

Sacramento, CA

United States

Profile Information:

What is your occupation?
What state do you live in?
How did you find out about CSRnation?
Have always known about it.
What is your CSR number if you're a court reporter?
If reporter/scopist, what software do you use?

Comment Wall:

  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    A warm welcome from CSRnation, thanks for joining.
    please join the Court Reporters group to your right.
    just click "Court Reporters" and "Join Court Reporters"

    We are into our 2nd week, give it some time, it should get very exciting around here.

    Just a heads up. if you look at the top of your page to the left, you will see a person icon and a mail icon, click on the little guy and add me to your friends list (assuming you would want to, lol).
    also, you can send private messages if ever need be.
    you can add pictures, music and videos to your page.
    if you have any questions please let me know.
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    hello, Its also a good idea to have a picture of yourself on your page, please check this post, thank you. Click here!
  • Jackie Ostrom

    Hi Matthew,

    You can email me privately at for rates and other info such as turnaround times.

  • tphaeulz

    Thank you for the congrats! Who knows? Maybe one day I'll run into your friend.
  • Matt Spievak

    H Matthew. My name is Matthew as well, and I am reporter in San Francisco. I just joined this group yesterday and was not aware that there is another Matthew, and I think someone was tyring to chat with me thinking it was you; so I will try and change my profile to Matt if I can...
  • Marla Sharp

    Matthew! Thanks for inviting me. This site rocks the Kasbah! It's like MySpace for the reporting world. Wow. Thank God for people who can do Web pages, huh?!

    Hope to see you at the next SoCal CSR Outing and also at the DRA convention. That should be a good time up there in wine country.

  • Valerie Eames

    Yeah, just signed up to check it out. I see a lot of people I know. Coming on the 12th the "beginning/students" Eclipse users group at my house? Starts about 11:30 for lunch.
  • Candice

    Hey Matt, school is going all right except I'm having trouble getting all the classes I need so I can get out when I get my speed:/ But I'm passing 180's!:)

    How's reporting going? Find a good scopist yet?? I'm sure you could find one on here. This place is cool. Just like myspace sort of..

    I don't think my mom is going to the DRA convention, but I think I'm for sure going to the NCRA one at Anaheim this year.
  • Anastasia Swinkles

    I had so much fun. I'm just glad you were able to make it. I hope we can all get together again soon.
  • Clay Frazier

    hey, dude.
    you busy out there?
  • Malinda

  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Happy Birthday Matthew!
  • Clay Frazier

    no. :(

    hey:) totally you
  • Kyung


    Thanks for adding me as a friend. We freelancers have to stick together. It was nice meeting you at the social. Hope we'll get to chat more at future ones.
  • Audrey Ricks

    Hi, Matthew! Did you hear back from anyone? I sent them separate e-mails and forwarded your contact info, told them they could bypass me and send the info directly to you. Hoping someone replied by now! Let me know! I don't have any e-mails (yet) from anyone. ;-(
  • Audrey Ricks

    Disregard! I just checked AOL and saw all the activitiy there. I e-mailed you back directly! ;-)
  • Clay Frazier

    Good. Yes. EVERYDAY.
    how about you?
  • Mariana Kabadaian

    Yes, sir! I was really trying to make it priority between my bazillion transcripts but.....shouldn't you be working???
  • Audrey Ricks

    Welcome to San Diego! Did you bring that L.A. sunshine with you? We've been in May Gray now June Gloom for many weeks! Argh! Well, I think it's generally slow out there, but if you decide to do realtime, it may pick up immediately for you. I am on multi-realtime hookups 5 days this week, so that should tell ya something. ;-) Drop in if you have any questions or if there's something I can help you with. Have fun in court!
  • Clay Frazier

    I've been in a civil department in Palm Springs.

    But wait. You mean you got hired as an official?
    Or you got hired as pro tem and now they can't use you?
    Or you got hired as pro tem and they won't take anyone new, but you're already in?
  • Clay Frazier

    wow. what a drag.

    I'm nervous. I don't want CRs to become a talking point for the budget defecit.
  • Kyung


    Hope you're keeping busy down in SD. I got your message about Eclipse and Mac. I know Keith Vincent runs his Eclipse on a Mac using Boot Camp.e-Tip_75.pdf
  • Kyung

    That's so awesome. I'm glad the move is working out for you and your commute has been cut down. I love to work local too.

    Feel free to pass my name on to anyone who needs help in the OC or LA.

    The 3GS looks like fun. I'm on the wrong network. I'm thinking about the Pre. We'll see.
  • Wynne A. Pauly


    Keith Vincent from Houston is an Eclipse user who has a MAC. And there's a woman in OK also. Have you tried the Eclipse forum? You have to have paid your yearly fees to access it, but that would be he best source.
  • Wynne A. Pauly

    I love my 3G iphone! It is tempting, isn't it. Everywhere I look I see iPhones.
  • Kyung

    Great reply to Adrienne!!!
  • Kyung

    Have a great Fourth in SD.
  • Donna Bleskin

    Hey, Matthew
    Just trying to put my feelers out to see if it's worthwhile to invest in Eclipse edit software again. Can you give me an estimate of an average how many pages per week you're needing help with? I have a few other reporters on Eclipse that I'm going to get in touch with as well, and I'll let you know what I decide. Glad you're busy!
  • Stephanie Fernandez, RMR

    Hi Matthew,
    I don't know whether or not you'll remember me, but Teresa Russ introduced us at the NCRA convention last year. I just found out I passed the CSR, and I was wondering if you had any advice you'd like to share about getting started. Is there anything you wish you'd known when you started working? I'd appreciate any suggestions.
    I hope you're doing well.
  • Micki England

    Hello from Cerritos College. Congratulations on your move to San Diego!
    You may notice that I had to put CRI for my profession.
    "Court Reporting Instructional Aide" Works for me.
    I sure do miss you my friend.
    Have a wonderful day =0)
  • Stephanie Fernandez, RMR

    Thanks, Matthew. I'm glad to hear you're so busy.
    I actually just had my first interview this morning, and I got the job. I haven't actually applied anywhere, and I already have two agencies. I'm really excited about getting started.
    Hope you're doing well.
  • Stephanie Fernandez, RMR I'll fill you in when I hear from you.
    Thanks :)
  • tami carlson

    Hi, Matthew. I am purchasing software on Monday. I was convinced that Eclipse is right for me, but spoke with a competing spokesperson late today; and it left me questioning my decision.

    Can you tell me if you entrust a lot of conflicts to your software? Or do you write relatively conflict free? Was Case really able to differentiate conflicts as accurately as Eclipse?

    Thank you.
  • Kwanna Collins

    Hey Matthew!!! Thanks so much for introducing me to Eclipse. I really never thought about Eclipse until you mentioned it. So i went to the website and i was very impressed. It appears to be very user friendly, which i like. CaseCat is a very complicated software, and that's why i was looking for something else. I like the fact that Eclipse has a global define and so many wonderful features. I called two of my girlfriends, who are court reporters, and both of them use Eclipse and love it. My only issue is the price. Do you know where i could get the software a little cheaper other than paying $4000.00? That's is a bit steep for me. Other than that, i love it.
  • Tricia Gemmill

    Hi, Matthew. Thanks for the inquiry, but my current reporters are keeping me extremely busy, and I am unable to take on any additional work.
  • Lisa Casler

    Hi, Matthew - Thank you for your inquiry. I'm just returning from a little time off, so I'll need a few days to settle back in. I do have a full complement of customers at this time; however, I may be able to assist you on an as-needed basis. I'd like to further discuss this early next week, if you are available! Thanks, Lisa.
  • Kwanna Collins

    Hi Matthew. Is Susquehanna a bank? I am having a hard time finding this company. If it's not to much trouble, can you give me a contact number? I called Eclipse and the options they have don't work in my favor. The first one was put one thousand down and then my monthly payment would be 350.00 a month, which is too expensive. The other option is to pay it all up front, i wish i could. Anyway, any information you can give me would be a great help...thanks
  • Cheryl Draper


    Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I don't always think to check my page for comments. I tried to e-mail you but it came back undeliverable.
    I'm available, so if you're still looking for a scopist, I'd love to hear from you.
  • Karen

    Hi Matthew,
    I'm available if you're still looking for an Eclipse scopist. I haven't been checking this website very often. My email is and I check that daily! I've actually been looking for a busy reporter and would love to have more work. Karen
  • Joshua Foley

    Hey, Matthew!

    Which friend of yours did I meet at the convention? School is going well. I wish it were going faster, but doesn't everybody? :) I'm hoping to be done within a year.
  • Micki England

    Hey Matthew, I just wanted you to know that I really do miss you. You're the best. Keep goint.
  • Sinéad O'Shea

    Congratulations on your new arrival!