Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

Boulder Creek, CA

United States

Profile Information:

What is your occupation?
Freelance Realtime Deposition Reporter
What state do you live in?
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Court Reporter Friends
What is your CSR number if you're a court reporter?
If reporter/scopist, what software do you use?

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  • Rebecca Callow

    Well, I sent out my resume Monday morning and got a call Monday morning for a job interview for Tuesday. I got hired today, Tuesday. Yaaaaay! I also talked to my former boss (firm owner) from Michigan, who is registered in Texas and many other states, and they plan to send me some work as well. I sent a resume to Esquire, so we'll see what pans out there as well. Yikes. Also, the firm I used to work for in Michigan is looking for realtime writers to cover jobs in other states. If you're interested, I could send you their information and you could contact them about overflow. And if you know other folks in any other states that are CRRs you could pass the info on to them too.

    I tried to check out the link for the keyboard, but was not having much luck. All I could find was one that looked like it was standing up, in two pieces. Is that it? Not sure I could get used to something like that. I have one of those curvy ones which I like because the keys are spread out more. It's wireless too, so I can move it anywhere without getting tangled in an already tangled web of cords.

    My friend owns an estate sale company. She helps folks downsize their estates or helps families when someone passes to liquidate their belongings. Hubby and I had two estate sales to sell all of our stuff before we moved to Texas. We sold just about everything and made a pile of cash. There is money in it, but it's hard work; lots of moving and cleaning stuff. I was so happy I got my license in the mail so I could go out and do what I LOVE, AND what I do best.

    Do you have to work a lot with LiveNote? I know a lot of attorneys like it, but I want to avoid it if I can. I also want to avoid StenoCast if I can too and its hefty price tag. The firm I got hired for only has one other reatltime writer, so I hope to be slammed with some great jobs real soon. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

    Should we start a thread somewhere about body rolling and trigger points? I'm sure we're not the only ones with issues.
  • Deborah M.

    Hi, Jenny,
    Thanks for asking! I ended up calling them in the morning before my job, and as I'm talking and telling them what I've done, I realize I plugged it into the wrong serial port. I used a PCMCIA card with dual serial ports and I plugged into the one I used to use for my Smartwriter, if that makes any sense. Once I changed that, it worked great. Duh! Thanks for thinking of me.
  • Deborah M.

    Hehe, I had painted a big white S for Smartwriter on the correct port (and left the LiveNote one blank) so I automatically honed in on that even though I was using that computer as the receiving Bridge computer, just so used to grabbing the S as I set up. Old dog, new tricks, I guess. As my one reporter friend likes to say, it was operator error!
  • Deborah M.

    P.S. - what is that darling tiny house with purple trim in your pics?
  • Deborah M.

    Gardening? What's that? Bwahaha. I live in the San Fernando Valley, deep in the suburbs of L.A. Between the house, the pool, the kid, the dog, rabbit and bird, depos, PTA, being a single mom.... no, unfortunately I don't have time to do much besides dead head the roses. Nor do I have much time for a social life, sigh.... Some day when I retire and my kid is grown... And maybe I'll finish my three cross-stich projects I started when I was working at the WCAB and actually DID have time.

    That little house reminds me of those mini houses you see. Have you seen that on TV? People living in 200 or less square feet? They had an article in Time on it too.

    Your cats are beautiful. I miss having a cat. I have a 14-year-old Pom who's got maybe another year in her -- fluid in the lungs, on blood pressure meds... And a crazy conure and my DD's bunny.

    Okay, back to my rough draft economist... can you tell I *don't* want to do it?
  • Linda Sorge-Howard

    Well, I know what's wrong with it now because I asked an orthopaedic that I usually do depos of what it was. It's DeQuervain's. It's hurting like I don't know what, but the alternative is surgery and right now that's just not an option.

    So how do you like your keyboard? I hope your depo goes good tomorrow. I'm sure it will be fine.

    I am still tryinig to get my work out and get caught up but it seems like I can't get there. I've never been this overwhelmed with work before.
  • Linda Sorge-Howard

    Jenny, let me know how your job goes tomorrow. I'll be anxious to hear about it. I hope you get plenty pages, and write pretty!!!

    I'll be here blowing and going with getting these jobs out. It's really not as bad as I thought now....just trying to rush to get some out before I leave to go out of town on Monday.
  • Linda Sorge-Howard

    Hey Jenny! I bet you are exhausted but I wanted to chk to see how everything went yesterday. Was thinking about you all day.
  • Tami

    Getting better. Going for another Thai massage with the hubby right now.

    Yes, another reason to buy Eclipse. It killed me not being able to help out Clay this week, but honestly it probably would have done the shoulder in.

    Have a great Friday!!
  • Tami

    Guess what????

    Clay is going to get his first massage today. WOO-HOOO!!!

    He came home yesterday saying he was thinking a massage would be nice. I have been begging him to start on a taking-care-of-the-body program, and I know you've given him some encouragement in that regard. Thank you!!

    It's with a girl that will be easy on him, too. She's the perfect starter massage. The only drawback is it's for 30 minutes and not an hour, but maybe that's good too. He'll probably come out wanting more.

    Yes, I do have an awesome husband. He has to be a bit crazy to put up with me for 27 years, but he really is a great guy and such a wonderful father to our kids. I'm very lucky!

    Hope you have a great weekend!!
  • Tami

    I just looked it up with Cole, my 17 YAOERLD future lab rat -- our "gifted" child.

    He would have loved taking your molecular biologist depo.

    I knew I should have been teaching him steno. HA!
  • Tami

    Oh, and we all went to see "Up" yesterday. I cried.

    My husband said I'm his "Ellie."
  • Ellen Sarem

    Hey Jenny!

    That whole crazy coincidence thing was...well...crazy!

    But I know what you mean about the Rollermouse. I've had one for a while now, and if I ever have to use a different computer without one, I'm totally lost. My finger keeps trying to find the roller thing. LOVE it!

    Hope you're having a great weekend!
  • Tami

    I know you're busy, but can't wait to hear more about the wedge.
  • Ellen Sarem

    Funny story. When you said Rollermouse, I thought you meant the regular mouse with the rolling scroll thing in the middle...but you sounded so excited that I had one that I thought, "Well, maybe it's something else?"
    It turns out it's totally something else!
    I don't have a Rollermouse, I have a mouse with a scroll ball...
  • Tami

    Thanks for those pdfs. I'll check them out tomorrow.

    I think I probably need to get to work myself. The shoulder is doing much better today.

    How was that massage??
  • Tami


    It used to crack everybody up at work. I'd be ranting and raving, walking around with those stinky traps, and everybody just thought it was hilarious. My clerk got me the funniest card with a mouse on it wearing a football helmet.

    My office was definitely the most popular place in the building for mice. It was the very top floor on one side. I don't know what that has to do with it, if anything, but as soon as I saw the first mouse, I didn't leave a crumb out -- except those Jelly Bellies inside the traps. :)

    I do do what needs to be done.

    Did you know I drove myself to the hospital with my last baby? It was almost an hour away. When I checked myself in, I was dilated to a five.

    I actually got there and was determined to stop my labor, so I sat in the parking lot for a couple hours, and then I had a killer contraction, and it scared me enough to send me inside the hospital to the third floor in the middle of the night.

    Why did I do it??

    Long story, but our baby girl, who was 16 at the time, was completely out of control, so we had sent her up to Monterey Bay Academy, a private Seventh Day Adventist school. She wanted to go, and we knew we had to get her away from this boy who was TROUBLE -- he's already dead, and we're just happy she wasn't on the back of the motorcycle. (I swear he had a death wish.)

    Anyway, it was October, and she came home for a mandatory visit home. My husband took her and the boys camping for the weekend to keep her out of the area. When she came home on Sunday, I took her clothes shopping, as the crazy boy had ripped/cut up all her clothes two months before (jealous rage thing).

    So, anyway, walking all day long in an open-air mall put me into labor, but I was determined to get her back on the plane before having Cade. It happened to be my due date, and I had never made it anywhere near a due date. Haylee and Clay came 19 days early, Cole was ten, and Chase seven, so it was just my determination that got me that far, but after all that walking, I couldn't hold it back.

    My labor actually started in the middle of the shopping spree, and we still shopped another hour or two to get what she needed.

    So, we get back, I know it's time to go to the hospital, and when I went looking for her to tell her we were going to the HOPT, she was gone. She snuck out to his house, I think, but I didn't know where she was.

    (Is "snuck" not a word? Guess not.)

    So I'm all upset, tell my husband I'm going to the HOPT, and he needs to wait at home to make sure everybody's taken care of (the boys) and Haylee gets home.

    Now you understand my GEVL brief. (Girls are the devil!)

    You should have seen the look on the nurses' faces when I showed up all alone, checking myself in to have a baby. It was pretty obvious they didn't see that every day.

    So right after getting settled into a room, my water breaks -- that had never happened on its own before, and I know I'm going to go quick, so I frantically call my husband, and he made it there by the skin of his teeth.

    It was about 6:00 a.m. I spent that night in the hospital -- after Haylee and Clay I left in six hours, so that wasn't the norm to stay that long. I hate hospitals. When we left the next morning, the nurses wheeled me out with our baby, helped get us into my car, me in the passenger seat and my husband driving, and then we drove over to a nearby parking lot, so my husband could drive his truck home.

    So . . . I drove home from the hospital, too. HA!
  • April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR

    Hi Jenny :) I am so excited that I wanted to share this with you -- Veronica Kubat lives about 30 min away and she's going to show me the Gemini writer sometime this week. I can't wait to see it and actually write on it! I know, I'm a goofball :D

    Oh, I get regular massages, too, the medical therapeutic kind. I couldn't do this job without them.

    Have a good day :=)
  • April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR

    What KB are you and Trina talking about? It's split?

    Doesn't it feel great when you get a workout in! I did my eliptical machine this a.m. while I watched the BBC's The Aristocrats. Now I can eat my Drumstick ice cream cone tonight with a smile on my face :)
  • from Debra Maples

    Hey, Jenny -
    Thanks for the welcome! And, in fact, after I posted this to the general board I did "hop" over and joined the Eclipse group. I look forward to getting to know you and others on the site.

    Thanks, again, for the warm welcome!
  • April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR

    Ha Ha Ha. Guess what I just did! I couldn't wait till tonight and I just ate my Drumstick :)
    Thanks for the info on the KB. I'm going to check out the website, too.
    Enjoy your chocolate!
  • April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR

    :D Enjoy them. Man, that ice cream cone blinker made me dizzy, but could I take my eyes off of it? Nooooooo!
  • Cindy Scheib

    Hi Jenny,

    Thank you for writing and for your concern about my wrists. Actually, my machine and stand don't tilt at all; it must be the angle of the camera. The machine is actually perfectly flat, and the tray can either sit pointing out over the top of the paper tray, or you can reverse it and have it come back towards you over the top compartment of the steno machine. I'm well aware of carpal tunnel syndrome, and I'm always checking my position.

    Have a great day, and thank you again for checking on me. I appreciate it!
  • Linda Sorge-Howard

    Jenny.....sorry I haven't written back sooner. It's been crazy with me trying to get out of town and now being out. Had a moment and wanted to answer that I am so glad that your job went so well. I hope you continue to get workfrom this guy. It's always great when you go do something "new" and make new connections with these guys and get gradually get work out of it. Congratulations on a great job and I'm glad all equipment did and is working relatively well for you!

    I'll be home late tonite and am ready to be in my own bed. Visiting has been good, but it's time now to move back to the hacienda! LOL

    Have a great day!
  • Linda Sorge-Howard

    Thank you!! I love the graphic. I wish I had no computer to rush off to but you know you can't get away from it!

    I hope all is well with you.
  • Tami

    Happy Friday, Jenny!!
  • Tami

    What a sinking feeling that is. So sorry! I hope you figure it out. I really have been there, and it's such a bummer.

    Is it that Chinese expert??

    I hope not.
  • April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR

    Hello Tired Girl,
    I've decided I'm going to get an Olympus digital recorder instead of the Stenosync. I'll get a wave file on my laptop thru Eclipse and the dig rcrdr will be my backup since it creates wave files, too. I found the new Acers at Wal-Mart, 11.6", 2 gig ram, 250 gig hard-drive for $378. I am going to get StenoCast, I just don't know when. And yes, it's $400. I just finished one of Keith Vincent's webinars and Stenocast is giving attendees a deal -- buy 4 doo-dads, get the 5th free. They're the LiveNote and Bridge hookups. When I get it I'll mention your name, too:)
    Take care ...
  • Tami

    Yes, i do a lot of living and learning.

    I don't have my glasses on, so I'm typing blind, so hopefully you can figure it out . . .

    My shoulder is so much better. I'd say about 85, 90%. It's just nice to see that something can heal relatively quickly -- of course as soon as I go back to all the writing hours, I'll have a hard time not being right back in the same position.

    Hopefully it goes together more easily than expected. I'll be sending you my goodluck charm bides.

    Who knows what I just wrote. It's one big blur. My eyes have completely dumped so quickly. Just another thing falling apart. I go to a specialist next month to get that glaucoma surgery, but I don't think that's my vision problem. I think I'm just getting you know what.

    Take care!!
  • Erica Abbott

    Hey, Jenny:) I am the one that has been writing to you on depoman! You are absolutely adorable!! We have been writing on here, too. lol. It seems you're helping me all over the place. For some reason I just didn't put two and two together. lmao.
  • Tami

    Are you seeing the light yet??
  • Tami

    It has been perfect weather here, too -- all weekend!!

    Think we're taking off on Tuesday to go on a little road trip up to Pismo Beach, maybe Hearst Castle, etc. Just wherever we drop our heads at night is where we'll be.

    I love taking off and flying by the seat of my pants. I think you know that already.

    Thanks for my beautiful sun. It really was perfect for the day.
  • Tami

    The trip north got squelched. My 15 YAOERLD wasn't allowed to register today at school. Today was seniors, so he went along with Cole, so . . . Chase has to go on Wed.

    We're thinking about going for a two-nighter by ourselves. Take Cade to Grandma's -- his cousin Peyton is already there for a couple days -- and hang out in San Diego County.

    Cole and Chase are all over it. Said they'd try to keep the party at home below 100. :)
  • Tami

    (Chase is a sophomore this year.)
  • Brenda Rogers

  • Tami

    Oh how you crack me up!!!

    That looks just like my Chase!

    Just booked the Omni Hotel in downtown San Diego -- two nights, one bed, four star, at $72. a night.

    Had to add the "one bed" because you just don't know how long it's been since I've booked only one. HA!

    (I can only imagine the next pic that's going to be popping up on my page. )

    I love this recession!
  • Bece Kidder

    Wow, I love your page. It's so visually interesting!
  • Lorna Brodie

    No surprise at all...sounds like us! We finally have been doing things in our yard this year. And I have to share with you. Last night we had "fried green tomatoes" as an appetizer when we went out to dinner, and I told Tom, "Let's not bother letting our tomatoes ripen. We need to use them to make these." Wow! They were amazing.
  • Linda Sorge-Howard

    Hey Jenny...sitting here reading some posts and wanted to drop you a quick line to see how you're doing. Things are good here, just still busy. I guess you got your "horrible" job out and probably have moved on to something else by now, hopefully something a tad better than horrible!

    Have you been doing anything fun aside from work? I went shopping for a little while today, which is always therapeutic!

    Look forward to hearing what's going on with you.
  • Linda Sorge-Howard


    I wish I could work in the yard like I use to enjoy. It just kills my neck and shoulders now if I do it. Of course if I had th beautiful surroundings such as you do, I might be more inclined to give some sort of outdoors activity a shot. It's just HOT here! The only kind of wildlife I have around here are snakes, possums, and nutria! LOL

    Glad you got that job out. I'm sure the small ones are a pleasant break for you after that. It seems mine are getting long when I'm only suposed to be doing short ones! I guess I'm going to have to put my foot down. LOL

    Yes, you are wrong! I am not considering the Diamante! I do not see where they have made a significant enough changes to warrant the $5,000 price tag. So they changed the style, big deal. They still don't make it in PINK! LOL When they do, I might consider another writer.

    Speaker tables, no, not figured out yet. I feel like a blundering idiot for not knowing something so simple. It can't be that difficult! I haven't gotten one post to my question anywhere and yet there's been 50 views of my post. It would seem someone must know how to do this! I am not the only one that wants to set up speakers prior to starting a RT job!

    I hope you have a great Sunday! I'm off to breakfast with the hubby. Talk to you soon.
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Not everyone thought it was cute, lol.
    I have nothing against stenograph at all and I am sure its a fabulous machine.. but man do I think its ugly.

  • Joseph Haddad

    Hi, Jenny.

    That was a very nice thing for you to both say and do. Thanks for your help. ~ Joseph
  • Ellen Sarem

    I totally want a Rollermouse now because of you! Thanks! :-)

    Maybe one day my husband will take pity on my aching fingers and buy me one...but then I'd have to take back my wish for a Dyson vacuum, because I can't have both anytime soon...choices, choices!
  • Stacy Tegner

    Hi Jenny!! I'm just procrastinating and taking a break from a really yucky dr. dep ~ over 200 pages ~ yikes ~ and thought I'd drop a note on your page since it's been forever!! Good news for me is I've been slammed with work. How about you? Has it picked up for you too?? I hope so. Not too much else is new ~ I'm still on the LS and love it. Summer's just winding down and we're getting ready for school to start again ~ summer went very fast! I hope you stayed cool today ~ it was warm here 103 ~ did it get hot for you there? Okay, enough procrastinating ~ I do have to get this job done in my lifetime ;))
  • Christine Kirley

    I did try copying and it copied all the info on the side of the page too. I will try it again.
  • Tami

    I'm back tomorrow. Scared (the old body won't hold out) and excited (because I have the greatest job EVER!).

    Hope you're having an awesome week!!
  • Brenda Rogers

    Thank you for my graphics! :D You're not on FB, so you get to learn it here . . . I totally forgot about two transcripts due TOMORROW. So I'm getting them done today -- after taking Renée for her driver's permit and setting up a new wireless router because the one I bought in May already bit the dust!

  • Brenda Rogers

    ICE your green tea! nummier! :D
  • Brenda Rogers


    Where do I send the check? ;)
  • Brenda Rogers

    Thank you! *beam* Renée absolutely insisted that I wear that one to the banquet. I had another option, but she wouldn't hear of it. Sounds like she was right from all the feedback I got! :)