Actually I just picked up a message this afternoon that somebody from SG will be bringing the Diamonte out to the courthouse soon. I forget the day, but saved the message.
Maybe I could talk her into leaving it for a day or two to see if stacking is an issue. I'm not buying any writer until I'm POSITIVE nonoperator-induced stacking is not an issue.
Think that was a triple negative, but you know what I mean. :)
I'll try to take it slow. I asked for two days in my office to catch up. I've never been given one since the springtime when I started with the new judge, who doesn't get off the bench, but I love anyway. New judges do court reporters in. Just how it goes.
So . . . Tomorrow and Friday I have a visiting judge, so you think I could get a couple days in my office to catch up on six weeks of appeals, etc.
I'm trying to take it slow. It's not always an option.
BUT I am happy to be going back, and yet a little sad my kids are back in school today and we're back to the grind. It was such a nice, relaxing (healing) summer.
In case you're wondering, my kids start school in August because we get the whole THIVG week, a month at KMAS, and two weeks at SPRAEK. I absolutely love their school schedule. Beats the three months off in the SMER and less time in the SKWRAOER -- school year.
I'll let you know how it goes.
I'm glad to hear the Grand is working out for you. You've been so patience trying to get a writer to fit. We just don't have a lot of patience time left, huh!!
Got to get off of here, but you inspired me. I'm going to help my little guy with a shower, tuck him in bed, and go work out at our community gym on the cross-trainer. It's really been helping my shoulder -- a lot!
Oh, Jenny, thank you so much for the well wishes. To quote an old phrase that I love, I feel as if I've been rode hard and put up wet, lol!
Don't know how my computer got hijacked, but some stupid malware program took over and attacked everything. Took me hours and hours to get it removed. LIterally spent all weekend trying to get things restored to normal. I'm running okay now, but avoiding any extraneous surfing on the net since I think that's what got me messed up to begin with.
Anyway, I must have fallen under some Indian star. I finally got out that horrid job from hell with the Indian doctor and then yesterday and today I had another dang videotaped Indian witness. Two full days of nonstop arguing and bickering. They walked into the room arguing, wanting to go on the record before we were even set up, and the bickering never stopped. It was absolutely toddler-esque. At one point with all three attorneys yelling and the witness talking at the same time I shouted out that I was not getting anything on the record. No one even glanced my way or attempted to stop. They couldn't have cared less. Just one of those unmanageable situations. On the break I asked the attorneys to please try to remember to control themselves for the record, and one attorney says, "Yeah, like that's going to happen." *sigh*
I'm going to post some snippets when I get a chance. It was one of those, "Your client is looking at me and mocking me" "nun-uh" "uh-huh" situations. At one point I was seriously tempted to put everyone in their own separate time-out corners.
Hi Jenny! It's Lisa Smith, the new Eclipse/DC scopist! Thank you so much for your quick response to my email. I appreciate that. I've been a CSRnation member for a while now, but am just recently starting to take advantage of it's opportunities for my new business. This seems like a great place!!!
Hi Jenny. Thank you for letting me know about the DigitalCAT reporter! I will write to her. And I do use the hyperkeys; love them! What a timesaver for sure. No, I don't have any scoping jobs yet, but I have received a few positive responses from reporters who are very helpful and encouraging. I've been sending LOTS of emails and my next plan is to go to some of the local firms. Also, I think I'll place an ad in the JCR. :)
It was nice talking with you, and thank you again for contacting us. I've added you to our list and made note of the areas you prefer to cover.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Jenny, you really are such a beautiful person and loved by so many of us. Don't be so hard on yourself!!
My massage therapist is all booked for tomorrow, too, and is off next Saturday. I'm trying to squeeze in a Monday at 5:00. I'm spoiled just like you.
We're too busy to waste time on a massage therapist that gives you a little hand swirl, right?? :)
It's been hectic being back, but I just REALLY love my job, and I get this desperate slipping-through-my-fingers feeling when I think about not being able to keep plugging away at it.
I need to go back and see all the neat ergo things you told me about and some med April told me about with no SFEBGS -- her brief for "side effects." Now it's mine. :)
Jenny, that was really nice! Thank you. We're actually leaving Tuesday morning at 6:00 a.m. and driving to NYC, then the cruise leaves Thursday morning. I am really excited about seeing NYC, too. I've never been there before and am really looking forward to it.
But, of course, I was so busy the last 2 weeks that I have about 300 pages I have to get done before I can go. I also sent 2 jobs out to a scopist to finish while we're gone.
Again, thanks for the travel wishes, it was really nice.
Hi Jenny! Well, I did my first scoping job (on Eclipse) over the weekend. I LOVED it! I was a nervous wreck at first, but then everything went smoothly for me. It was a small job, only 55 pages, but was perfect for me being a newbie. Now I feel even more eager to work! This reporter might send more jobs, I don't know yet. We will see, but I hope so! I just wanted to let you know that I did my first job and am chomping at the bit for more! lol...
I've hardly seen the boy! He was at his dad's for a week, got home and I left for a week, I get home for a week, and he leaves for a week! Crazy summer!
Just now getting a chance to write you back....sorry. I've been working and trying to get some of my Eclipse things that were messed up straightened out. I enjoy cleaning it up and seeing the progress, but hate that I'm having to do it. Some of my settings got messed up when I changed to my netbook computer.
I tried what you suggested on the speaker format and it got my left margin where I need it, but it didn't take that first line, the text that comes after the speaker's name, and wrap it on the line underneath like I wanted it to. I am sure I don't have to do a stroke to get it to do that because I never have before. Any other suggestions? I'm almost there!
I haven't been exercising at all. I've been so swamped with work, I have neglected finding time for me. But, this morning I got up and did my elliptical for 20 minutes. I did it slow and it didn't feel too bad. I'm going to try to do it again tomorrow, possibly even tonite. I use to do exercise for 30 minutes twice a day, but just didn't do a high intensity workout both times.
I am so excited because a girl that I met in LV and I, along with our husbands, are going on the cruise to the Bahamas that Julie Sanford is putting on! It is in November and from Mon thru Friday, but she has assured us that we will get plenty of education on Eclipse without interferring too terribly with our fun time! Hope and I are super excited to be doing this.
How are you doing? How is work? Have you gotten any busier? I've been scheduled for a few jobs but it seems like they're cancelling on me. Don't mind too much since it has allowed me to finally be caught up.
Gotta run. Hope your day is great! I appreciate your help.
Hi Jenny, No problem. I know how busy we all can get. I haven't had a chance to call the CSR board, but I think I have to just produce it for this lady because she was representing herself In Pro Per. Got to run, but thanks for answering your phone last night and getting back to me. Take care! ~Dawn
I love your little graphics! They are so cute. And yes, you can call creating a macro creative. I haven't even attempted to use or make any macros. Do you use them for editing or when working realtime?
I had a job yesterday and my speakers finally worked! Yay!!! Now if I can get the paragraph format fixed, I'll be doing GREAT! I will probably call support today to get them to help me. I have a job at 10:30 though, so I am going to have to get busy getting ready.
I hope you had a really good massage. I envy you. I still keep hoping one day soon I'll be able to have enough time to fit that in and ENJOJY!
Jenny, I forgot all about this site! When I saw you had commented to me, I thought it was today about the Passport writer, then noticed the date of March! I pretty much live at the court reporters forum on compuserve. Not I have another place!
I would love to talk to you about the macros. I am really trying to push myself. I want to do all I can to make my job easier and less stressful, thereby helping me overall with my health.
I am so excited that my jobs for the rest of the week cancelled. I am almost caught up totally and this will give me the chance to get even closer, if not finished. Then I really can make some attempts at getting the office straightened up or just finding out what else I can learn or straighten out.
I am hoping to be able to go to the fitness center that I joined several months back soon. I think I am ready now that I have taken some of the pressure off of myself and can focus a little more on me. You will be happy to know that I haven't had any ice cream in weeks! I'm not even missing it.
Yeah, shopping!!! Have fun and let me know what you got.
I got up this morning and did a mile on my elliptical, which for me not having done anything in quite a while was great. I feel good this morning and am looking forward to a productive day.
Yes, let me know whenever you get some time. I've kind of been looking at what's in the program and will be playing with them as I get some time. I get all excited when I can learn something new. Oh, and by the way, no, I have not been using hyperkeys. I know, I know....something else for me to learn! LOL
I knew you were going to go into outer space when I told you about the hyperkeys! LOL I hated to tell you. Yes, ma'am, I will do my homework.
I am trying to proofread a job and having trouble focusing. It's the last one for me to be caught up to current status. I hope you get yours out of the way, too.
I know nothing about Word. You're right, I don't mess with that.
I got almost the whole week in my office to catch up on one job that was due during the five, six weeks I was off, and honestly because I knew my shoulder wasn't ready. It actually was a mistrial TRIPT which I was told they didn't need for another month (after I called to tell them I was out on an injury), end of August, but I really wanted to get it off my plate this week and get the shoulder rested up more, so I did something I never do and asked for time out of court. Got it all wrapped up yesterday. It was not quite 500 pages, but most of it was an eyewitness ID expert from UCLA that talked 280 wpm nonstop and wasn't ever able to answer a direct question. He was on the stand for an entire day.
My shoulder actually started feeling so much better just yesterday, and I am so excited. I was thinking pretty gloom and doom. I think exercising has been so great, even though I haven't exercised for two days because my calves are about to fall off. I'll be back at the cross trainer tonight.
It's raining here today. Really strange, but I'm loving it.
Getting a facial at 1:45 today, and she'll be bringing the rotors out -- derma abrasion. :)
I can't wait. She's just the sweetest person ever and her facials are incredible.
My massage girl was off this weekend, so I have a Monday at 5:00.
Thanks for the beautiful picture -- again!!
You do the Neti thing too??
At least you agree with me about the gross part. Guess I should try one out this winter maybe??? I just get the willies thinking about it. :)
Oh, and I did go back on B-6 and prenatal vitamins a week ago, and I think that's really helping my shoulder too.
I really believe in prenatal vitamins. I have always felt my best when I'm on them -- and since I was pregnant and breastfeeding nearly half my adult life, I've taken them often. I probably didn't stop taking them from No. 1 to No. 4.
So . . . no, I'm not pregnant, but I am back on the juice. :)
So you sew too. I am so terrible at that. The best I do is sew on a button every couple of years.
I actually called the Eclipse broker and made sure I was on the list to get the next Eclipse turned in with the additional edit key. That was the big hold up for me -- along with pushing my brain to the outer limit.
But . . . on our two-day getaway to San Diego a couple weeks ago, my husband and I saw that body exhibit -- UNBELIEVABLE! -- at the Natural History Museum, and all the stuff about the brain got me inspired again to get Eclipse. Pretty much if you don't use it, you lose it, and learning new things is key.
So . . . I know you and Brenda will help me with all the great things I need to learn to keep this brain from shriveling up and dying any more than it already has.
It was a female at the company this time, and she promised I'd get the next one turned in. However long that takes, I'm not sure. I never did write on Eclipse with my dictionary, but I honestly feel that is going to be a super PLUS!! It's being slower at editing and learning the auto includes and cut and pasting, etc.
I question the support. Clay makes it sound like the techs are impatient, and when he's having an issue and I say call, he doesn't want to because I think he feels a bit browbeaten.
They better not make me feel that way!!
Well, I'm sure he's fine with the hint and he is not the type to get mad about that, but no special thanks. He just does stuff that he knows gets to me in a good way, so I guess that's thanks enough. :)
He called me out of the blue on Wed at lunch -- no reason. Guess he got another last minute daily dumped on him when he got to work on Monday morning, so he only had time to take a couple minutes to say hi.
It sounds like you had a VERY good time shopping! Did you get your big job out? I am officially caught up to current status and it feels soooo good.
Hope you're having a good weekend. It's beautiful here. Believe it or not we have had a cool front come through. We're supposed to dip into the 60s tonite! LOL Highs are still in the low 90s but very low humidity which is almost unheard of this time of year.
Yeah... the world feels different when the rock in your life is gone. At first, I played a lot of Solitaire and Tetris just to numb my mind from thinking about it. Now, I'm in the phase of having to deal with his life stuff... helping my mom now, because he had always been managing the household.
I've been busy all day and now we are getting ready to go run and get a bite to eat. If it's okay, let me know and I'll call you when I get back. We shouldn't be too long, but I don't want to intrude on your relax time. I'm in Louisiana, so it's two hours difference. Let me know what's the latest (your time) aI can call, and if it fits, I'll call, or if you don't feel like it today, we can do it another time.
That is not a good deal. You can get it cheaper from Eclipse direct.
It's going to be 3060, I think, with two keys, one full service and one edit. They actually just called me yesterday because they had a two-key system turned in, and I was on the wait list for it.
I just need to get the docs filled out, and I'm buried this week.
My husband just got in from Alaska tonight with about 150 lbs of fish, so I'm hoping things will calm down. I would have never made it being a single mom. :)
I had avoided FB for many, many moons but jumped in cause my wife wanted to do it and I'd be able to help her get around -- she's not a really heavy computer user.
I'm glad I did 'cause it's very cool. You need to give it a go. You'll love it.
Hey, how are you? That's too funny. I have never tried one of those dictating programs. You really use it for editing? How does that work? I can't imagine.
I agree on the sewing stuff, although I don't mind the hand sewing. I like hemming stuff, kind of relaxes me. But -- I redid my daughter's bathroom when our roommates moved out in June and bought two shower curtains -- one to hang up and the same one to make a window curtain from. Summer's almost over and it's still sitting in the package on my dresser, waiting for me to make a curtain. Hmm.... maybe today...
Hey, one more thing. Do you use the autobrief thing in Eclipse? I can't get the reject or the suggest entry things to work. Do you know where I can get step-by-step instructions for it, like ALL the entries I need in autoreplace and macros to use it? Thanks!
Talked to Acculaw this past week. Eclipse has all the paperwork. They just need to get everything to me.
I did end up getting a two-key system for 3100, support and updates for a year. Second time I've done business with Acculaw -- bought Clay's Eclipse through them -- and Eclipse has told me straight up they can't beat the price, even though it makes no sense to me because they're the ones that send out the brand new stuff, manuals -- everything -- and cover the support and updates exactly as they would if I bought it direct through them.
I'm not sure why anyone would go Eclipse direct??
Hope you're having a great long weekend. So relaxing.
Got to spend a couple hours this morning in our veggie garden. It's still giving off quite a bit of stuff for this late in the season. Probably picked 20 pounds of squash, peppers, tomatoes, etc.
Shoulder is feeling so much better. I had an easy week -- all but Monday when the judge gave me a five-minute break in the p.m. from 2:25 to 2:30, and then we went to 4:15. If I don't get 15 minutes in the a.m. and 15 in the p.m., my body does the pretzel thing. I keep trying to get brave and have a little "talk" with him about it, but I keep chickening out.
He made a comment about my realtime versus somebody who covered me while I was off with the injury, and I took that as the perfect moment to pipe in about needing 15-minute breaks, not ten or five, but did I say anything??
He's got to get that it doesn't magically appear in English form on his screen with no effort now that he has something to compare it to.
I honestly think it's more my fault than his. I am a pretty outspoken person, as you know, but when it comes to asking for a break, I suck at it. I'll just sit there and let my body go to pieces. I've done that for all these years, and I'm really getting pissed at myself. HA!
What's really funny is I'm the first one to tell Clay not to let a judge walk over him, and I'm proud to say he's doing really well at it.
A judge was going to work straight through lunch as the witness had to pick his wife up at the airport in L.A. in the afternoon. This was in Palm Springs.
So everybody decides they're going to work straight through lunch, and when it was settled Clay spoke up and said, "What about me?"
Judge says, "You have a wife to pick up in L.A. too?"
Clay explained he was providing a daily copy and needed the lunch hour to get the transcript out as promised. They ended up breaking for lunch.
I was raised with horses. I do love them, but I also appreciate how much work they are AND how dangerous they can be, so I haven't ever wanted them as an adult -- especially with my kids.
I actually used to run barrels . Those girls at the rodeos racing around the three barrels??
That was me. Of course I have to find a competition in everything I do. It's just what makes me tick.
I'm wondering if I'm going to just dive right in or stick my toe in first.
I have a friend at work who swears the only way to transition into Eclipse is do it the first day. It's scary because when I worked on Clay's I edited about four pages an hour. HA!!
I'd get behind so fast if I did that longer than a day or two.
Getting in all my auto includes, etc., is going to take quite a while, I'm sure.
I am totally caught up on work, though, so I hope it does come this week so I can get going. I still have a new laptop just waiting for it, so I can run two systems for a while. Hopefully not long, though.
So I have to rub it in and take my Official gloating moments . . .
Hi Jenny,
Thanks for checking in. I guess I don't visit this site very much (or my own page for that matter).:) Currently I just received my confirmation for the November 7 RPR skills test. I passed the practice exams too! However, that was a couple months ago, and I have been practicing in the Magnum Steno Club daily during my summer break. Today was the first day back, and I was amazed how much my writing had changed. I have also moved from a rented apartment to an owned house....
I have to go practice. Thanks for checking in! matt
I've been getting good breaks for the past day and a half, so I'm not complaining.
Still haven't gotten my software, though, and I want it!
I'm right there with you on math.
You know my senior, almost 18 year old is BRILLIANT in math. So my three youngest boys and I were playing Yahtze -- I'm forgettina a letter or two, but you get it -- and I couldn't believe how slow they were in basic additional and times.
He can get a five on the national AP chem and calc tests, but to add up five dice, watch out. HA!
I gave both my high-schoolers a ration for it, and we all were cracking up. Think my second grader was doing as well as they were.
At least we know how to add up what somebody owes us. I figure that's all the math we need to know, right??
Well, I actually got it last winter when I was supposed to go on Eclipse. It's the IBM Lenovo ThinkPad. My boys have been using it, and I just noticed the number five and six keys sticking.
My Cole is such a slob. I'm sure he let something drip off his fingers into it.
I'm going to give them the hands off as soon as I load the Eclipse. They don't touch my old laptop with all my work on it.
AND you don't want to see me close up. Distant pics are just fine! I'm not as cute as you!!
There are already issues coming up as I'm talking to Clay. He'll say he can't do something or it's too difficult, and I know there's a way. He probably doesn't know it.
He'll be a great Eclipse rock for me, BUT I know who the experts are. :)
Here's my first Q:
Every day I create an outline for a dateline stroke. If I only have one case on the day, we're in trial, it only gets used once.
So every time I have a new case, I hit my DLAO*EUN stroke, and it pulls up the dateline that I've created in the editer containing my TRIPTS.
Clay says he cannot do it, or it would be too hard, or it would mess up his auto includes, which is my word, not his. I can't remember what he calls it.
So, anyway, that's going to be my first Q. When we're on a busy calendar -- like he was on yesterday here at my same courthouse -- it looks so awesome on the judge's screen to included that dateline before every case.
I'm sure it's easy and he just has blinders on re this one. :)
I was going to go for the RPR in Nov., but unfortunately I'm forced to wait until the next one now. I have way too much going on. Moving in December, getting married in March. I need to just take things one at a time.. :)
How is the work up in Northern California? That's actually one of the options for places to move.
Maybe I could talk her into leaving it for a day or two to see if stacking is an issue. I'm not buying any writer until I'm POSITIVE nonoperator-induced stacking is not an issue.
Think that was a triple negative, but you know what I mean. :)
I'll try to take it slow. I asked for two days in my office to catch up. I've never been given one since the springtime when I started with the new judge, who doesn't get off the bench, but I love anyway. New judges do court reporters in. Just how it goes.
So . . . Tomorrow and Friday I have a visiting judge, so you think I could get a couple days in my office to catch up on six weeks of appeals, etc.
I'm trying to take it slow. It's not always an option.
BUT I am happy to be going back, and yet a little sad my kids are back in school today and we're back to the grind. It was such a nice, relaxing (healing) summer.
In case you're wondering, my kids start school in August because we get the whole THIVG week, a month at KMAS, and two weeks at SPRAEK. I absolutely love their school schedule. Beats the three months off in the SMER and less time in the SKWRAOER -- school year.
I'll let you know how it goes.
I'm glad to hear the Grand is working out for you. You've been so patience trying to get a writer to fit. We just don't have a lot of patience time left, huh!!
Aug 12, 2009
Got to get off of here, but you inspired me. I'm going to help my little guy with a shower, tuck him in bed, and go work out at our community gym on the cross-trainer. It's really been helping my shoulder -- a lot!
Aug 12, 2009
Tina Givens
Don't know how my computer got hijacked, but some stupid malware program took over and attacked everything. Took me hours and hours to get it removed. LIterally spent all weekend trying to get things restored to normal. I'm running okay now, but avoiding any extraneous surfing on the net since I think that's what got me messed up to begin with.
Anyway, I must have fallen under some Indian star. I finally got out that horrid job from hell with the Indian doctor and then yesterday and today I had another dang videotaped Indian witness. Two full days of nonstop arguing and bickering. They walked into the room arguing, wanting to go on the record before we were even set up, and the bickering never stopped. It was absolutely toddler-esque. At one point with all three attorneys yelling and the witness talking at the same time I shouted out that I was not getting anything on the record. No one even glanced my way or attempted to stop. They couldn't have cared less. Just one of those unmanageable situations. On the break I asked the attorneys to please try to remember to control themselves for the record, and one attorney says, "Yeah, like that's going to happen." *sigh*
I'm going to post some snippets when I get a chance. It was one of those, "Your client is looking at me and mocking me" "nun-uh" "uh-huh" situations. At one point I was seriously tempted to put everyone in their own separate time-out corners.
So that's my life. How's things with you???
Aug 12, 2009
I'm impressed!!
I did 2.8 miles, 400 calories, AND something else. . .
I need something that exercises the mind!
I miss Tina. I'll have to say "hi" tomorrow.
Aug 12, 2009
Thanks again!
Aug 13, 2009
Aug 13, 2009
Aug 13, 2009
Uccelli & Associates
It was nice talking with you, and thank you again for contacting us. I've added you to our list and made note of the areas you prefer to cover.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Aug 14, 2009
My massage therapist is all booked for tomorrow, too, and is off next Saturday. I'm trying to squeeze in a Monday at 5:00. I'm spoiled just like you.
We're too busy to waste time on a massage therapist that gives you a little hand swirl, right?? :)
It's been hectic being back, but I just REALLY love my job, and I get this desperate slipping-through-my-fingers feeling when I think about not being able to keep plugging away at it.
I need to go back and see all the neat ergo things you told me about and some med April told me about with no SFEBGS -- her brief for "side effects." Now it's mine. :)
You take care this weekend, Jenny!!
Aug 14, 2009
Tim Floury
But, of course, I was so busy the last 2 weeks that I have about 300 pages I have to get done before I can go. I also sent 2 jobs out to a scopist to finish while we're gone.
Again, thanks for the travel wishes, it was really nice.
Talk to you soon,
Aug 15, 2009
Aug 17, 2009
Brenda Rogers
I've hardly seen the boy! He was at his dad's for a week, got home and I left for a week, I get home for a week, and he leaves for a week! Crazy summer!
Aug 17, 2009
I haven't heard back from this reporter yet, but am eager to.
Aug 17, 2009
Elise Nock
Aug 17, 2009
Linda Sorge-Howard
Just now getting a chance to write you back....sorry. I've been working and trying to get some of my Eclipse things that were messed up straightened out. I enjoy cleaning it up and seeing the progress, but hate that I'm having to do it. Some of my settings got messed up when I changed to my netbook computer.
I tried what you suggested on the speaker format and it got my left margin where I need it, but it didn't take that first line, the text that comes after the speaker's name, and wrap it on the line underneath like I wanted it to. I am sure I don't have to do a stroke to get it to do that because I never have before. Any other suggestions? I'm almost there!
I haven't been exercising at all. I've been so swamped with work, I have neglected finding time for me. But, this morning I got up and did my elliptical for 20 minutes. I did it slow and it didn't feel too bad. I'm going to try to do it again tomorrow, possibly even tonite. I use to do exercise for 30 minutes twice a day, but just didn't do a high intensity workout both times.
I am so excited because a girl that I met in LV and I, along with our husbands, are going on the cruise to the Bahamas that Julie Sanford is putting on! It is in November and from Mon thru Friday, but she has assured us that we will get plenty of education on Eclipse without interferring too terribly with our fun time! Hope and I are super excited to be doing this.
How are you doing? How is work? Have you gotten any busier? I've been scheduled for a few jobs but it seems like they're cancelling on me. Don't mind too much since it has allowed me to finally be caught up.
Gotta run. Hope your day is great! I appreciate your help.
Aug 18, 2009
Dawn Howard
Aug 18, 2009
Linda Sorge-Howard
I love your little graphics! They are so cute. And yes, you can call creating a macro creative. I haven't even attempted to use or make any macros. Do you use them for editing or when working realtime?
I had a job yesterday and my speakers finally worked! Yay!!! Now if I can get the paragraph format fixed, I'll be doing GREAT! I will probably call support today to get them to help me. I have a job at 10:30 though, so I am going to have to get busy getting ready.
I hope you had a really good massage. I envy you. I still keep hoping one day soon I'll be able to have enough time to fit that in and ENJOJY!
Hope you have a great day!!
Aug 19, 2009
Judy Ammons
Aug 19, 2009
Judy Ammons
Aug 19, 2009
Kelli Combs (admin)
I figured you might like this... trippy.
Aug 19, 2009
Linda Sorge-Howard
I would love to talk to you about the macros. I am really trying to push myself. I want to do all I can to make my job easier and less stressful, thereby helping me overall with my health.
I am so excited that my jobs for the rest of the week cancelled. I am almost caught up totally and this will give me the chance to get even closer, if not finished. Then I really can make some attempts at getting the office straightened up or just finding out what else I can learn or straighten out.
I am hoping to be able to go to the fitness center that I joined several months back soon. I think I am ready now that I have taken some of the pressure off of myself and can focus a little more on me. You will be happy to know that I haven't had any ice cream in weeks! I'm not even missing it.
Let's talk soon!
Aug 19, 2009
Linda Sorge-Howard
I got up this morning and did a mile on my elliptical, which for me not having done anything in quite a while was great. I feel good this morning and am looking forward to a productive day.
Yes, let me know whenever you get some time. I've kind of been looking at what's in the program and will be playing with them as I get some time. I get all excited when I can learn something new. Oh, and by the way, no, I have not been using hyperkeys. I know, I know....something else for me to learn! LOL
Have a wonderful day, Jenny!!!
Aug 20, 2009
Linda Sorge-Howard
I am trying to proofread a job and having trouble focusing. It's the last one for me to be caught up to current status. I hope you get yours out of the way, too.
Aug 20, 2009
Aug 22, 2009
I got almost the whole week in my office to catch up on one job that was due during the five, six weeks I was off, and honestly because I knew my shoulder wasn't ready. It actually was a mistrial TRIPT which I was told they didn't need for another month (after I called to tell them I was out on an injury), end of August, but I really wanted to get it off my plate this week and get the shoulder rested up more, so I did something I never do and asked for time out of court. Got it all wrapped up yesterday. It was not quite 500 pages, but most of it was an eyewitness ID expert from UCLA that talked 280 wpm nonstop and wasn't ever able to answer a direct question. He was on the stand for an entire day.
My shoulder actually started feeling so much better just yesterday, and I am so excited. I was thinking pretty gloom and doom. I think exercising has been so great, even though I haven't exercised for two days because my calves are about to fall off. I'll be back at the cross trainer tonight.
It's raining here today. Really strange, but I'm loving it.
Getting a facial at 1:45 today, and she'll be bringing the rotors out -- derma abrasion. :)
I can't wait. She's just the sweetest person ever and her facials are incredible.
My massage girl was off this weekend, so I have a Monday at 5:00.
Thanks for the beautiful picture -- again!!
You do the Neti thing too??
At least you agree with me about the gross part. Guess I should try one out this winter maybe??? I just get the willies thinking about it. :)
Aug 22, 2009
I really believe in prenatal vitamins. I have always felt my best when I'm on them -- and since I was pregnant and breastfeeding nearly half my adult life, I've taken them often. I probably didn't stop taking them from No. 1 to No. 4.
So . . . no, I'm not pregnant, but I am back on the juice. :)
Aug 22, 2009
So you sew too. I am so terrible at that. The best I do is sew on a button every couple of years.
I actually called the Eclipse broker and made sure I was on the list to get the next Eclipse turned in with the additional edit key. That was the big hold up for me -- along with pushing my brain to the outer limit.
But . . . on our two-day getaway to San Diego a couple weeks ago, my husband and I saw that body exhibit -- UNBELIEVABLE! -- at the Natural History Museum, and all the stuff about the brain got me inspired again to get Eclipse. Pretty much if you don't use it, you lose it, and learning new things is key.
So . . . I know you and Brenda will help me with all the great things I need to learn to keep this brain from shriveling up and dying any more than it already has.
It was a female at the company this time, and she promised I'd get the next one turned in. However long that takes, I'm not sure. I never did write on Eclipse with my dictionary, but I honestly feel that is going to be a super PLUS!! It's being slower at editing and learning the auto includes and cut and pasting, etc.
I question the support. Clay makes it sound like the techs are impatient, and when he's having an issue and I say call, he doesn't want to because I think he feels a bit browbeaten.
They better not make me feel that way!!
Well, I'm sure he's fine with the hint and he is not the type to get mad about that, but no special thanks. He just does stuff that he knows gets to me in a good way, so I guess that's thanks enough. :)
He called me out of the blue on Wed at lunch -- no reason. Guess he got another last minute daily dumped on him when he got to work on Monday morning, so he only had time to take a couple minutes to say hi.
So all is good!
Aug 22, 2009
Linda Sorge-Howard
Hope you're having a good weekend. It's beautiful here. Believe it or not we have had a cool front come through. We're supposed to dip into the 60s tonite! LOL Highs are still in the low 90s but very low humidity which is almost unheard of this time of year.
Talk to you soon.
Aug 22, 2009
I used to cross-stitch a lot until getting CTS. I really loved it, BUT it, too, did a number on my hands unfortunately!
I'm going to bed . . .
Aug 22, 2009
C Cipolla
Yeah... the world feels different when the rock in your life is gone. At first, I played a lot of Solitaire and Tetris just to numb my mind from thinking about it. Now, I'm in the phase of having to deal with his life stuff... helping my mom now, because he had always been managing the household.
Aug 23, 2009
Linda Sorge-Howard
I've been busy all day and now we are getting ready to go run and get a bite to eat. If it's okay, let me know and I'll call you when I get back. We shouldn't be too long, but I don't want to intrude on your relax time. I'm in Louisiana, so it's two hours difference. Let me know what's the latest (your time) aI can call, and if it fits, I'll call, or if you don't feel like it today, we can do it another time.
Aug 23, 2009
April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR
Aug 23, 2009
It's going to be 3060, I think, with two keys, one full service and one edit. They actually just called me yesterday because they had a two-key system turned in, and I was on the wait list for it.
I just need to get the docs filled out, and I'm buried this week.
My husband just got in from Alaska tonight with about 150 lbs of fish, so I'm hoping things will calm down. I would have never made it being a single mom. :)
Hope you're having a terrific week!!
I'm not reading this again.
Aug 26, 2009
I lied. I read part of it . . .
Aug 26, 2009
Tim Floury
Thanks for the welcome back. You're such a sweetie! We had a great time. New York City is amazing!!
I got my Passport today, yes. It's very cool. Are you on Facebook? I've got some cruise pics up there.
Got to get one little expedite out of the way and then I can play with the Passport this week end.
Look me up on Facebook, or I'll look you up.
Aug 27, 2009
Tim Floury
I'm glad I did 'cause it's very cool. You need to give it a go. You'll love it.
Aug 27, 2009
Tim Floury
Aug 27, 2009
Deborah M.
I agree on the sewing stuff, although I don't mind the hand sewing. I like hemming stuff, kind of relaxes me. But -- I redid my daughter's bathroom when our roommates moved out in June and bought two shower curtains -- one to hang up and the same one to make a window curtain from. Summer's almost over and it's still sitting in the package on my dresser, waiting for me to make a curtain. Hmm.... maybe today...
Aug 30, 2009
Deborah M.
Aug 30, 2009
Talked to Acculaw this past week. Eclipse has all the paperwork. They just need to get everything to me.
I did end up getting a two-key system for 3100, support and updates for a year. Second time I've done business with Acculaw -- bought Clay's Eclipse through them -- and Eclipse has told me straight up they can't beat the price, even though it makes no sense to me because they're the ones that send out the brand new stuff, manuals -- everything -- and cover the support and updates exactly as they would if I bought it direct through them.
I'm not sure why anyone would go Eclipse direct??
Hope you're having a great long weekend. So relaxing.
Got to spend a couple hours this morning in our veggie garden. It's still giving off quite a bit of stuff for this late in the season. Probably picked 20 pounds of squash, peppers, tomatoes, etc.
Shoulder is feeling so much better. I had an easy week -- all but Monday when the judge gave me a five-minute break in the p.m. from 2:25 to 2:30, and then we went to 4:15. If I don't get 15 minutes in the a.m. and 15 in the p.m., my body does the pretzel thing. I keep trying to get brave and have a little "talk" with him about it, but I keep chickening out.
He made a comment about my realtime versus somebody who covered me while I was off with the injury, and I took that as the perfect moment to pipe in about needing 15-minute breaks, not ten or five, but did I say anything??
He's got to get that it doesn't magically appear in English form on his screen with no effort now that he has something to compare it to.
Pray for me to get bigger chonies. :)
Sep 6, 2009
Brenda Rogers
Sep 6, 2009
What's really funny is I'm the first one to tell Clay not to let a judge walk over him, and I'm proud to say he's doing really well at it.
A judge was going to work straight through lunch as the witness had to pick his wife up at the airport in L.A. in the afternoon. This was in Palm Springs.
So everybody decides they're going to work straight through lunch, and when it was settled Clay spoke up and said, "What about me?"
Judge says, "You have a wife to pick up in L.A. too?"
Clay explained he was providing a daily copy and needed the lunch hour to get the transcript out as promised. They ended up breaking for lunch.
Do as I say, not as I do. :)
Sep 6, 2009
I actually used to run barrels . Those girls at the rodeos racing around the three barrels??
That was me. Of course I have to find a competition in everything I do. It's just what makes me tick.
I'm wondering if I'm going to just dive right in or stick my toe in first.
I have a friend at work who swears the only way to transition into Eclipse is do it the first day. It's scary because when I worked on Clay's I edited about four pages an hour. HA!!
I'd get behind so fast if I did that longer than a day or two.
Getting in all my auto includes, etc., is going to take quite a while, I'm sure.
I am totally caught up on work, though, so I hope it does come this week so I can get going. I still have a new laptop just waiting for it, so I can run two systems for a while. Hopefully not long, though.
So I have to rub it in and take my Official gloating moments . . .
I'm enjoying my PAID day off. :)
Sep 7, 2009
If it has something to do with winning, count me in!!! I'll give it a try!
What a nice, vivid picture you gave me of your forest. Sounds so wonderful!
Sep 7, 2009
matt hanneman
Thanks for checking in. I guess I don't visit this site very much (or my own page for that matter).:) Currently I just received my confirmation for the November 7 RPR skills test. I passed the practice exams too! However, that was a couple months ago, and I have been practicing in the Magnum Steno Club daily during my summer break. Today was the first day back, and I was amazed how much my writing had changed. I have also moved from a rented apartment to an owned house....
I have to go practice. Thanks for checking in! matt
Sep 8, 2009
I've been getting good breaks for the past day and a half, so I'm not complaining.
Still haven't gotten my software, though, and I want it!
I'm right there with you on math.
You know my senior, almost 18 year old is BRILLIANT in math. So my three youngest boys and I were playing Yahtze -- I'm forgettina a letter or two, but you get it -- and I couldn't believe how slow they were in basic additional and times.
He can get a five on the national AP chem and calc tests, but to add up five dice, watch out. HA!
I gave both my high-schoolers a ration for it, and we all were cracking up. Think my second grader was doing as well as they were.
At least we know how to add up what somebody owes us. I figure that's all the math we need to know, right??
Sep 9, 2009
Sep 9, 2009
My Cole is such a slob. I'm sure he let something drip off his fingers into it.
I'm going to give them the hands off as soon as I load the Eclipse. They don't touch my old laptop with all my work on it.
AND you don't want to see me close up. Distant pics are just fine! I'm not as cute as you!!
Sep 9, 2009
He'll be a great Eclipse rock for me, BUT I know who the experts are. :)
Here's my first Q:
Every day I create an outline for a dateline stroke. If I only have one case on the day, we're in trial, it only gets used once.
So every time I have a new case, I hit my DLAO*EUN stroke, and it pulls up the dateline that I've created in the editer containing my TRIPTS.
Clay says he cannot do it, or it would be too hard, or it would mess up his auto includes, which is my word, not his. I can't remember what he calls it.
So, anyway, that's going to be my first Q. When we're on a busy calendar -- like he was on yesterday here at my same courthouse -- it looks so awesome on the judge's screen to included that dateline before every case.
I'm sure it's easy and he just has blinders on re this one. :)
Sep 9, 2009
Rajahnique Hubbard
I was going to go for the RPR in Nov., but unfortunately I'm forced to wait until the next one now. I have way too much going on. Moving in December, getting married in March. I need to just take things one at a time.. :)
How is the work up in Northern California? That's actually one of the options for places to move.
Sep 9, 2009