know how you liked it once you read it.
I love this site too, though. There's such great opportunities for networking and really putting yourself out there, and that's my goal!
Talk soon!
Weird coincidences are interesting...kind of like deja vu, which happens to me ALL of the time!
I have to request Trina as a friend to see her page and comments, but what happened with the RollerMouse?
Thank you so much for the support, I really appreciate it.
Thanks so much for the info, Jenny. I love the fact they let you get in a free trial. My neck, shoulders and wrists are always in so much pain after a few hours of writing that I've got to look into a machine other than my Mira. I was initially looking at the LightSpeed, love the idea of it, but I need to do more investigating. It sounds great for portability but I don't know about ergonomically . . .
Oh, and I'm going to check out that RollerMouse, too, the Freestyle!
I'm a watermelon luuuuver! During summer I always have one cut up 'n ready to go in a Tupperware container - refrigerated (it's the only way my husband will eat it). I loved the melons of 20 yrs ago, though. They weren't seedless but they were so much sweeter!
Hi Jenny! Happy Friday to you! I got a message from your sister about your ability to say "no", and I am convinced now. LOL I really had no doubts, to be honest. But, she informed me that you are also the Queen of "always right", and I let her know that there is no possible way you can have that title because it is mine and I won't give it up. LOL We may have a struggle on our hands there and have to figure out how to solve the problem. Any suggestions? LOL
Oh, I got my new netbook. I bought a Samsung. It's pink! I LOVE it so far. The portability is wonderful. I keep making my load lighter and lighter. Before you know it, I'll be down to only carrying 20 pounds.
I found out yesterday what I did to my wrist when I slipped in the tub. I did an ortho's depo yesterday and he's one of my fav's. We had some time after and I asked him to look at my wrist because it was hurting since falling in the tub. He told me he couldn't tell me what was wrong until I showed him how I fell in the tub!!! ROFL After that he did all kinds of horrible hurtful things to it and declared I have another DeQuervain's issue. Told me he'd give me a shot today if I wanted one but that it doesn't usually respond to them. I refuse to have another surgery!!!
What an awesome pic of the beach! I love my waves!!
We actually didn't make it all the way to the beach. We went to my MOERNL's house in Carlsbad and ended up walking along the preserve that's a couple blocks from her house.
We left a little late, ran out of sunlight, and didn't make it all the way down to the ocean, even though it was well within our sights.
We're celebrating our anniversary today, 27 years, so I'm running off again.
Thanks for the plug on my last post! I would love to share what I have learned with others and also learn from them too. I checked out the body rolling link. Very cool. It's very similar to what was suggested in the Trigger Point Therapy Workbook, only he has us using tennis balls, hand balls, and various other sports balls of different sizes. The Roller Balls look very neat! I may invest in one of the larger ones. It looks like it would feel really good.
I hope your all-day jobs turned out well and you get some realtime leads from it. Your roughs will be fine, silly! We always think they are worse than they are. When I do CART and I'm getting my behind stomped by a fast professor, I think I'm doing a terrible job. Then when I edit the file, I am pleasantly surprised.
I am not a fan of the all-day job myself because of the physical aspects of being there on the machine all that time and then the time at the computer to edit or proof them. All that sitting really gets to me. As soon as I receive my Texas license, my plan is to focus on realtime as well. Then it won't matter how long they are, I'll just write decent roughs and send them to a scopist. If realtime pans out, I plan to invest in a couple mini notebook computers to take with me to jobs in case they are interested in RT, but don't have the equipment, or there is equipment failure. Also to let them "try" it and then get them hooked!
The reason I asked you about captioning is for some reason I got you confused with Jill. Jill was posting a lot and then she disappeared for a while. I see that she is back. I know there was some stuff going on at Caption Colorado that I wanted to ask her about, and then I thought maybe she quit there and went back into reporting.
Anyway, I will chat with you later on. I have been helping a friend with her business since CART court reporting are slow for me this summer. So I am keeping busy while I wait for my license.
I'm guessing that reporters really need to start supplying the laptops. I got the idea when I went to a seminar this April in Michigan. One reporter said she had five laptops? that she brings with her to depos. I was shocked. I guess being out the the freelance biz for a while, it looks like that is the trend. My thought is, if you build it, they will come, right?
I hear so many reporters fussing about hooking up realtime with that Stenocast and it really upsets me. They are SO expensive. Have you ever thought about using Teleview? It is a no-brainer. It is as easy as clicking a link on the internet, nothing to load on a computer, no "hooking up" no cords. It is 100% secure and only around hundred bucks per view and the license is forever. I wish Advantage would do a marketing campaign for it because I think a lot of reporters are getting ripped off, for one, and they are getting a lot of headaches, for two, with the "hooking up" thing. Anyway, just my 2 cents.
I look forward to hearing more from you when you get a chance.
You are the queen of CSRnation comments.
I don't think I can catchup to you, your like 300 comments past me :P
Here I am contributing to another one, Doh!
Hey, Jenny. Do you know how I join the cover depos part of this website? I went into the bay area section and it tells me to use the feature only if I'm sending a job offer. Help!
Clay Frazier
macros- just the sworn one. it's amazing. oh and recess. oh and the stitch one. i keep remembring morea:)
im going to start doing the direct, cross, redirect ones asap.
Jun 25, 2009
Linda Pugliese
Jun 25, 2009
matt hanneman
wow that was quite a compliment. Yes do look forward someday to writing much faster than I do now. 225 was an eye opener though. Some friends took notice, too. (What's standard now before too? comma or no coma?) I've never heard of steno red or aspire, but the case catalyst people came by school and spoke of a new version of livenote, but it's not livenote....That was sooo four years ago. I forget the name now...Sheesh. And it might be stenograph that came out w/ it...! Either way, it's a wireless hookup that allows attorneys to see your realtime (but strictly a tool for them) and allows them to see early on the in transcript should they happen to come in late. I will get you the information once I track it down. And thanks for your help! P.S. has to HAFD supposed to spoeft supposed to be spoefbt supposed to go spoefgt... how's that?
Jun 25, 2009
Stacy Tegner
So wow, an out-of-state depo huh?? Where?? You might be crazy ;) but it sounds like an adventure. I've never done one!! Good, good luck!!
The LS is going well. The one thing I notice is when I'm off my machine for a bit, it takes longer to get back into the swing of it than with my old machine. So how's the Grand(right?) going??
Keep cool:)
Jun 28, 2009
Rebecca Callow
My elbow problem, bilateral epicondylitis, left greater than right, has to do with years of hunching over a steno machine. All that hunching has caused weak upper back muscles, shortened pectoral muscles, and a neck that hinges off of T7. YIKES!! I have been told by experts that if the shoulders and neck are out of whack in the fashion that mine are, that same nerve group in the spine causes the elbows to become painful which can cause instability in the wrists. Well, there you have it. Sooooo Jan. '09 I started doing yoga to try to correct 15+ years of bad posture and strengthen all those weak muscles. I hope it doesn't take 15 years to fix though! I have been pretty much pain free since I started doing yoga, though, so yaaay!
That is interesting the you edit with Dragon. I know some other reporters that do that. I'm guessing that it works pretty well.
I have not tried the LS except for once many years ago at a convention. I think I am a little old fashioned still and need to actually feel something moving when I write. Not sure I could get used to that. I tried Piper and really liked it, but at the time I tried her, she was making a funny clicking noise that I could not stand, so Piper got taken off my list. Currently I am demoing a Passport, and absolutely LOOOVE it. This writer has revolutionized steno machines IMHO.
Marble Falls is on my list to go see. Since moving to Texas, I have realized it is about five times the size of most other states, and there is LOT to see. I'm gonna jump on my little red devil and take a road trip out there one of these days. Who knows, perhaps I'll get a massage when I'm out there!
Jun 28, 2009
Rebecca Callow
I started doing just regular Hatha yoga, and I go to mostly flow classes. I started doing yoga for my mind, which is really the opposite of most folks. Most people go for exercise. I knew I needed a level of concentration to pass the CRR and other tests that I was not able to achieve, so yoga was my answer. It has had a profound affect on my life, both physical and mental.
One thing I forgot to mention in my earlier post about my elbows. Fall of 2008, I was having a lot of pain. I found it difficult to do just about everything. Picking up a cup of coffee with my left hand shot pain all up and down my arm. Just about the only thing I could do without pain was write on my machine, but there were days where my forearms were burning after a long and intense class. I was desperate for "ANYTHING" to help, so I started looking on the internet for a cure or relief. I knew from talking with other folks that the only "cure" for tennis elbow is rest, total rest for 6-12 months, which was not an option for me, and not an option for most other court reporters I know.
Anyway, I searched and searched until finally I came across a hit that talked about a using the wall and rubbing tennis ball up and down my forearm on the outer edge from elbow to wrist. Intrigued, I tried it and it worked. My pain was temporarily relieved. Rejoice!! Anyway, I was so impressed by this, that I wanted to find out more. The hit that I had stumbled upon was a page out of a book entitled "The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook" by Claire Davies. I was so thrilled with how I was able to help my elbow pain that I ordered the book. The man who wrote the book is a former piano tuner whose body was just wrecked and he was trying to find a way to ease his pain. So he changed careers and became a massage therapist. It's really a great story.
Anyway, with The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook and a "Backnobber II" I have successfully been able to self-treat and relieve headache pain, leg numbness, TMJ pain/stabbing pain down my ear, shoulder pain, upper back pain, neck pain, just to name a few. Any time I have soft tissue pain or numbness or stabbing, I go to the book, look up the section of the body where I hurt, and then follow the diagrams for the "referred pain" pattern. I massage those trigger points (usually nowhere near the pain), and in 12-48 hours, my pain is diminished or completely gone!! What I have learned is that "most" soft-tissue pain is pain that is referred from some other place in the body. If I work on the trigger point that is "referring" the pain, I have great success in getting rid of those aches and pains. Many of them come back because I am still doing what caused them in the first place, but I guess it makes sense if you can't stop aggravating it, it will keep coming back. I am SOOO grateful that I found the book though, because I have been able to help myself become mostly pain free without having to take medication or go to an M.D.
You know, lately I have been thinking that when you get to that "over-a-certain-age-club" more frequent aches and pains are just a part of life. Dang It!! I am trying so hard to take care of myself, but the aches and pains still keep coming.
I think Joe Armstrong from Michigan may be using voice editing. He presented at one of our convention seminars one year and he talked about VR software for editing and typing.
Anyway, I hope your jobs this week go well. BTW, are you still captioning?
Jun 30, 2009
Tomatoes (50 plants), green beans, squash (four kinds), basil, bok choy(sp?), artichokes, mint, onion (three kinds), radishes, beets, cucumbers, Swiss chard, sage, a couple other spices, strawberries, grapes, boysenberries, every kind of citrus, plum, nectarine, peach (two kinds), avocado . . .
I think that's pretty close.
Hope you have a wonderful 4th!!
Jul 3, 2009
I love it as your background.
Jul 3, 2009
I forgot five varieties of peppers, cilantro, and parsely. :)
It's so nice having my husband staying home and acting retired. Hopefully it will last a while. Sure makes my life a whole lot easier.
Have you had watermelon yet today??
We went to a pancake breakfast at a neighbor's this morning and later today we're going to a BBQ of a friend/coworker/reporter's house. Very nice weekend here.
Jul 4, 2009
Tori Pittman
Thanks for the kind word. I'm up almost as far as I was when I got done with chemo. NO, NOT GOING THERE! And, a friend of mine was just told to lose 50lbs - she just had a baby, had gestational, AND was told her liver is in a BAD PLACE.
There you have it. Plus, I need to be able to walk that 13.1 miles in December in the 4 hours. What was I thinking??!!
I had my last dessert, full fat, today. shopping tomorrow on the way back from court. *sigh* So I understand about the Klondike bar. :)
Jul 5, 2009
Tori Pittman
30 minutes at a time has been my goal. You have to start slowly so that you don't get frustrated and quit. (this is my MO, or has been in the past - work out too hard and be too tired.) Now I tell myself - you don't get your coffee until you've done at least 30 minutes. (which means I must do this in the morning - another of my problems - I can procrastinate with the best of them!!!)
Jul 5, 2009
Brenda Rogers
Jul 7, 2009
Tim Floury
Anyway, the reason I contacted the scopist is I built a wrap-around porch on my house last summer and this summer I want to do the wrap-around roof over it. I vowed that I would give ALL my work in July to a scopist so I could start working on it. I have a reporter friend who's been pretty slow and has been scoping for me. I've given her everything so far -- it's so nice -- and I've just got to finish this biggie and I can start the porch.
Yeah, I'm pretty excited about the cruise! It's only a 4-day cruise, but we sail out of New York City, Manhattan, and that's someplace I've never been so we're going out either 2 or 3 days early. I'm really looking forward to that. There's so much to do.
This cruise was really to get my in-laws on a cruise ship. My father-in-law is an old Navy man and loved the sea but hasn't been on a ship since the '40s. We're also going with my sister-in-law and brother-in-law and their son and his girlfriend, along with my 2 boys who are each taking a friend. So it's really going to be a nice, relaxing vacation. We've only got one stop and that's Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada, but, as in life, it's not about the destination, it's about the journey, right?
Okay. it's almost midnight here in the Eastern Time Zone and I've got to get back to this job.
Again, nice to hear from you. Take care!
Jul 8, 2009
Tim Floury
Jul 8, 2009
Tim Floury
I live in Southeast Michigan, the Detroit suburbs, and our state is pretty, especially up north in the Upper Peninsula, but it's also really cold and snowy in the winter -- something I can hardly handle anymore.
My youngest son will graduate high school in 2 years and I'm seriously thinking about moving someplace warm. Not sure if it's south or west, but I think we should see the west before we make that decision.
Okay, now I really got to get to work.
Talk to you soon.
Jul 8, 2009
Tori Pittman
How's the working out going?! Loved your note (which I did delete, btw) the other day.
I did 3.25 miles today at 3.0 grade. But I'm not a runner, I'm a walker. Can't believe you're doing 15-minute miles. I'm SO out of shape. Don't know if I'll make that.
Happy Friday!!!
Jul 10, 2009
Tori Pittman
Any steroidal use will cause weight gain, as far as I understand it. I know when I was doing the treatment that one of my drugs was a steroid and I ballooned up 25 pounds (of course other things were going on). Of course, I was just worried about what tasted good at that point, as chemo makes everything taste funny.
I know about the workout clothes! I have about four sets of "shorts" that I only wear at home; all else is sweat pants. I have LOTS of T-shirts and wicking stuff, though.
What's your goal? My short-term goal is to get around 200 by the DC convention. (I was there only a few short months ago and have jumped all the way up to 210 again. ARGH!!) Long-term goal, Chicago convention, is 175. And then Vegas convention, 155-160.
Performance goals are: LV Half in December inside the 4-hour cutoff.
Sprint Tri in October of 2010. Help keep me honest!
Jul 10, 2009
Tori Pittman
I think, too, that water aerobics might be something you might want to look into. It's low impact, but a nice workout (plus, when you sweat, it goes right in the water - and believe me, you do sweat!). It's harder to find places that do the program, but I really enjoyed it.
Also, I get energy and lymphatic massage (as opposed to deep tissue) and that might also help - if you've got a lot of junk not clearing your lymphatic system, that might be something causing your joint stress.
Pain free is a wonderful goal. Remember not to overdo - all that does is make you not want to do it tomorrow. and the next day. ;)
Jul 10, 2009
Brenda Rogers
Jul 10, 2009
Brenda Rogers
Jul 12, 2009
Ellen Sarem
I'm not exactly a pro, so I would recommend Rebecca Blasco! She is my friend on here, so you can find her on my profile. She would be glad to help!
Jul 13, 2009
Linda Sorge-Howard
Enjoying the summer, not too much because it's just too danged hot here! I am tryiing to stay in as much as possible, which isn't hard considering I am still trying to get my head out from under all these jobs. It's getting better though.
The computer issue really turned out to be the BT adapter for the MIRA, so that got solved. But I am going to just use my USB cable and be safe.
How are things going for you? Are you busy?
Jul 14, 2009
Linda Sorge-Howard
Glad to hear you are doing so well with your exercise program. I wish I could say the same. I joined the club and have only been for my assessment and training. Can't see to find the time or have the motivation to go. I'm struggling with this pain, still going back and forth to doctors, and am now trying to get an appointment with an endocrinologist because of my thyroid issues. I bought a book about the thyroid and it's amazing how much it affects. I could be on to something here! Problem is we have so few endos here, I couldn't get an appt until November!
I have been busy. This month has been a little bit slower, but not much. That psychiatrist is blowing me out o fthe water right now! And of course, it's a long job, which I normally do not do.
Anyway, I've got to get busy. So glad you're doing well, and I do want you to keep in touch with me. Take care and have a terrific day!
Jul 15, 2009
Linda Sorge-Howard
I have the doctor's nurse attempting to get me in sooner. I had to bring my blood results over to them, and I wrote a letter to the doctor explaining some of my problems with the hopes he would feel sorry for me and see me quickly. That was Friday and so far nothing. If I don't hear anything tomorrow, I'm going to call. Somewhere in between depos!!! LOL
If you've got any experience with ophthalmologists and have some good briefs, please pass them along. My job's not till 3 so I have time to make a job dictionary with something in it. I posted in the brief club but I should have done it at least yesterday. Duh!! LOL
Jul 15, 2009
Linda Sorge-Howard
Thanks, I'll look some up terms up and look at the link you sent.
Jul 15, 2009
Stacey Dee Sandoval
Jul 15, 2009
I just sent you a friend request & meant to add a message there, but hit send too fast.
I want to say THANK YOU for sharing your Lightspeed settings. I bought the LS over a year ago and put it aside, because I couldn't get the touch right. I got the link to your settings & others' settings on here, and I copied yours. I took the LS to my job today, and my translation rate was 99.3. That would NEVER have been possible without your help, and I want you to know I really appreciate it. I would help other people like that, but there are a lot of people out there that wouldn't.
Thank you!!!!
Jul 15, 2009
Why did you sell it? I was just getting some real hope that it would work.
Jul 15, 2009
Clay Frazier
Jul 15, 2009
Clay Frazier
I'm trying to schedule a depo so i can write the trip off :/
Jul 15, 2009
Stacey Dee Sandoval
I have a different stroke that I do for each alphabet, but someday I will sit down and check out all of the fun macros. I'm just barely learning how to set up my multi-page transcript! (Which has been a nightmare!) Luckily, Brenda sent me some settings to start out with. :)
Jul 15, 2009
Clay Frazier
Jul 15, 2009
Aric Kerhoulas
Had a GREAT time in LV with dad...thank you for asking.
Keep in touch Jenny...hope to see you soon.
Jul 15, 2009
No, I've never had that happen to my Grand. Sounds freaky, though! Only prob I have is I'm too lazy to adjust my final P, so I get random Ps in my jobs. I stack a lot at high speeds too, but I've always had that problem. It actually seems to be better on the Grand, since I don't see a lot of my common conflicts as often as I used to. It seems to be uncommon stuff I stack on nowadays, just throwing words together. It used to be mostly inflected endings.. which I still do more than I'd like. Still LOVING the Grand. I think I'm finally ready to give up my 8000 as a backup since I doubt I'd be able to use it anyway!
Jul 15, 2009
Clay Frazier
Jul 15, 2009
Ellen Sarem
I love this site too, though. There's such great opportunities for networking and really putting yourself out there, and that's my goal!
Talk soon!
Jul 16, 2009
Ellen Sarem
I have to request Trina as a friend to see her page and comments, but what happened with the RollerMouse?
Thank you so much for the support, I really appreciate it.
Jul 16, 2009
April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR
Oh, and I'm going to check out that RollerMouse, too, the Freestyle!
Jul 16, 2009
April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR
Jul 16, 2009
April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR
Jul 16, 2009
Linda Sorge-Howard
Oh, I got my new netbook. I bought a Samsung. It's pink! I LOVE it so far. The portability is wonderful. I keep making my load lighter and lighter. Before you know it, I'll be down to only carrying 20 pounds.
I found out yesterday what I did to my wrist when I slipped in the tub. I did an ortho's depo yesterday and he's one of my fav's. We had some time after and I asked him to look at my wrist because it was hurting since falling in the tub. He told me he couldn't tell me what was wrong until I showed him how I fell in the tub!!! ROFL After that he did all kinds of horrible hurtful things to it and declared I have another DeQuervain's issue. Told me he'd give me a shot today if I wanted one but that it doesn't usually respond to them. I refuse to have another surgery!!!
Jul 17, 2009
Drew Elizabeth Coverson
How are you? I hope keeping busy!! I'm looking for a good proofer.
Do you have any suggestions??
Jul 17, 2009
We actually didn't make it all the way to the beach. We went to my MOERNL's house in Carlsbad and ended up walking along the preserve that's a couple blocks from her house.
We left a little late, ran out of sunlight, and didn't make it all the way down to the ocean, even though it was well within our sights.
We're celebrating our anniversary today, 27 years, so I'm running off again.
Still need to check out your mouse thingy.
Hope you have a wonderful Friday!!
Jul 17, 2009
We had a tandem Thai massage. It was so fun!!!
I felt like I was in Thailand for a while there. :)
Jul 17, 2009
Rebecca Callow
I hope your all-day jobs turned out well and you get some realtime leads from it. Your roughs will be fine, silly! We always think they are worse than they are. When I do CART and I'm getting my behind stomped by a fast professor, I think I'm doing a terrible job. Then when I edit the file, I am pleasantly surprised.
I am not a fan of the all-day job myself because of the physical aspects of being there on the machine all that time and then the time at the computer to edit or proof them. All that sitting really gets to me. As soon as I receive my Texas license, my plan is to focus on realtime as well. Then it won't matter how long they are, I'll just write decent roughs and send them to a scopist. If realtime pans out, I plan to invest in a couple mini notebook computers to take with me to jobs in case they are interested in RT, but don't have the equipment, or there is equipment failure. Also to let them "try" it and then get them hooked!
The reason I asked you about captioning is for some reason I got you confused with Jill. Jill was posting a lot and then she disappeared for a while. I see that she is back. I know there was some stuff going on at Caption Colorado that I wanted to ask her about, and then I thought maybe she quit there and went back into reporting.
Anyway, I will chat with you later on. I have been helping a friend with her business since CART court reporting are slow for me this summer. So I am keeping busy while I wait for my license.
Jul 19, 2009
Rebecca Callow
I hear so many reporters fussing about hooking up realtime with that Stenocast and it really upsets me. They are SO expensive. Have you ever thought about using Teleview? It is a no-brainer. It is as easy as clicking a link on the internet, nothing to load on a computer, no "hooking up" no cords. It is 100% secure and only around hundred bucks per view and the license is forever. I wish Advantage would do a marketing campaign for it because I think a lot of reporters are getting ripped off, for one, and they are getting a lot of headaches, for two, with the "hooking up" thing. Anyway, just my 2 cents.
I look forward to hearing more from you when you get a chance.
Jul 19, 2009
Kelli Combs (admin)
You are the queen of CSRnation comments.
I don't think I can catchup to you, your like 300 comments past me :P
Here I am contributing to another one, Doh!
Jul 19, 2009
Jul 20, 2009
Kelli Combs (admin)
Jul 21, 2009
Kelli Combs (admin)
Moon & Roger better behave! I think your spoiling Roger too much.
My cats are over spoiled too, lol.
Jul 21, 2009