Cammi Bowen


San Jose, CA

United States

Profile Information:

What is your occupation?
Freelance court reporter
What state do you live in?
How did you find out about CSRnation?
Through a mentor

Comment Wall:

  • Erika Gunther

    Hi Cammi,

    It is nice to put a face to your name as well. This site seems like an interesting one. :)
  • Janet McCann

    Hey, Cammi!

    This is nice! I've been so busy with the holidays and getting work. I'll catch up with you soon! Hope you're doing good. :)
  • Carol Holmes

    Hey Cammi! Great picture! Bonnie is a dachschund basset mix, but she looks beagle-ish, doesn't she? :)

    I gotta put a pic of me on here, but I don't have one on this computer yet! :)
  • Carol Holmes

    I just noticed you are at 200! CONGRATULATIONS!! Hope you pass those last tests soon! Where in CA are you? I lived there pretty much my whole life until we moved to TN 7 years ago. I grew up in the South Bay, but we also lived in the Valley and lastly in Simi Valley. :)
  • caryn

    Hi, Cammi!
  • DivaCRStudent

    Hey, Cammi!
  • Rick Louie

    Hi Cammi,

    I do remember your name! I became a night student in 2003. In "high speeds" right now, and yes, I still work at Gigatron. ;-) Thanks for remembering me!
  • Rick Louie

    Great! Good luck in school!
  • caryn

    Hey, Cammi! I'm still in NJ. I'm still certified in CA, so when they asked for a CSR #, well....
    Yep, I'm very busy. In fact, I'm working on a 200-page daily! It's my first daily, and I'm so lucky it was on a Fri. Otherwise, I'd have to work all night to get it in the
    next day. How are you?
  • Kar

    Cammi - I took a break from home study practice over the holidays. I just found this forum and am trying to figure it out.......
  • Kathryn Charpentier

    Hi Cammi, I was just doing a little online studying and was pleased to see your comment. Nice photo BTW. I'll see you tomorrow at West Valley.
  • Kar

    Cammi, I haven't talked to you for a while. I've kind of been out of pocket lately. I kind of miss the every other week chat sessions...How's the practicing going? Any new challenges lately?
  • Kathryn Charpentier

    Good morning, Cammi. I haven't been doing the finger drills as diligently as I should. But I have noticed when I do them before practice, I certainly have more control and less fatigue. Practice, practice, practice . . that's all I do lately. Life has been put on hold until after the CSR :) Let's hope it pays off. How are you coming along at school?
  • Kathryn Charpentier

    Yes, Cammi, when I passed the mock, I was doing the finger drills right before class. I would do 30 minutes of the drill book, doing 15 minutes on each side. I didn't do any speed takes right before class. Maybe it would be a good idea to not sit for the mocks and rest your mind and your hands, maybe take that time to do some visulization in the lab. I know you can do it, Cammi. Your readback is great and you have a good attitude. Believe me, I've struggled every step of the way. And if I can do it, anyone can. Have a great weekend.
  • Kar


    What have you been up to lately? I miss the old forum and chats! I'll e-mail you.

  • Crystal


    Don't know how I missed your comment in April (guess I'm still getting used to this thing), but yes, it's me. I don't know why my page says Los Angeles, either, and still trying to figure out how to change that. I'm still in Alaska. Los Angeles would be the last place I'd move to if I ever left here.

  • Kar

    Hi Cammi - I haven't been around lately, either. Who knows when you will get this message. I see you there hasn't been much going on since August. I'm just not crazy about this forum so I don't sign on very much. Are you getting ready to take the next RPR?
  • Trudi O'Brien

    Hi Cammi,
    Good to hear from you. Yes, I am still doing this and it is going great. Nice to almost be there. I looked at your page and it said you are at 200 WPM also. Is that old? If it is congratulations. Talk to you later.
  • Kathryn Charpentier

    Hi Cammi,

    The depo worl is slow right now, so I took some time to jazz up my page and saw you there. How are you doing in school? Are you still captioning?
  • Kathryn Charpentier

    Hi Cammi, I head through a little bird you're going to the CSR. Good luck you can do it!!
  • Keith Rowan II


    So glad to hear the CSR seemed to go well. You're the current pride and joy of West Valley and are going to be a working pro soon!

    By the way, I remembered I have a better brief for argumentative that I hadn't practiced enough yet to remember -- GAOUV

    Take care!
  • Keith Rowan II

    Cammi! I am eagerly awaiting news of your CSR pass! I think you said August 7? That's tomorrow! Good luck! When you pass, you better post it here, and don't forget the little people! :)
  • Keith Rowan II

    Oh, no, didn't pass?! Well, aren't I the horses's ASZ. I am so sorry! You are being very lady-like about the whole thing. I know you will work your behind off and pass in October.

    Yes, Best wishes for the Oct. test. What an accomplishment!
  • LizBeth

    Cute pooches!

    Only one more to go then? Awesome! What a succes for you!
  • Keith Rowan II

  • Keith Rowan II

    That's excellent. Best of luck! Probably was less nerve-racking the second time around. We going to see the busy bee in school at all? Probably not, huh?
  • Keith Rowan II

    I know someone who found out about the CSR today. You get your notice yet?
  • Keith Rowan II

    Sorry you haven't found out yet. I know that waiting is the worst part. Lily sure hated waiting for her realtime test results and I know I will hate waiting for my CSR results too. Hope it comes soon. Best of luck. We're all pulling for ya!
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Hey, Cammi

    Congratulations on passing your CSR. That is soooo exciting. If you ever have any questions, I would be more than happy to help.

    I know when you are new out there taking jobs, you tend not to speak up because you are a little unsure of yourself. Confidence comes in time.

    There are tons of questions that people on this site will be able to help you with. Whatever you are going to be experiencing, I am sure there is someone on this site that has already experienced it already. Good luck!!
  • Janet

    Congratulations on passing your CSR!!!! That is great!

  • LizBeth

    Looks like you need to change the "About Me" section of your profile, Miss CSR. Congrats!!!!!
  • Keith Rowan II

    Wow, wtg Cammi! That's so great to hear. Congratulations!

    Mocks are going to be so lonely!